
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 15 Issue 11 – November 1842
Articles include: Lectures on Horses. Lecture VI. The Fore Leg, or Cannon; Introductory Lecture on the Opening of the Medical Session, 1842-43; An Account of a Gangrenous Disease Among Cattle in the United States; A Case of Epidemic Disease in Cattle - Divison of the Posterior Mesian Artery, and Ultimate Union of the Divided Parts;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 13 Issue 7 – July 1840
Articles include: A Case of Glanders in the Human Being; Remarks on Unsoundness; On Roaring - the Summering of the Hunter - the Subject of Roaring Resumed - the Blister and the Cautery - Cold Applications to the Legs - Curbs - Distemper in Dogs - Shoeing - the Frog - Shoeing Resumed - the Board of Examiners - the Causes of Glanders;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 11 Issue 3 – March 1838
Articles include: The Comparative Effect of the Actual Cautery and the Seton; The Application of Nitre in Cases of Gangrene; A Case of Puerperal Fever - The Cow Destroyed by Nitre; On the Expansion of the Horse's Foot; Haematuria (Acute Red-Water) in Cattle;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 10 Issue 8 – August 1837
Articles include: Animal Pathology by Mr. Youatt. Lecture XIII; A New Method of Treating old Sprains of the Capsular Ligaments of the Shoulder and Hip-Joints; The Administration of Phosphorus in Influenza; Obstruction of the Pyloric Orifice of the Stomach of a Horse by Bots;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 10 Issue 4 – April 1837
Articles include: Animal Pathology by Mr. Youatt. Lecture X (concluded); Letters to a Student; On Puerperal Fever in a Cattle; On Diseased Ovaria; The Medicinal Properties of Nitre; Neurotomy; Sketch of Veterinary Practice in London During the Year 1836;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 10 Issue 3 – March 1837
Articles include: Animal Pathology by Mr. Youatt. Lecture X; The Influenza of 1836; The Epidemics of 1836; On the Epidemic of 1836; India, &c; New Views Regarding Roarers; Extract from the Report of the Veterinary School at Alfort, During the Scholastic Year 1835-36;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 10 Issue 2 – February 1837
Articles include: Animal Pathology by Mr. Youatt. Lecture IX; On Spavins and Splents; Air in the Heart of a Horse; Experiments on Nitre; On Wood-Evil and Moor-Ill; Extirpation of Tumours on the Shoulders; On Influenza; Abcess in the Thigh of a Heifer;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 8 Issue 12 – December 1835
Articles include: Mr. Youatt's Lectures on Veterinary Medicine and Animal Pathology, Lecture LI; Veterinary School at Alfort. Extract from the Report of the Proceedings During the Scholastic year 1834-35; Idiopathic Tetanus;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 7 Issue 12– December 1834
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLV (Continued); On Wounds Penetrating into the Chest of the Horse; On the Function of the Frog; The Cramp in Horses; Division of the Flexor Tendons; Extraction of A Fork from the Abdomen of a Dog;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 7 Issue 5 – May 1834
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLI; Extracts from my Case - Book. No IX. Neurotomy; On the Effect of Purgatives on Cattle; Fatal Effects of a Slight Wound in a Bullock; A Case of Shoulder Lameness;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 7 Issue 2 – February 1834
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Continuation of Lecture XXXVIII; On the Use of the Scale Cornutum (Ergot of Rye) in Retention of the Placenta, and Protracted Labour; Cases of Dropping after Calving; Cases of Indigestion;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 3 Issue 14 – 15 July 1830
Articles include: The Seat in Driving; The Cruelty Case; Instructions for Fitting Horses with Proper Bits; Former Opinions Respecting Glanders; Strangulation of the Body of the Uterus, which Prevented Delivery in a Cow;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 2 Issue 11 – 1 June 1829
Articles include: A Treatise on the Diseases and Lameness of Horses; The Veterinary Profession and the Veterinary College; Physiology; Extracts from some practical Hints upon Live Stock; in Particular as Regards Crossing;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 2 Issue 7 – 1 April 1829
Articles include: On the Navicular Disease and the Operation of Neurotomy; Veterinary Society; Remarks on The Veterinary College; A Treatise on the Diseases and Lameness of Horses; On the Size and Fitting of Saddles; Death Occasioned by the Bite of a Horse;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 5 – May 1828
Articles include: The Horse Bazaar; Royal Veterinary College. Anniversary Dinner of the Pupils; Horse Cause; The Marmot; A Description of Veterinary Medicines; On the Opthalmic and the Sphenopalatine Ganglia in the Horse;...