FS – Correspondence between Smith and members of the Bullock family

Archive Collection – Frederick Smith Papers

Correspondence between Smith and members of the Bullock family

This collection contains letters between Smith and Frederick Bullock, Secretary of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Later years of the correspondence also include letters between Smith and Bullock’s wife Janet, and son Wilfred. Bullock assisted Smith in his research for his publications, initially by carrying out research on his behalf in various London institutions, in particular the library at the British Museum [now housed at the British Library], and providing translation of works in Latin or French. As the correspondence continues, more personal information is shared between the men, but most discussion is still focused on professional and literary matters. From 1919, Smith employs Janet Bullock to proofread his new edition of ‘Veterinary Physiology’, and this professional relationship continues until Smith’s death.

The significant majority of the letters are from Smith to Bullock, and it is assumed that his correspondence was kept by Bullock and added to Smith’s papers once they were moved to the College after Smith’s death.

There are some letters to Smith or Bullock from other individuals, and it is assumed these were enclosed in letters between the two men, and so belong in this series. Enclosures are often mentioned in letters, but not found at time of cataloguing. These may be housed in other parts of the collection.

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