
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 6 – June 1858
Articles Include: Communication and Cases. The Position Assumed by the Fore-Foot of the Horse in the Varied Movements of the Limb; Communication and Cases. On Warranty of Soundness; Communication and Cases. On "Gut-Tie";...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 1 – January 1857
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On Glycerine; Proposal to Form a Veterinary Protection Society; A Calculus Causing Rupture of the Rectum of a Horse; Cases from my Note-Book; On Soundness; Case of Nasal Gleet; On the Use of Iodine in Farcy;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 24 Issue 5 – May 1851
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Canker; Chloroform in Tetanus; Poultry Lousiness; Remarks on Poultry Lousiness; Contributions to Veterinary Pathology; Black Quarter in Calves; Singular Case of Lusus in Naturae in Twin Calves; Review. On the Study of Surgery; an Address Introductory to the Course of Surgery Delivered at University College , London at the Opening of the Session 1850-51;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 4 – April 1846
Articles include: Lameness. Pathology of Spavin; A Second Letter from Mr. Baker on the Formation of a Veterinary Annuity Fund; Veterinary Annuity Fund; Perforation of the Scull to Draw off the Water , for the Cure of Hydrocephalus in Cattle; Immoderate Thirst in a Horse;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 11 Issue 1 – January 1838
Articles include: Animal Pathology. By Mr. Youatt. Lecture XVII; On Fractures; Retention of the Foetus; The Comparative Effect of the Actual Cautery and the Seton; On Hock Lameness; in Reply to Professor Dick; Contributions to Comparitive Pathology. No XVII;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 10 Issue 2 – February 1837
Articles include: Animal Pathology by Mr. Youatt. Lecture IX; On Spavins and Splents; Air in the Heart of a Horse; Experiments on Nitre; On Wood-Evil and Moor-Ill; Extirpation of Tumours on the Shoulders; On Influenza; Abcess in the Thigh of a Heifer;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 4 Issue 10 – October 1831
Articles include: On the Indian Burusatee; A Successful Case of Neurotomy; On the Treatment of Tetanus; Singular Penetration in the Thoracic Cavity of a Cow; Two Cases of Neurotomy; Veterinary Schools.- No. IV Copenhagen;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 3 Issue 14 – 15 July 1830
Articles include: The Seat in Driving; The Cruelty Case; Instructions for Fitting Horses with Proper Bits; Former Opinions Respecting Glanders; Strangulation of the Body of the Uterus, which Prevented Delivery in a Cow;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 2 Issue 21 – 1 November 1829
Articles include: The Veterinary College, Miscalled a National Institution; On the Stricture and Development of the Spinal Cord in the Foetus; An Essay on the Minute Anatomy and Physiology of the Organs of Vision, in Man and the various Orders of Animals;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 2 Issue 19 – 1 October 1829
Articles include: On Veterinary Reform; Essays on the Origin and Natural History of Domestic Animals; Review: A Treatise on the Teeth of the Horse, shewing its Age by the changes teeth undergo, from a Foal up to Twenty-three Years Old; especially after the Eighth year;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 10 – October 1828
Articles include: The Terrier. Canis Terrarius; Veterinary Certificates; On the Ventilation of Stables, and the Effects of Temperature on the Skins of Horses in Different States; On the Antiquity of Hunting; The Veterinary Society;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 9 – September 1828
Articles include: Exterior of the Horse; Mr Coleman versus The Profession; Veterinary Pupils and Certificates; Regimental Veterinary Cases; The Veterinary Society; On Mr B. Clark's Essays; On Condition in Horses; An Inquiry into the Rot in Sheep;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 7 – July 1828
Articles include: Remarks on the Royal Veterinary College; Appeal to the Veterinary Profession; London Veterinary Society; Observations on the Dissecting and Preparing of the Bodies of Animals; On the Adulteration of Veterinary Drugs;

Vegetius, – “Artis veterinariae, sive Mulomedicinae libri quatuor, iam primum typis in lucem aedii. Opus sane in rebus medicis minime...
Contents Include: Artis veterinariae, sive Mulomedicinae libri quatuor, iam primum typis in lucem aedii.Opus sane in rebus medicis minime aspernandum; Illustrissimo Principi Ferdinando Regi Hungaria, Bohemiae &c [Illustrious Prince, King Ferdinand of Hungary, Bohemia etc.]; Epistola Dedicatoria. Serenissimo Ac Ilustrissimo Principi D. Ferdinando, Regi Hugariae, Bohemiae, Archiduci Austriae, Duci Burgandiae, &c. Domino…
Epistola Dedicatoria [Letter Dedication];...