
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 37 Issue 6 – June 1864
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Fracture of the Sesamoid Bones of the Off Fore-Leg of a Horse with Luxation of the Fetlock Joint; Case of Fibro-Vascular Tumour in the Bladder of a Cow; Observations by Professor Varnell; Case of Open Hock-Joint...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 4 – April 1862
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On Some of the Diseases of Stomach and Intestines of Horse and Other Animals; Action of Indian Hemp in Paralysis. - Case of Ruptured Stomach - Paracentesis Abdominis; Abscess in the Coats of the Stomach of a Mare. - A Sequela of Epidemic Catarrh; An Uncommon Case of Traumatic Tetanus;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 2 – February 1862
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Death of Several Horses from Feeding on Oats Affected with Fungi; Professor Tuson's Report on the Chemical and Microscopial Examination of some Oats Supposed to Posess Poisonous Qualites; Fig I; Fig II; Fig III; Fig IV;...
Poisoning by Arsenic

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 12 – December 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. Carcinoma in an Alderney Cow; A Word About Aloes; Evidences of the Antiquity of Attaching the Shoe to the Foot of the Horse by Nails; Fibrinous Tumour Situated in the Pelvic Cavity of an Ox;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 12 – December 1860
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On Therapeutics. Therapeutic Action of the First Group; A Case of Chronic Lesion of the Diaphragm, Resulting in the Death from the Entrance of the Intestine into the Rent
Ovarian Tumor in a Pony; Extraction of a Urethral Calculus from a Two-Year old Pony; Dilatation of the Right Ventricle of the Heart, Accompanied with a Fibrinous Tumour which Nearly Filled its Cavity;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 7 – July 1860
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On the Use of Arsenic; Case of Lacerated Rectum of a Horse; Remarks on the Above Case by Assist-Prof. Varnell; Rupture of the Bladder in a Mare from Foaling, and Dislocation of the Foal's Neck; Accidents to Hunters; Rupture of the Vessels of the Mesentery of a Mare;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 12 – December 1857
Articles include: The Introductory Address; Communication and Cases. On the Soundness and Warranty of Horses; Observations on the Law of Warranty of Horses; Pulmonary Apoplexy in a Cow; Case of Rupture of the Spleen;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 7 – July 1857
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On the Vegetable Alkaloids; Memoirs of a Veterinary Surgeon. Thoughts on Nasal Gleet; The Dairies of London in Connection with Unwholesome Food; Glanders, and the Authorities of Cities and Towns in Ireland;

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 29 Issue 7 – July 1856
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On the Relative Weight of the Body and of the Viscera of the Elephant; Rupture of the Colon of Horse; Explanatory Reply to the Above Communication; Cases of Malaena in Cows;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 29 Issue 3 – March 1856
Articles included: Communication and Cases. Cancer Affecting Some of the Nerves, with their Ganglia; and also a Portion of the Brain of a Cow; What to Do and What Not to Do; Case of Thoroughpin, Treated by Puncturation and Pressure;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 27 Issue 5 – May 1854
Articles include: Tuberculous Diseases of Horses in India; A Reply to the Strictures of Mr. Finlay Dun on Homeopathy, which have Recently Appeared in a Work of his Entitled 'Veterinary Medicine their Actions and Uses';
American Veterinary Practice; Cases; Cases of "Tabes Mesenterica."; Enteric Affection;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 15 Issue 11 – November 1842
Articles include: Lectures on Horses. Lecture VI. The Fore Leg, or Cannon; Introductory Lecture on the Opening of the Medical Session, 1842-43; An Account of a Gangrenous Disease Among Cattle in the United States; A Case of Epidemic Disease in Cattle - Divison of the Posterior Mesian Artery, and Ultimate Union of the Divided Parts;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 3 Issue 1 – January 1830
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; Youatt on Rabies Canina; A Case of Pneumonia; On Breeding; Inflammation and Rupture of the Liver; Symptoms of a Case of Acute Pleurisy, Speedily Followed by Death; ...