
72 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 27 Jun 1913
Smith writes to thank Bullock for his biographical research into Blundeville, and for composing a letter to Moule on his behalf. Smith also mentions research into Mascall, Barnaby Googe and Gervase Markham.

71 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 25 Jun 1913
Smith writes to ask Bullock to help him compose notes about 16th century veterinary literature to send to Leon Moule. He also asks for research into Markham, Mascall, and Blundeville, using sources such as the British Museum, and...

65 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 18 Jun 1913
Bullock writes about the results of his research into Delprato's works regarding Ippocras, Hippocrates, and Moses of Palermo. Bullock encloses notes regarding Ercolani's writing about 'Ipocras' and Columbre.

61 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 13 Jun 1913
Smith writes about various research subjects including: work by Molin regarding Ruffus, Boniface, Ippocras and Hippocrates; sources regarding Master of the Horse and Keepers of the King's Stud at the Public Record Office;...

43 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 2 May 1913
Smith writes about various research subjects including: the works of Edward Arber on publications in Britain in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries; literature from the Arab Period in Europe, including the work of Moses of Palermo;...

1 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 21 Jan 1911
Bullock writes on various research subjects including: Statutes of the Realm held at the Public Record Office; legislation relating to horses.
Enclosed are eight pages ...

14 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 22 Nov 1910
Smith writes on various subjects including: Bullock's list of 16th, 17th, and 18th century veterinary authors; Smith sorting his personal library of books; research into horse tax;...

13 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 21 Nov 1910
Bullock writes on various research subjects including: the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons move to premises at Red Lion Square; veterinary authors of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries...

11 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 16 Nov 1910
Smith writes on various research subjects including: cavalry during the reign of Elizabeth I; Parliamentary Acts regarding coach horses; the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons at Red Lion Square;

10 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 15 Nov 1910
Bullock writes on various research subjects including: horse breeding legislation during the reign of Henry VIII; cavalry during the reign of Elizabeth I. Enclosed is a typescript summary of two Acts of Henry VIII...

9 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 14 Nov 1910
Smith writes on various research subjects including: cavalry of the Spanish Armada; veterinary authors of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries; plagiarism.

8 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 11 Nov 1910
Smith writes on various research subjects including: horse legislation during the reign of Henry VII; purchase and trade of horses during the reigns of Charles II, Henry VIII and Elizabeth I;...

6 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 10 Nov 1910
Bullock writes on various subjects including: the results of Bullock's research into horse bread and Elizabethan horse supply, from sources including Thomas Blundeville and Charles Hamilton Smith.

5 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 9 Nov 1910
Smith writes on various research subjects including: legislation during the reign of Henry VIII; research of sources taken from Berenger [presumably Richard Berenger]; horse bread; Thomas Blundeville's writing...

4 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 8 Nov 1910
Bullock writes on various research subjects including: portrait of Turner by H W Pickersgill in the RCVS Council Chamber; horse breeding legislation during the reign of Henry VIII; horse bread; musters; records of horses purchased for the King 1798 to 1800...