
‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 2 Issue 19 – 1 October 1829
Articles include: On Veterinary Reform; Essays on the Origin and Natural History of Domestic Animals; Review: A Treatise on the Teeth of the Horse, shewing its Age by the changes teeth undergo, from a Foal up to Twenty-three Years Old; especially after the Eighth year;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 2 Issue 11 – 1 June 1829
Articles include: A Treatise on the Diseases and Lameness of Horses; The Veterinary Profession and the Veterinary College; Physiology; Extracts from some practical Hints upon Live Stock; in Particular as Regards Crossing;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 2 Issue 9 – 1 May 1829
Articles include: A Treatise on the Diseases and Lameness of Horses; Medicine Contractor v. Veterinary Professor; Veterinary Surgeons Dinner; A Method of Obtaining a Greater Number of One Sex, at the Option of the Proprieter, in the Breeding of Live Stock;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 2 Issue 5 – 1 March 1829
Articles include: To the Subscribers to The Veterinary College; Veterinary Society; Case of Suspected Glanders; Accident on the Road, and action bought thereon; Court of Common Pleas; A Treatise on the Disease and Lameness of Horses;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 2 Issue 3 – 1 February 1829
Articles include: A Treatise on the Diseases and Lameness of Horses; Veterinary Society; To the Subscribers to the Establishment at St. Pancras, called the Veterinary College; The Veterinary College Dinner; On Broken Knees;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 2 Issue 1 – 1 January 1829
Articles include: Address on Commencing the Second Volume; Veterinary College; A Treatise on The Diseases and Lameness of Horses; Veterinary Society; Case of a Mare Pony; Case Treated by Vigorous Depletion Unsuccessful; Depletion Vigorously Pursued: The Result Successful...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 12 – December 1828
Articles include: Mr. Coleman's Introductory Lecture; On Navicular Disease; On the Apearance of the Blood of Animals Under Different States of Excitement; Veterinary Profession; Horse Cause; Veterinary Society; On Turkeys;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 1 Issue 9 – September 1828
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; On the Worm in the Eye of the Horse, and on the Kumree, or Weakness of the Loins, in Horses in India; Dropsy and Thickening of the Pericardium in a Cow, Caused by a Needle Sticking in it...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 9 – September 1828
Articles include: Exterior of the Horse; Mr Coleman versus The Profession; Veterinary Pupils and Certificates; Regimental Veterinary Cases; The Veterinary Society; On Mr B. Clark's Essays; On Condition in Horses; An Inquiry into the Rot in Sheep;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 4 – April 1828
Articles include: London Horse and Carriage Repository, and Turf Betting Rooms; Veterinary College; A Description of Veterinary Medicines; Horse Cause; New Nomenclature of the Horse's Foot; Observations on Abscesses of the Keraphylla;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 3 – March 1828
Articles include: The Veterinary College, As Originally Constituted, Compared with its Present Mismanaged and Corrupt State; Animal Phrenology; Instructions for Breeding Pheasants; On Tonic Medicines for Horses;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 1 – January 1828
Articles include: Preface; The Rise and Progress of The Veterinary College; On the General Principle of Elasticity in the Feet of Animals, Particularly the Horse; On the Diseases of the Eye of the Horse; Uses of Different Drugs Employed in the Diseases of Horses and Other Animals;...

Townson, Robert – “Tracts and Observations in Natural History and Physiology” (1799)
Chapters include: Physiological Observations on the Amphibia - Dissertation the First on Respiration, Anatomy of the Instruments of Respiration, On the Absorption of the Amphibia...

Snape, Andrew – “The Anatomy of an Horse” Appendix (1683)
Chapters include: Section I. Of the Generation of Animals.: The Preface, Section I. Of the Generation of Animals.: Chap. I. Of the Vegetation of Seeds, particularly of a Wheat-corn, Section I. Of the Generation of Animals.: Chap. II. Of the first rudiment of an Egg, and what way it passes to the…, Section I. Of the Generation of Animals.: Chap. III. By what means and degrees a Chicken is formed out of an Egg...