FS/2/2/2/1/4 – Selected papers from veterinary case notes relating to the Liver and Spleen
This material is Crown copyright, and contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License v.3.0.
These papers relate to Smith’s professional career as a veterinary surgeon, and as a published author on veterinary subjects.
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Click here for full transcript of Case Notes for Horse A6
12th Royal Lancers
Station: Bangalore
Date: 1882
Troop: A
Number of Horse: 6
Sex: M
Age: 4
Disease: Epilepsy
Date of Admission: 23 Sept
Date of Discharge: 10 Nov
Result: Relieved
Record of the Case
23 Sept
Epilepsy. Called suddenly to the lines to see this horse at 6 pm. found her down, in a highly nervous state, eyeballs rolling, head rocking from side to side, pulse weak, got her up after a lot of trouble, and walked her to the sick lines. She was then paralyzed behind, & leaned all over to the left side. Placed in slings. Administered aloes ℨV Mustard to the loins.
24th [Sept]
Better. Eyeballs less off rolling, not so much nervousness. Leaning over to the same side in the slings.
Apply Ammonia to the loins. Not purging, repeat the aloes. The Sp. Gr. of the urine is very high 10.52 owing to phosphate lime[?].
26th [Sept]
Continues to improve. Stood out of the slings all day. Sp. Gr. Urine 10.50
5th Oct
Urine changed colour from a yellowish white to red.
No deposit of lime. Sp. Gr. 1052
14th [Oct]
Took out of slings permanently. Continued rest
25th [Oct]
Send to the troop lines for rest, being now perfectly convalescent. There is the least suspicion of unsteadiness in the hindquarters.
10th Novbr
Moves perfectly. To remain unmounted for three months, as a precautionary measure.
Discharged, Relieved
[Transcription by Claudia Watts, KCL History, April 2019]
Click here for full transcript of Case Notes for Horse belonging to Colonel Dawson
Colonel Dawson’s Horse
July 20th 1889
Admitted to infirmary stables at 5 pm exhibiting colicy pains. Gave drench, Spl (Aumm Aro) ℨj,
Spl Nit Ether ℨj, Tinct Opii ℨj. Water 1 pint. Gave enema and sent to walking exercise. Passed some dung with enema & a lot while at exercise.
6 p.m – Appeared a little easier, repeated Drench & enema, exercise
7 p.m Decidedly worse. Gave aloes ℨV in solution, Amm Carb ℨij & Ginger ℨiij in ball. Hot fomentations to abdomen.
10 p.m Suffering great pain, passed the catheter & emptied bladder, continued hot rugs to abdomen every ¼ hour. Gave Lig Ext Can Indica ℨijss, also Amm Carb ℨss in ball. Constant enemas.
11-30 p.m. Gave Ext Can lndica ℨj. Continued hot rugs & enemas, passed nothing. Continually walking round box
July 21st
Repeated Ext Can ludica, began to get sleepy
1-30 a.m. Lay down & was very quiet
10-15 a.m. Pulse scarcely perceptible, like a bit of cotton, passed catheter & emptied bladder. Gave one dose of Physostigmine, in ¼ hour began to pass wind & a little mucous, but no dung passed yet. Pulse improved wonderfully. Hot rugs and enemas.
1 p.m Repeated Ext Can Indica. Hot rugs and enemas, lay down a little, then got up and stood very quiet for 2 hours. Took off wet rug, dried abdomen and applied Liniment. Drank water several times. Passed nothing yet.
11 p.m. Standing very quiet. Gave Linseed oil 1 pint.
July 22nd
Lay down, very quiet
2 am
4 a.m. Got up & staled well.
6 [a.m.] Staled again.
7 [a.m.] Drank some water, gave enema, nothing passed.
9 [a.m.] ¼ hour exercise. Good pulse.
11 [a.m.] [1/4 hour exercise.] Continued enemas
4 p.m. Gave enema, brought away a little dung, ¼ hour exercise, as soon as he came in he passed some dung.
5.30 p.m Gave enema, passed some more dung
July 23rd, 7 a.m Gave enema, brought away a lot of dung, ¼ hour exercise
9.30 a.m. Gave bran mash which he very soon eat.
1 p.m. Gave enema, brought away some dung & during the afternoon he passed some himself.
6.30 p.m Began to purge & purged well all night
July 24th Doing well, still purging, keep warm, bran mashes.
[July] 25th Doing well, dung setting.
[July] 26th Doing well. Half diet.
[July] 27th [Doing well, Half diet]
[July] 28th [Doing well], ¾ diet, ½ hour Exercise daily
[July] 30th Full diet
August 1st Discharged Cured
[Transcription by Claudia Watts, KCL History, April 2019]
Click here for full transcript of Case Notes for Horse Y16
12th Royal Lancers
Station: Bangalore
Date: 1882
Troop: Y
Number of Horse: 16
Sex: G
Age: 6
Disease: Paraplegia
Date of Admission: 25 March
Date of Discharge: 30 March
Result: Died
Record of the Case
25th March
Paraplegia. This horse was admitted with a slight attack of colic yesterday. This morning on coming out of the box he was noticed to crop his hind leg, rolling unsteady gait & every symptom of paraplegia. Has control over bladder and rectum. Clipped spine & applied a severe blister. Gave internally Aloes ℨV, Constant enema & place in slings
26th [March] No change, blister has not taken, put on sheep skin.
27 [March] Worse & very unsteady in slings, rolls from side to side, a touch of the hand pushes him over. Give Linc: Ergot Cure. Pot Iodid ā ā ℨy to indic put on another sheep skin & re-blister. Has control over the sphincter.
28th [March] – Worse Slumping throwing so much weight into slings & sitting down, that I had to let him out of them. Continue Ergot, & foment loins
6 p.m. Struggles very slightly, but I have no hope for him
29th [March] No change except perhaps for the worse
30th [March] Remains same. No power whatever. Pulse fairly good, give aloes ℨy as the bowels are not acting. Patient feeds well. Fired[?] back as a last resort & blistered it again.
4.30 p.m. – Died rather suddenly. P.M examination revealed lungs congested. Heart filled with fibrous clots, (cause of death), Liver intensely congested. Kidneys
congested. Intestines healthy, filled with gravel, stomach healthy. Brain congested, slight extravasation on the surface of both hemispheres of cerebrum.
Vessels congested slight amount of serum. Spinal cord intensely congestion especially the lumbar & sacral portions, the latter surrounded by a gelatinous exudation. The congestion was confined to the pia mater. Spinal veins congested, filled with clots. Substance of cord rather harder than usual. The sacral region particularly rested on a quantity of serum effused within the dura mater.
Discharged, Died.
[Transcription by Claudia Watts, KCL History, April 2019]
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Click here for full transcript of Nasal Gleet case
[Annotated ‘Ozoena’]
11th September 1891
Mule destroyed for nasal gleet A.S.C.
Fed at 6 am with 3lbs of oats, destroyed at 12:20 noon.
Stomach contained 9 ½ oz dried
oats in a fluid & macerated condition. The fluid being like milk & only slightly acid. This is very remarkable & most marked. The acid of the stomach was not Hydrochloric. The oats had passed as far as the ileum & had entered the Caecum and also the 1st portion of the colon, though not from a greater distance than one foot of the latter gut. This is a remarkable & interesting fact as this mule not having received oats for days had none inside him excepting what was given at 6 am. The duodenum contained macerated oats in a pultaceous yellow mass, further on the grains of oats could be more distinctly defined floating in a yellow viscial[?] liquid. Further on, in an apparently more finely concentrated granular condition still in a yellow fluid, this granular condition I take to be pht acid albumin, & on arriving at the ileum pasty & sticking to the gut. The latter not being so contracted as usual. The reaction throughout was neutral excepting at the ileum where it was faintly alkaline. I cannot quite remember the reaction of the duodenum but I fancy faintly acid. I am not clear on the point as my mind is confused though a previous day’s post mortem (Segt Miles says it was neutral.) The Caecum contained a dark green fluid in which floated oats & grass. The latter sank, reaction faintly alkaline. The deep green colour was peculiar & produced by grass as I may say this animal had recd no corn for days & lived on grass in the paddock. The final colon contained a little corn for about a foot or so the ingesta was semi solid & also the dark
olive green of the caecum it construed wholly of grass. Reaction neutral. 2 colon very fluid grass. Dark green, reaction alkaline, 3 colon fluid grass, dark green reaction neutral 4 colon ditto.
Single colon ball formed slowly being slimy on their surface & dark green reaction faintly alkaline, after two or three feet they became alkaline externally & acid internally.
The 1 & 2 colon was alive with small thread like parasites. In this feeding experiment we have the undoubted fact that in 6 hours corn has entered the 1st colon.
The neutral reaction of small & large intestines & faintly acid alkaline reaction is very remarkable.
Exam of head. The frontal & max sinuses were filled with a dense gelatinous membrane which divided it into septa each containing a mucous looking pus. The inferior turbinated bone bulged considerably on the nasal passage at its posterior part & was ossified. I cannot quite understand the cause of this, the septum nasi was adhered to the superior turbinated bones on both sides
There was considerable thickening of bone at the sent from operation.
My post mortem experience leads me to believe that the thorough scraping out of the sinus & removal of periosteum would be the only likely method of cure in a similar case. This horse mule had double nasal gleet, the off side did well the near side was trephined several times but the membranes always formed[.] the case lasted 12 months.
The blood from this mule formed a firm clot in six minutes. The mule was pig fat on grass & must have had a large digestive co-efficient.
[Sketch of sinus cavity with annotations:
Point of attachment of the septum nasi
Bulge of Inf: Turbinated bone]
The communication between the sinus & nasal cavity was very large & inside the nostril at this part was a cyst containing pus & serum or thick serum like material, the walls of the cyst being formed of schneiderian membrane. The turbinated bone at the bulge was ossified.
[Transcription by Claudia Watts, KCL History, April 2019]
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Click here for full transcript of Case Notes for Chestnut Mare
Chestnut Mare – Lazaretto [Annotated ‘5 Lancers’]
Previous History of Mare:
History of this case was that the mare without any reason showed signs of intermittent lameness; this gradually got worse & thrombosis was diagnosed from the following symptoms.
Would start well; after going a little distance would commence straddling with hind legs more marked in off than near. The straddling gait rapidly got worse & rocking from side to side. She was with difficulty got to a place where she could lie down. When she would get down at once showing every sign of acute pain extremities cold, veins of hind legs much distended (an important size & in the present case due to venous a well as arterial thrombosis) The iliacs were previous in May 1887 at time when the above symptoms were most marked. In March ‘88 the iliacs could only be felt as hard cords. Pulsation abruptly ceasing at posterior Aorta. There was no patchy sweating. Nothing out of the ordinary in the sweat symptoms to draw one’s attention to it. Symptoms passed off in an hour – Time symptoms took to appear was 5-10 minutes.
Roarer – She was an intermittent roarer & there was nothing on P M Exmn to account for this.
no Laryngeal paralysis
Note – That she had as slightly straightly dropped hind legs it was possible to have.
In Feb ‘87 mare was reported to have slipped backwards in jumping over a ditch leaving her hind legs “behind her” nothing appeared amiss afterwards.
On 20th March 1888 was found down and unable to rise, No signs of cholic. Feeding. no loss
of sensation. Pulse decidedly firm 40, less intermittent than
usual. Conjunction near mouth pale. got her up with help stood for ¾ hour. all hay & straw. relieved her of 1 Gall of urine which was thick & creamy in appearance. Examination per return should iliacs of both sides like firm cords & with no pulsation in them. Again fell down suddenly & lay quietly.
On morning of 21st evidently worse and died in forenoon. Had eaten feed.
[Annotated ‘P M Exmn’]
Great congestion of peritoneum; marked congestion of the bowels. Displacement of double colon. pelvic[?] flexnor[sic] being close to Diaphragm (there was great p. m tymphany although body was examined at 5 pm) Colon contained large quantity of healthy material.
Small intestines inflamed from Duodenum to ileum colon being maroon. gut not thickened; contents blood – coloured ingesta. Cause unknown unless intratracheal injection of serum from case of Hydrothorax produced it.
[Annotated ‘Liver’]
Small chocolate coloured and calcareous. 7 lb 12 oz. one deposit removed, as large as a cherry stone.
The lime deposits were nothing like so numerous as met with in India but quite as large &
of same character.
Stomach and Kidneys healthy
Attached to omentum were 2 small tumours size of nut. extremely hard & like the testicles of a small animal in appearance – on section found to be lime encapsuled. the deposit being of a dirty grey colour
[Annotated ‘Lungs – normal’]
A little water in chest & also in pericardial sac. On slitting up some of the pulmonary vessels the internal coat was found roughened & from thrombi attached. Beyond this change & a slight oedematous condition of anterior lobe of right lung (& that was probably due to the intratracheal injection) nothing of further importance was observed.
Post Aorta
Just before its bifurcation into the iliacs contained a firm thrombus which on the Cardiac side had a tapered extremity, about 3 ½ inches long. Whilst on iliac side it almost completely filled the vessel
the Ext[erna]l & Int[erna]l iliacs with their various branches were also plugged. so completely in fact that it was difficult to understand how any blood passed along the vessels. The thrombi extended down as low as the middle of Tibia where an artery had been accidentally cut across & a little fluid black blood escaped. The dissection of the vessels was as easily accomplished as in a[sic] infected “artery subject” in fact the feel imparted to the fingers on manipulating the arteries was just as if filled with firm wax injection. On slitting open the post[erio]r Aorta close to its iliac bifurcation a firm clot resembling much in shape a human pluis[?] was found. Its colon was yellowish internally, blood coloured externally & where flakey adherent to wall of the vessel it was brown.
This adhesion occurred at floor of Aorta so that whatever blood passed through the vessel was between the roof of the thrombus. In the Iliac arteries the clots appear to have completely filled the vessels & though collateral circulation must have been established to compensate for this plugging yet such was not observable.
Those vessels doing the work were not particularly large. Observe that the clots in all the vessels were irregular & appeared like dice on a string. The composite nature of thrombus showed that it had been gradually added to & that these additions were irregular was proved by the nodular condition of the vessels.
The Post[erio]r Vena Cava had a firm thrombus in it extending from its origin 6 or 8 inches forward.
It by no means filled the vessel; was firmly
attached to the wall at its posterior part but elsewhere lay free. It was a shrunken mottled, yellowish, white rigid clot. This latter was covered by a membrane which on being incised yellowish olive material could be squeezed out. Is it not peculiar for a thrombus to be provided with a covering.
The Iliac veins were free; but in tibial vein of off hind exactly in popliteal space was a firm thrombus completely distending the vessel causing it to assume a varicose appearance; & was as large as one’s thumb. On making a section into the varicose tibial veins the coats were found very thick. Thrombus externally yellow & firm internally brown & soft – this latter most peculiar.
The veins from head of tibia (off hind only) down to front of hock were completely plugged as far as front of hock (veins 2 not one) were varicose the whole distance & the plexus which forms over front front[sic] of joint being fully distended by the thrombus formed the most pretty natural injection conceivable.
On removing the skin from inside of thighs considerable hamorrhage[sic] had taken place into the muscular tissue & in places the muscular tissue & in places the muscular fibres appeared torn & hemorrhage was also present as far in as obturator foramen.
[Transcription by Claudia Watts, KCL History, April 2019]
Click here for full transcript of Case Notes for Horse 15894
[Annotated ‘Fibralation of the Ven abl June 1927’]
1893 No 11 Corp: Horse number 15894
8th June – Valvula[sic] Disease – fell this morning & brought sick with injured knee. Took pulse and found it 14 no mistake, taken a dozen times. Temperature 102. 18, fainted five times during the day – heart sound difficult to determine first sound normal & sound attended long pause during which the heart appears to be spasmodically contracting, judging from the vibrations of the chest, irregular pulse. The thumping of the heart so great that it can be counted at a distance by the shock seen.
The scapula & chest wall.
9th [June] Pulse 15, fainted three times – feeding well
10th [June] [Pulse] 18, [fainted] twice [times] – [feeding well]
11th [June] [Pulse] 18 resp 18 [fainted] twice [times] – [feeding well]
12th [June] [Pulse] 24 [resp] 18 [fainted] four [times] – [feeding well]
13th [June] Temp 101 [Pulse] 36 [resp] 18 [fainted] four [times] – [feeding well]
14th [June] [Temp] 100 [Pulse] 43 [resp] 18 [fainted] three [times] – [feeding well]
15th [June] [Pulse] 18 [resp] 18 [fainted] three [times] – [feeding well]
16th [June] [Pulse] 18 [resp] 18 [fainted] five [times] – [feeding well]
17th [June] [Pulse] 18 [resp] 18 [fainted] four [times] – [feeding well]
18th [June] [Pulse] 30 [resp] 18 [fainted] three [times] – Case hopeless Board applied for
14th July – Destroyed by order of a committee. P.M.E The heart was enormously dilated & so flabby that it was like jelly all the cavities were dilated & the wall atrophied so much so that the left ventricle was thinner than an ordinary right ventricle. There was no vascular disease & I cannot account for the absence of the 2nd heart sound. Heart weighed 9 lbs.
14th July – Destroyed
[Annotated ‘Thickness of left ventricle 1 1/8 inches
Extreme width of left [ventricle] 11 [inches]
[Extreme width of] right [ventricle] 11 [inches]
This horse was destroyed with chloroform prior to which a very careful examination was made of the chest by Buller & me. The heart was irregular & thumping 1st sound an entire absence of the 2nd sound succeeded by distant vibrations of the heart wall or chest wall but no pound.
This heart sound was carefully gone into, it varied for 17 to 30 per mint[sic]. The higher number was due to excitement the animal being about[?] to be destroyed.
I expected the heart to stop readily under chloroform but this was not the case, it took two or three ounces & the exclusion of air to destroy him. The respiration then ceased before the heart.
I do not understand the absence of the 2 heart sound with healthy valves. There can be no doubt that it was absent this is quite ununderstandable unexplainable excepting on the
After the heart had stood for a few hours rigor mortis set in & the walls became firm, but not so firm as ordinary.
The cause of the Dilation of the heart is obscure doubtless the length of time it took the ventricles to fill is the explanation of the slow pulse
After a faint the pulse became nearly entirely lost. They gradually strengthened to a marked dicrotic[?] character.
Irregular pulsation observed as high as the junction[?]
Sounds of this heart
1st sound thumping
2nd [sound] sometimes entirely lost at other times a mere trace of sound.
In either case the heart contraction is followed by a vibration of the chest wall as if the heart were spasmodically contracting & yet no sound produced.
[Transcription by Claudia Watts, KCL History, April 2019]
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Content warning:
Please note, this archive item contains racist language and/or imagery, as written by the document’s author. This has also been preserved in the transcript of the item. Some content is highly offensive, but it is preserved here for the purposes of historical study and reflection.
Click here for full transcript of letter
[FS/2/2/4/2/1] (1)
‘At Sea Off Natal’
‘4 Dec 1899’
[Salutation Redacted]
My last letter to you was sent ashore at Cape Town to be posted. You would have judged from the hurried concluding lines that our change of destination was unexpected, we got orders to go to Durban which is a sea journey of about 1000 miles & we reach there to morrow[sic] morning. All being well this should be our last day on board ship & I am very glad of it. I take it we are intended for the relief of Ladysmith & we know a big battle is impending which will be fought & over long before you get this. For all we know it may be over before our arrival which would be crushing luck. Of our future movements we know we nothing, not even of our immediate ones, but before I close this
[[2]] letter to morrow[sic] you will know the latter & after that the information from me will be I fear most irregular. I need hardly say I have not had a letter from you yet, so you can imagine how I am looking forward to one. I have been very careful on the voyaje [sic] [5 lines Redacted] I sent you a cablegram by a man I do not know but I hope it reached you safely. I calculated it would be at the Croft on Sunday morning, it left the ship 5p.m. Saturday. I could imagine the excitement of getting news from me is in such a short time [.] What would I give to have news from you, [3 Lines Redacted]
[[3]] To day [sic] we are busy arranging our kits 30lbs for me means the valise[?] without mattress & 1 small waterproof sheet instead of my big one 1 blanket 1 shirt 1 drawers, 1 jacket, 1pair [?] boots [1 word illeg.]. not a very extensive wardrobe[.] oh I forgot towel & soap. (While I am writing this there is a constant jabber going on behind me, about what fellows are taking with them & leaving behind — it is a perfect Babel & I cannot collect my thoughts) I think my plan is to leave everything behind at Natal Durban & then send for them as I require them, but I shall not see much of it until the campaign is over. It would astound you to see the kit carried by some men, beds with brass rods, mosquito curtains [,] long arm chairs Etnas [?], Coffee urns and Lord knows what. I fear my kit is very meagre in comparison, but it is carried much very easily & that is more than can be said for theirs. The talking has become so incessant, some men sitting down & talking to one even when I am writing that I must give this letter up as hopeless for the present [.]
I gave it up &have just tackled it again after dinner [9 lines redacted]
I have put my kit together [.] I cannot take my writing case or your [1 word redacted] F.S. ink bottle & lots of other things besides. It will come to 40lbs weight which is more than we are entitled to so I will probably have to throw my Kettle away.
[FS/2/2/4/2/1] (2)
[[1]] We have had a great afternoon getting ready for to morrow[sic], you cannot imagine the kits some fellows have, they are incredible enough to stock a shop. In order to get near my weight I have had to throw out my mattrass[sic] (I cannot spell it) pillow, waterproof sheet, Canteen no bag, but I have taken my rubber boots & waterproof. I have not taken my Khaki serje[sic] (I have now put it in) but will leave behind me a bag containing shirt, socks, pair[?] boots, Khaki serje[sic].
The band at special request has had to play the Belle of New York again & just outside my Cabin the yellow hearts[?] of the Regt are dancing up & down the deck over ones kit & rotting[?] generally, I can remember being once like them, but I suppose it is dispensation of Providence that one gets quieter as they get older.
On the whole we have had a good
[[2]] passage, though for you she would have rolled too much, there is a big sea on now but it is behind us so it rather helps us on & we do not feel it. I shall be glad to land to get the anxiety of these horses[?] off my mind. I find we have done much better in the way of horses than some other Regts [.] The Royals lost 38, the 10th about 30 & other Regts in proportion. our loss to date is 21troop horses & 1 charjer[sic].
As soon as I land I must look for a horse. I hope I may not have much trouble in this respect — I presume the cheque of the Standard Bank of S.Africa can be negotiated in Cape To[wn] Natal.
I have not mentioned money affairs to you as I know you are provided for in this respect & I am sure you will be careful [2 lines redacted]
[[3]] [3 lines redacted]. It will all be very heavy but with your assistance it will all be met. I am writing [to] the Calcutta Fund to say I am here so there will be an extra charge for this for war risks. I have just written [16 lines redacted]
Your sole letter, the one I got at Liverpool before leaving [words redacted]. I hardly expect to get another for some time [words redacted], but I will write to you (in pencil) at any & every opportunity.
[FS/2/2/4/2/1] (3)
[[1]] You ought soon to be making Enquiries about that house in St Johns’ Park so as to secure the refusal. In fact go to Dyer & Hilton at once & see them about it but do not commit your-self until you see how matters go but secure the refusal, this is important to you. We know very little at present of the war excepting that the Guards got a hammering at the Modder River.
I have said all along that the campaign would be a big business & not a walk over as some thought. I feel for you in your anxiety, but remember you are not the only one so placed, there is a comfort in that, there are hundreds of wives & mothers situated as you are [word redacted]. You must be proud that England is so anxious for us all. It is I who am anxious [2 lines redacted]
[[2]] 5 Dec. We are in Durban but not yet landed we disembark this evening afternoon & go by rail to Maritzburg & from there it is said to Escourt. Buller[1] is at Maritz’bg[sic] & the big fight comes off in 10 days time. The result of it you will know long before this letter reaches you [,] one cannot forecast events [.]
You will have the satisfaction of knowing that Buller will be in command, for we hear rumours of a great demoralization among the Generals or at any rate some of them. They do not appear to know their own minds.
You will have heard of the loss of the Ismore[2] with the 10th Hussars on board. Very bad luck. a battery of RA also appears to be on board. Altogether we do not appear to have had much luck up to date, but our luck will turn. We were glad to hear the fight at Modder River was more of a British success than some of the other victories. All this is fresh news to us though very stale to you I fear.
[[3]] The fighting in Natal has not been conspicuous for its success, but we can last longer than the Dutchman. In my next I will give you an account of my journey up to Pietermaritzbourg[sic] & the preperations for our advance. You will it best to work out all the movements on the map.
We are at present lying in Durban outside the harbour [.] we cannot enter until high tide at 3pm[.] the sea here is always rough, we rolled most uncomfortably this morning after dropping anchor & fancy “fiddles”[?] being on the table of a ship at anchor? I will leave the remainder of this paper to close up with after reaching the shore. By the bye Javis knows the Mackenzies well & has often stayed with them. Mrs is much older than him & was the daughter of a big furniture man, the Maple of some years ago he did tell me the name but I have forgotten it
We are now in & disembarking. Horses go off to night[sic] while we all leave by train to morrow[sic] for Mooi River to a place called Weston 50 miles only from Ladysmith & from here Buller will advance & a battle will take place between Weston & Ladysmith for the relief of the latter place. I shall therefore be right up at the front this time. One cannot predict the result of the fight or whether I shall come out of it safely, but [13 lines redacted]
[No valediction]
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[1] General Sir Redvers Henry Buller (1839-1908), Commander-in-Chief of British forces in South Africa during the early months of the Second Boer War and subsequently commanded the army in Natal until his return to England in November 1900
[2] S.S. Ismore a British ship
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The copyright of this material belongs to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. It is available for reuse under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-commercial license.
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[FS/2/2/4/2/2] (1)
Cheveley Camp Close to & South of Colenso
18 Dec. – 1899
[Salutation Redacted]
[[1]] The events leading up to the Battle of Colenso must form the subject of a future letter, in this I will give you an account of the Battle itself which occurred on Friday 16th Dec —
We arrived at Cheveley early the previous day from Frere, as we got in to camp the
Bombarding of the Enemy’s Earth works was going on & lasted all day. I wrote to you that night
[[2]] as soon as I learned that it was decided to fight next day. We bivouacked that night sleeping ready dressed & moved off at 3am. [2 lines redacted] Knew nothing of what was in store for us. I handed all my money over to Morton & wished him good bye[sic] for he was remaining with the baggage. On we went with the first early streak of light, getting off as far as possible to the right under the cover of a hill so as to avoid drawing the enemy’s fire. The arrangement of the ground was simple[,] we were on a long exposed plain[sic], they were in
[[3]] rifle pits backed up by heavy batteries in hills opposite to us between the two positions was the River Tugela, the bridge over which was the object of the attack.
Now everyone knew that a direct attack of the enemy’s front was a hopeless business owing to the extraordinary strength of their position & that the only attack which could succeed would be one from the flank. We were placed opposite to the enemy’s left flank they holding a big hill full of rifle pits & the Kopje[2] (pronounced Koppies) or ditches surrounding it. The general idea of the battle you will have learned from the papers[.] I will tell you what occurred in our
[[4]] part of the Field & any incidents of importance or noteworthy facts in connection with the general engagement.
We had stolen into our position just as the sun was rising, it was a glorious sun rise & I turned to our Adjutant & remarked the words of Napoleon “it is the sun of Austerlitz” but unfortunately it was not, but of that hereafter. Our force consisted of the Cavalry Bgd. under the Earl of Dundonald consisting probably of 1200 horses of which the 13th were their only regulars as we had with us one battery RA. & an immense hill full of the enemy stood to our front towards which we advanced.
The name of the hill is Hlambalma[?].
Taking advantage of a dip in the ground the whole Bgd halted & the order was given to load carbines & ten rounds were put
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[[1]] put in & revolvers also loaded. A few words of advice were given to the men about shooting steadily & only using the point of the sword & we advanced up the rise in the ground into position on the ridge[.] at[sic] that moment the first gun was fired & I looked at my watch it was 5.30 am & I thought of you & the children being fast asleep (2.30am) & unconscious of the game about to be pladed played.
The guns belonging to us soon came into action & in a few minutes the Artillery duel began in earnest we pounded the earth works of the hill in front of us with shell after shell, they all burst beautifully heavy firing against our centre was
[[2]] going on the guns bounding vomiting forth an incessant shower of shell the latter making a peculiar shreak[sic] as they appeared of the most alarming character, then they fall, up goes the earth to the height of 10 feet or more, & bang goes the shell dealing death all around as pieces of iron a pound or two in weight are hurled through the air. One shell exploded quite close to where a group of us were standing & a fragment the size of a racquet ball came buzzing along the ground in a straight line for me, but its velocity had been destroyed. I should have picked it up & sent it home to you but was frightened that another shell would fall at the same place.
[[3]] So with commendable discretion got under cover & lost my shell. Where we were fighting it was all dismounted[?] rifle fire, the bullets came in like hail on our men who all belonged to a local volunteer corps. The 13th being kept under the cover of a hill. This local corps lost 25 men killed in a very short time & I do not know how many wounded. They were about 400 yards in front of us & yet so accurate was the Boer fire that none of their bullets intended for them reached us. One came over with a peculiar whistle just over our heads but immediately in front of us death & destruction was being most liberally dealt out. At last a battery was sent for & the hill shelled[.] This had very little effect on the fire & we had to retire gradually after being in this position for about 3 or 4 hours!
Now the fact that we lost no men gave
[[4]] considerable confidence & one exposed themselves unnecessarily [4 lines redacted]. As a matter of fact the hill & ground in front of us was positively alive with Boers & they could have shot any of us over & over again who stood up to examine the position. I declared there was not a Boer on the hill, I could not see one through my glass (borrowed) no more could anyone else but they were there[,] as the men below us found to their cost, but so perfectly concealed that nothing whatever could be seen of them not even a hat or rifle and as smoke-less powder was used it was impossible to locate a single spot from which their fire proceeded.
While all this was going on the centre & left of our force advanced under fire of our artillery then commenced
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[[1]] musketing[?] fire over our devoted artillery & infantry. It was one incessant rattle & roar, above all could be heard the pounding of the big machine guns used by the enemy as shell after shell & a hail of bullets fell among the infantry. In spite of it all you might have thought the men were on parade so steadily & without excitement did they advance. A shell would fall in a battery, (a sickening sight) down would go the gun team & men, loose horses would trot away mangled, the horses were cut loose & the guns taken on. Oh that magnificent man Tommy Atkins[3], I could have taken off my helmet to him, he never budged
[[2]] while passing through this hell fire but followed his officers & went where he was told. He is a splendid magnificent fellow, he was well hammered that day but I never heard one complaint.
Hunt’s division of Artillery got too far forward & were all shot down men & horses & the guns captured — From my hill I could see all this in the valley bellow & saw gun teams galloping about followed by shell the fall of horses & men on its explosion & the subsequent retirement
[[3]] Fellows volunteered to recover the guns but were nearly all shot[,] one man took 17 horses men with him to drag them back he returned with seven. Young Roberts volunteered for the task & got six bullets in him, he was buried close to where I am writing, this last night[.]
The battle began at 5.30 by about 2.30 the firing discontinued[?] & we all returned crest fallen to hear the sad news of the loss of the guns & of the devoted men. Hunt was badly shot & taken prisoner & dozens were killed[.]
There were lots of plucky acts & one man Buller on his own account gave the V.C before he died. I saw some very curious wounds & the Ambulance
[[4]] was a sight no man complained many smoked & were utterly indifferent.
We came back & on the road got some water at the station[,] what a sight! Oh if some painter had only been there to copy the expressions on the men’s faces. It was a fearfully hot day & no water what we got at the station had to be brought by rail we swarmed around the tanks like flies, but there was no shoving or pushing all willing to take our turn while thirst was printed on the face of men & horses. The men’s faces shewed no sign of defeat all were as unconcerned as if it were the end of a field day instead of a severe battle. Oh he’s a grand man!! Our camp was only a mile or two from the battlefield
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[[1]] & you can imagine the eagerness with which the whole question was discussed & how for the first time we learned of our heavy losses & what had occurred in other parts of the field. Bear in mind the field of battle was nearly 10 miles in length this will give you a notion of the difficulty of describing the fight. On the extreme left of our force (you will remember we were on the extreme right) the infantry tried to cross the river. The ford was filled with barbed wire, crow’s feet (which are large three legged spikes) & every form of fiendish ingenuity for rendering a passage difficult.
[[2]] here several men were lost by drowning & the others driven back or killed by rifle fire. However we got back having been repulsed & the next morning an armistice until midnight was pro-claimed[sic] to enable the dead & wounded to be collected in the mean time the Boers had removed our ten guns from the Field. During the Armistice I rode towards the fated artillery field to have a nearer look at it accompanied by Jarvis. When about a mile or so beyond our outposts I spied three Boers mounted carrying a white flag.
[[3]] I said to Jarvis we must face this by riding straight up, we have no right here spying about but we can say we have been looking for wounded fortunately we had a name of a man to enquire after. We approached the group three little men riding ponies one with a stick & white handkerchief tied on it. I at once saluted the group & wished them good day which was replied to in perfect English & perfect accent.
The leader of the pack was a Transvaller the two other belonged to the Free State, they were dressed in ordinary civilian clothes & wore a rosette in the hat or button hole. I tacked myself on to the Transvaal Boer who turned out to be the Secretary of General
[[4] Botha commandynding the Boer army at Colenso his name was Steniberg & was most civil & interesting. He had been living in Holland & leaving his wife & children there[,] had come back to the Transval[sic] for the war. In Holland he was Secretary to Reitz or whatever his name is the European representation of the Transval[sic] State. He was most enthusiastic over Kruger[,] described him as a grand old man & that in spite of his years he would rule the Transval[sic] for another 10 years at least.
I avoided discussing any subject which might sound unpleasant, but I sometimes saw a puzzled look pass over his face at some of my questions at which I remarked at once that I should not feel offended if he were unable to give any answer to my question.
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[[1]] I ought to have told you that after we met he said he had a letter for Gen’ Buller from Gen’ Botha & I offered to escort him to our outpost fearing all the time that I should get snuff[?] for being where I was. It was on our way that our long conversation took place[,] we discussed Transval[sic] politics, the wide and narrow minded Boer, the British soldier, Kruger, Jameson Rail. With regard to the latter I assured him that I did not think one person in England could be found to support it[,] that it was unjustifiable & we severely condemned it. Respecting the British Soldiers I pointed as we approached our outpost to the ‘man in brown’ & said there is
[[2]] the man you affect to despise, are you satisfied that he is no coward? They all three at once interposed most energetically protesting that Tommy A was a brave man & that they had never held any other view. I drew their attention to the way he had advanced under terrific fire the previous day as quietly as on parade[,] they acknowledged it was very fine. I paid a compliment to the Boer Army, he returned it by paying a compliment to our Artillery fire, we paid a compliment to the Boer Rifle fire, Steinberg’s only reply to that was [“]Oh! We always shoot straight![“]
[[3]] He had a pipe of my tobacco & I was quite sorry to leave him as we reached our outpost. Jarvis & I cordially shook them by the hand, & I could see our men looking on in the most curious & intended manner, also the fellows from the naval Brigade Battery which overlooked where we were standing. Handing them over to the officer on outpost duty we left, but Jarvis secured a snap shot of the group & I have promised him the most severe penalties if he does not print and send me one, it will be an interesting feature in the campaign the delivery of Botha’s letter to Buller after the latter’s defeat!! On return to camp the ominous news of a retrograde
[[4]] movement met me. We had ascertained during the day that the Boers had moved two guns to higher hills so as to shell our camp, Buller determined to move the camp back 4 miles & this could not be done until after 12 o’clock we struck camp at 10pm & slept on the ground until 2[.] I got no sleep whatever gradually the whole force with its 8 miles of Transport guns, carts, bullock & mule wagons were placed in motion we were favoured by a lovely moon up to 2am when suddenly a complete eclipse of the moon occurred & we stumbled on in the dark over stones, into holes took the wrong way some went too far others not far enough it was orderly chaos clothed in a dust as dense as a Novbr. fog & in this way we reached our present camp which is 4 miles beyond the one
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[[1]] for which we fought the battle of Colenso. Now what are we going to do here is the question, some say Buller has gone back to the Cape & will attack them through the old Colony everyone agrees that the Boer position is impregnable to Frontal attack but it might be turned this morning however & this is the 19 Dec. a fellow of the naval Bgd tells us Buller is going to have another shot at them & I think it must be so for this fellow went up to the Naval Batteries, at the top of our camp which very shortly afterwards opened fire on the Boers & has been firing
[[2]] ever since. I expect he will pound them for a week & then attack. In the early morning we can hear the guns at Ladysmith firing[.] They must have some very heavy guns there to hear the report 20 miles away.
The firing was going on this morning but our own firing at the present moment is so heavy that I cannot tell whether it is still going on.
The weather is hot thirst intense, water bad & scarce — we send two miles for it. Last night we had a sharp thunderstorm & such lightening, Crums!![?] you[sic] would have enjoyed it
[[3]] Evening a great change since the morning the weather is cloudy & very cold[.] They say the rains which are very late are approaching.
Last night brought your [1 word redacted] letter of the 17 Novbr the final I have had from you since leaving Liverpool [4 words redacted]. There was also one you sent to Aldershot with enclosing one from old Clery[?]. He no doubt is out here by this time [.]
This afternoon I was going out some distance from camp to see an ox opened & who should I meet but a solitary horseman who turned out to be Bramhill! Isn’t it strange how one meets[.] I reminded him the order was Cairo, Charlton & Cheveley[.] He desired to be remembered & enquired kindly after you.
[[4]] I know his camp now & will look him up — [6 lines redacted]
I am sorry this letter is in pencil[,] I have written it on my pocket book resting on my knee & it has taken some time but I hope you will keep it as the record of a big though unsuccessful battle. God knows how the campaign will turn out. It looks to me as though Lady smith[sic] would fall, this would be a shocking catastrophe & will cost us South Africa.
This place is very dusty we are like niggers, in addition my face is like raw beef from the sun, lips
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[[1]] Cracked, Khaki filthy & altogether very unlike the man you know. I have been on the hard ground for days, but there are so many scorpions & centipedes here that I have borrowed a stretcher & placed them on my medicine chests for to night[sic]. This may save a sting.
I have lost weight – the food is fair but I like more bulk. They have asked me to pay £10 contribution to the mess but I have put it off, it only represents two months keep & this is too high for a non drinker, it is the liquor which is so expensive & I dont[sic] see why I should pay for other fellows[.] However we shall see – I had an egg this morning it cost fourpence[sic]!!
[[2]] The country is all hills & rocks grass but no trees, no place where an atom of shade can be obtained [,] no water but the climate is good & the place will be very nice when the war is over. The people are all unfriendly to us, their sympathies are purely Boer. They wont[sic] sell us bread or give us water if they can help it.
I feel I have rather inflicted you with a long letter, but I have placed on record for our own perusal in the future a very important period in my life & that of the history of the country.
Do you remember a young fellow coming home from Egypt with me who I got into
[[3]] the service Bouston[?] by name. Well he is here with the RA & has done very well, he brought back the day after the battle several dead R A officers & has made himself generally useful he told me he brought two of the guns, but I have not heard it confirmed. At any rate he has identified himself with the corps & is no disgrace.
I met yesterday Parsons an old pal of mine when at Lucknow, he was then a subaltern in my battery, he is now a LtCol he was very pleased to see me & introduced me to several of his officers[.] He is very enthusiastic about my Manual of Saddles & made repeated references to it of a complimentary character.
Now this letter must close. I will post it in the morning as we have a camp post office here & there may not be another forward for some time.
[[4]] I hope Crawford sent you my telegram from Pietermaritzburg I wired to him almost immediately after the battle to cable to you & I hope he did it. I will send you a wire after the next battle I may be in, but ever should you not hear do not be alarmed as it may not be possible to cable. I will make my next cable cheaper by sending one word viz “Safe” this will come 4/-[4]
[5 lines redacted]
P.S. Morton is fit & well & doing me admir-ably[sic]. I gave him Kajne’s message.
[4 lines redacted]
[No Valediction]
(Please note that work on this transcript is ongoing. Users are advised to study the electronic images of this document where possible – https://vethistory.rcvsknowledge.org//archive-collection/fs-working-papers/)
[1] Annotation ‘Keep 29/5/23 Battle of Colenso’
[2] Kopje – South African Dialect, a small hill in a relatively flat area.
[3] Tommy Atkins is a slang term used for a common British soldier.
[4] Abbreviation for monetary shillings
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[FS/2/2/4/2/3] (1)
In front of Colenso
24′ December 1899
[Salutation Redacted]
[[1]] My letter to you this week will describe our journey from Durban to this place, it would have formed the subject of last week’s letter only more important matters cropped up. We landed at Durban at night & for the first time for many days saw the faces of white women who crowded around in spite of the rain to watch proceedings. The place was under martial law <with> no one allowed out at night after 11 O’clock & everything looked very warlike soldiers & sailors alike being armed to the teeth. In the early morning we loaded up & left Durban in seven trains amid the greatest enthusiasm, people crowded around[,] women were there providing the men with writing material & stamps, food & fruit[,] everything in fact done for the soldiers convenience which they heartily appreciated. Every station we stopped
[[2]] at 30 miles from Durban there were women & girls on the platforms, supplying the men with tea, water[,] fruit & food, the enthusiasm was intense the cheering tremendous, one very pretty girl did me the honour of kissing her hand so excit[sic] to me so great was her excitement.
In this way we reached Maritzburg & here again the women pressed forward doing all they could for the men, taking charge of their letters & looking after them like sisters. They were splendid women all done without any expectation of remuneration everything free, all they asked for were the badges the men wore in their helmets with the number of the regiment on. After leaving Maritzburg it soon got dark & we arrived at Mooi River at 3am to learn that 300 Boers were in the vicinity, our camp was 11/2 miles from the station, an armoured train was waiting with steam up & we expected a row, but none came,
[[3]] in the pitch dark night (which thanks to my lamp was no trouble to me) I determined to bed down in the station & wait for daylight. I did so <and> found a corner & bedded down Morton also. He snored & slept soundly, I got a rest but no sleep. Next morning I went up to our Camp where we remained three days. It was at this place the Boers opened fire only the week before, a tin hut on a hill near (strange to say occupied by a colonial V.S[1] & his wife) was a sight, they had evidently cleared out in a hurry, the bed on the floor was made on it was lying a hat without trimming a veil & petticoat, on the wall was a faded ball dress body & skirt & behind the door a cloak. The other room was full of drugs instruments & appliances[,] everything deserted. I wish I had had a camera the place defies description. The Boers were reported all round so we kept piquets out day & night
[[4]] I wish I had Our train experiences as far as Mooi River were very trying the line runs up & down hill there are no tunnels the rail winds round the hills runs at the edge of precipices that make you sick to look on, the carriages shaky & rotten (though I believe they have good ones) the horses fell down some even fell out at every station we had to get one or more up which meant unloading the whole truck & altogether I was very glad when Mooi River was reached[.]
The camp was a good one but Egypt could not beat it for flies, ones tent was black with them myriads. It was here I was able to demonstrate my usefulness as D.V.O!! Glanders had broken out in the Scottish Rifles & the whole of their Transport (57 animals) were isolated & no good to the Rgt. A Colonial V.S was in charge & as Matthews is shut up in Ladysmith with 14 other A.V.O men the work was being done by Crawford. No attempt had been made to Mallein the remainder & at Mooi River
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[[1]] they would have remained indefinitely but for me. I wired Crawford, got the Mallein, inoculated half the number found them free from disease & they were sent on & in time for the battle [of] Colenso!! There was an officer of the S. Rifle charge & he was so pleased at being liberated & getting up to the battle that he lent me a mule which I now have & which is going to carry my kit in the future — Crawford finally came up & I saw him just before we marched from Mooi — I did not know him not having seen him for 22 years. He is a nice quiet fellow, before we parted I gave him the copy of a wire to you to be sent after the fight on hearing from me. I hope you got it.
We marched from Mooi River by easy stages to Esctcourt & thence to here we met the Royals at Frere & with them was Gladstone. I cannot remember having met him before[.] He is very Scotch. The Royals lost more horses coming out then we did.
[[2]] The fight here I gave you a description of last week so I have now brought myself up to date[.]
25th Dec. A merry Xmas to the children, it would be affectation to wish you the same with your husband on Service [2 lines redacted].
It is a boiling hot day. I have to sit in my tent with my helmet on owing to the heat coming through the tent. I got my Xmas box however [words redacted], it was a letter from you [2 words redacted] enclosing the ribbon bar. That reminds me that I have not yet mentioned the decoration to you. I took the news quietly but in my heart of hearts I am most delighted — I at once wrote to Sir E.W.[2] & poured out my thanks. I feel amply recompensed for my labours — You are wrong [2 words redacted] over the ribbon, until you know exactly what the decoration is you cannot
[[3]] determine the colour of the ribbon, it may be a Medjidie or Osmanieh & of these there are five classes each[3]. The ribbon will I expect will be green with red edge or red with green edge — You can get it at Hawkers when you know exactly what to ask for & this you will know from the Gazette, it will be published in the London Gazette — Mind you let Lea[4] know.
The blue ribbon you sent is that belonging to the Khedive’s star a totally different concern. Now when you get the proper ribbon measure it against the blue one & if they are the same size you will know the bar I have is alright, but if it is wider than the blue ribbon (& my belief is that it is) you will then kindly have another bar made for me. Oh, I am so delighted about it. [2 lines redacted]
[[4]] [1 line redacted] What years I have wanted for these, & now I get three in about 12 months. The permission of the S. of State is a mere formality. Sir Wood ascertained before hand[sic] that no refusal would be offered.
There are two fellows of the 21st Lancers in the 13 Hussars & they both remarked when I told them of my luck that it was strange & a curious coincidence that the conferring of the decoration should have co–incided[sic] with Blenkinsop’s absence from Egypt. I dont[sic] say much, but I think a lot about it.
[10 lines redacted]
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[[1]] Your Xmas day I know will be miserable & if [5 lines redacted]
I shall be glad to know you have secured the refusal of that house or some other equally moderate & convenient. You will not forget that my expenses in this country both during & especially after the war will be very heavy I only get English pay with 1/6 per diem colonial allowance my pay at £1 per diem with the above equals 21/6 per diem or £32-5 a month, out of which I give you £20 leaving me £12/5 a month to live on[,] less than I had the first day I joined the Service, [4 lines redacted].
[[2]] This Regt will prove very expensive they drink a lot of Champagne & propose to divide the cost!! Nice for me — Keep a careful eye on the pence the pounds will take care of themselves.
Now a little about our position here & our prospects. We are 5 miles from the enemy & have been here ever since the day after the battle. We do nothing but sit tight, no one has the slightest confidence in the Generals, they are condemned in the most open manner by everyone. We send out patrols by day & picquets by night. One patrol the other day was fired on & two men killed & 7 horses, there is no doubt the men were lying down asleep at the time, it is difficult to impress them with the idea that they are on service & not in the long valley[5] — One of the men killed was a Reservist, his wife had a baby three days before we sailed, her Xmas will be a sad one[.]
[[3]] One man had two, the other seven bullets in him. The Boers are all around even close up to our camp, they captured two officers yesterday in broad daylight both belonged to a Colonial corps, they are so emboldened by success that they are capable of doing anything — In return we do positively nothing. I have suggested night attacks ambushes etc but everyone in authority seems afraid to move its[sic] positively sickening. The only people anxious for reprisals are the younger element, I would put all young men into the place of our Generals.
You can fancy our position when I tell you we cannot send our horses to water without the men taking carbines & ammunition.
The Boers of course will nor attack us in force, that is not their game, we would be glad if they would, it would draw them out of their rifle pits into the open
[[4]] & there we could deal with them, their plan is to harrass (I cannot spell the word) us & get around our flank & so cut us off like Ladysmith. Still feel no alarm, if we get them in the open we can crush them. We have some good naval guns, they fire on them every day[sic] & you can imagine what they are like when I tell you they hit the mark at five miles. The Boers are very angry with the sailors in consequence & threaten to crucify the first they catch.
Our camp is very dusty & full of scorpions, dozens are killed everyday big black ones. We get plenty to eat & bread not biscuit. The water is bad & very scarce. I have plenty to do go all around is the morning early & then do the Regt. The afternoons are
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[[1]] very hot, but we may look for cooler weather in a month or so.
I have a very nice horse from the Remounts nearly an Arab. Col. Stevenson of our Remt Dept was in Durban when we landed & he sent me a horse up[,] he did me well being in the show. I have it on the hire system £10 per annum which is a great pull. Besides this I have the mule & I hope to commandeer a Boer pony if we have any luck in dealing with them.
To day[sic] being Xmas day we let them off a bombardment, ‘peace & good will’ I suppose nor have we heard them bombarding Ladysmith. I do not know what to morrow[sic] will bring forth but I expect they will get their Xmas box from our 47 guns. We have a nice meeting to morrow[sic] & hoped to have invited the Boers over for it, but the latter idea fell through, you see we are both Protestant races. In spite of everything we are perfectly cheery
[[2]] if it were not for the guns & the fact that every–one[sic] is armed to the teeth you might imagine we were on peace manoeuvres.
Every day Boer spies are captured & sent through here south. I saw some Boer prisoners the other morning, only one was white, the others were niggers.
This afternoon a very interesting person turned up young Churchill. You will remember he was captured in the armoured train fight when we were on the high seas. He managed to escape from Pretoria & to day[sic] he told us all about it. It took him 9 days to reach Delagoa Bay, he had no money no food excepting what he stole, hid by day & jumped into the passing train by night.
For 60 hours he remained under some sacks in a railway waggon without food & water he wished himself at the time back in Pretoria, they reached the waggon as they
[[3]] were looking for him, but he was near the bottom & escaped detection!! When he got to Delagoa he went by ship to Durban & is once more on the scene[.] He is a fine plucky fellow, the wound in his head was slight & has healed but he looked very pale. He did not escape in womans[sic] clothes as reported. He says that so certain are the Boers of capturing Ladysmith that they have prepared a camp for the reception of White’s force — Every inch of the coast between Colenso & Ladysmith is difficult & full of rifle pits. There are 7 miles of wire entanglement around Colenso & full of mines. A pleasant prospect. Buller will do well to avoid a direct attack, he ought to cross the Tugela higher up & get around their flank.
I am writing this by night after quite
[[4]] an excellent Xmas dinner including a lovely plum pudding sent [to] the Colonel from home with [1 word illeg.] steak & turkey! from Maritzburg. While I am writing the “Scalliwag” continued as we call the Colonial forces are singing & cheering
themselves horse hoarse — Some of these men are the refuse of the Transvaal they steal whatever they can find ones horses and kit go in a remarkable manner.
One forse was raised by Byng of the 10th Hussars. He is known by his Regt as “Bungo” & his men are known to us as Bungo’s Burglers[sic]!! another force is Thornycrofts “Thieves” Another useful force are the “Body Snatchers” viz the men who pick up the wounded & dead. Altogether we are not dull nor wanting in spirits all we want is to meet the enemy in the open.
I am now sleeping on a hospital stretcher
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[[1]] placed on two medicine chests – quite comfy; on it is my valise, on the top of the valise is my kit & things including kettle tin pot se. I sometimes in the night find something hard under the small of my back, on examination it turns out to be a nail brush, or my knife or kettle or something equally soft, but it all comes in the days work.
My candle would amuse you, they all melted into one mass & they had to be cut apart, they are twisted & flat like tape, but they burn quite well in the neck of a beer bottle, though very drunken & distorted from the perpendicular[.]
Please send me one pound of tobacco a month, difficult to get, here, while on service we pay no duty. I think a pound is what I smoke, but you will know best. I smoke the pipe those beloved children bought me from Earls Court
[[2]] [14 lines redacted]
I am not surprise to hear about Ingram your brother always had a difficulty in getting money out of him. I should not be surprised if your aunt is left a poor woman after all — He may have made away with everything — I am most anxious for further news on this point. It is a very serious matter.
Willoughby House[?] affairs seem in a bad way incompatibility of temper [2 lines redacted]
[[3]] [3 lines redacted]
Jarvis last night said he did not suppose it was much use hanging his stocking up as he would only find a scorpion in it in the morning. Strange to say he found one in his bed so his fore cast was verified.
[14 lines redacted]
[[4]] we know each day we are safe, whereas you have no idea what has happened or is happening. But cheer up old girl all will be well[.]
Morton amuses me, he does nothing but sleep all day & all night, but he is an excellent chap & I am very glad I brought him. He has had no letter from home since he left.
It is a good thing young Hayduff[?] has left home[,] he is very late in joining the service but I hope he may do well. [4 lines redacted]
Tell the former to send me a letter which you can enclose with yours telling me everything about the children & their education & all the news she can think of — I know she is fond of writing — I will now go to bed & write you more to morrow[sic].
[2 lines redacted]
[FS/2/2/4/2/3] (6)
[[1]] 26 Dec. The Boers got their Xmas Box very early this morning. I was awoke about 5am with the thunder of cannon & 40 Lyddite shells were thrown with their work before 7 am. I went up to the Battery & on the way met Churchill, I was able to introduce him to Commander Limpus[6] of the “Terrible” who is my pal up there. Everyone is anxious to meet Churchill after his exciting adventure. The latter told me Ladysmith cannot hold out after the 15th January, its fate will be settled before you get this letter & being a pessimist I think it will be against us. The Boers in anticipation have prepared near Pretoria a large [1 word illeg.] for the reception of the prisoners!! Further all their trains from Pretoria are labelled Durban! I have this on the authority of Churchill.
[2 lines redacted]
Poor Lucy I am so grieved, do write & give my love & best wishes.
[[2]] I am glad you had a mild november[sic] & hope it will last throughout the season.
The ‘Morning Posts’ you sent me are excellent & although abundant picture papers have come out to the men, your Morning Posts are in great requisition
[1 word illeg.] will be Gazetted in Adams place until the war is over & then it will be [5 lines redacted]
I regret to say I did not remember our 20th wedding day, but that was not due to thoughtless or neglect, dates as you know do not impress me I never thought of it in the midst of my work which you know on the ship was very heavy. — [1 line redacted]
I doubt if you would know me if we met burnt red & brown, dirty clothes ( a plate of soup was spilt down my Khaki jacket
[[3]] & left a lovely grease stain) Everything dirty — I am sure I am not recognisable & that is after 3 weeks what will I be like at the end of 3 months.
I knew Mercer years ago when he was a subaltern. Is Stanford still next door or has he started for S. Africa? [4 lines redacted]
[4 words illeg.] I have now answered all the points in your letters. [4 lines redacted]. Had we won the battle of Colenso you would have had only a bare line for we would have been [2 words struck through, illeg.] day by day — The mail goes on Thursday, but to make sure I will post this to morrow[sic] as our postal arrangements are not of the best & trains break down far too frequently.
[[4]] Dont[sic] believe all the tales you hear of Boer butchery — they treat our prisoners & wounded very well & we do the same to theirs. At the Colenso show they gave our men water etc & some of them gave money to the wounded. Today something is on, some of our troops have gone back to Frere & a flank movement is on the cards. We may be left at Colenso to mark the movement higher up, but cannot say. I will write every week that is possible, but again remember no news is good news
[10 lines redacted]
[Valediction Redacted]
(Please note that work on this transcript is ongoing. Users are advised to study the electronic images of this document where possible – https://vethistory.rcvsknowledge.org//archive-collection/fs-working-papers/)
[1] V.S – Veterinary Surgeon
[2] Field Marshal Sir Evelyn Wood (1838-1919)
[3] Military decorations of the Ottoman Empire
[4] Arthur Sheridan Lea, physiologist (1853-1915)
[5] The Long Valley at Aldershot
[6] Admiral Arthur Henry Limpus (7 June 1863 – 3 November 1931) was a Royal Navy officer
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Please note, this archive item contains racist language and/or imagery, as written by the document’s author. This has also been preserved in the transcript of the item. Some content is highly offensive, but it is preserved here for the purposes of historical study and reflection.
Click here for full transcript of letter
[FS/2/2/4/2/4] (1)
In front of Colenso
30 December 1899
[Salutation Redacted]
[[1]] I am not quite sure whether I have missed a mail, all record of time days & weeks are lost here, but I am under the impression that I wrote a week ago, our mails are very erratic so any irregularity you will excuse.
Here we still are looking at the Boers strongly entrenching themselves & making the place an utter impossibility to attack. we[sic] as usual are doing what the celebrated Duke of York did, marched up one a hill & then down again, or rather we do less for we do nothing. Our Generals are incompetent & have the funks[?] on board, while the “gentleman in Khaki” remains as good as ever. However enough of this incompetency & let me tell you my story of the week which is neither full of interest nor I fear entertaining.
You will remember that we have a battery of
[[2]] naval guns here, which fire daily at Colenso & the Boer entrenchments. Well it appeared that in spite of their fire they did not kill many Boers & they were puzzled to account for it. I helped them solve the problem, I found out from one of our fellows who was out on No 3 picket that from his hill outside our camp he could see into the Boer trenches & with his glass watched them dodge our shells by getting into a donga (viz a small valley) it struck me this was [1 word illeg.] important information & I walked up to the Naval Bgd Camp late that night & told Limpus the team[?] and Officers all about it, further I took Jarvis up who had been on this picket. Limpus at once said this is most valuable information & I shall go in the morning & see the place, he did so, altered his angle of fire & yesterday gave the Boers a “gruelling such as they had not had previously. We saw a Lyddite[1] shell fall into a group of about
[[3]] 150 men & burst. How many souls were sent to eternity – – I do not know[.] Poor devils it is rather on my conscience, but all is fair in war & they dont[sic] study us much. The night I paid him a visit words a special treat for the Boers was arranged viz a bombardment, it had been ob-served for days that a particular house was occupied apparently at night & it was believed that many slept there.
During the day the guns were carefully laid & it was arranged to shell the place at night. It was a grand sight, the mass of flame, the terrific roar & the howling of the shells through the air. Several shots were fired & in the morning the place was seen shattered. “Left gun ready!” at this word of command I remarked to Jarvis, how many souls are about to be lodged into eternity who at this moment are quite unconscious of their fate?
War is a very dreadful thing but it has its humorous aspects. In the morning a gun goes
[[4]] bang & from all parts of the camp go up a howl of delight, There’s their breakfast says one, & in the evening you hear the remark “now there[sic] going to have supper”. The horrors of war make no impression on the soldier, his language is worse than ever, his demeanour one of utter indifference. It is well it should be so.
We signal to Ladysmith by electric light at night, the blinking powerful beam is concentrated on the darkest sky & they read the message by the flashes. The Boers try to intercept the beam by projecting a stream up of electricity — from their lamp & concentrating it on ours, as we shift they shift & so we play the game of hide & seek. Whether they succeed in masking our messages I do not know.
The rains started yesterday afternoon & it rained straight off for 12 hours, the men were washed out, the rain came through
[FS/2/2/4/2/4] (2)
[[1]] our tents too freely to be pleasant & our dinner was eaten in the open in a perfect deluge. It was most amusing to see us, no light could be kept going owing to the wind & we had boiled muttton for dinner fat & lean were indiscriminately partaken off[sic], the rain made plenty of gravy on the plates we stood in pools of water, boxes for the tables to sit down was impossible, I got a piece of cake cut with a knife with which sardines had previously been eaten & the mixture was foul in spite of it we remained cheery & to keep up the hearts of the men who were huddled up in their tents (16 in a tent!!!) we sang like Trojans all the popular & unpopular airs we could think of winding up with old Lang Syne[2] & God save the Queen altogether it was a great success & a determination to be happy at any cost[.] My waterproof sheet was invaluable, but all ones clothes have to be dried & aired by forming a pillow of them. You
[[2]] never saw such a collection as that pillow is, it is something like our beloved boy’s pockets on a large scale. I am writing this in bed, it is still raining, horses which have broken loose keep pattering around my tent as if they were walking in pea soup, their feet catch in the tent ropes & you think your mansion is coming down by the rain. Still one is on service & therefore all discomforts are taken in the true spirit of philosophy. I get very little sleep at night & none in the day I wish I slept better. The man living with me sleeps through everything thunder storms[,] guns[,] rain & wind. The other night we had a terrific thunderstorm, the lightning was so blinding that I had to cover my eyes with a handkerchief, a mule was struck & killed, but Wise heard nothing.
I have left the doctors tent & now live with Wise the service sub: he is a delightful
[[3]] fellow to live with (at this point I thought I heard my horse break loose, so I had to get out of bed pull on my rubber boots crawl
Well Wise is a married man[,] a tall very good looking cheery Irishman full of fun & humour & as straight as they are made. He was ADC to Cadogan & knows everyone & everybody. He tells me that the daughter who bolted with that fellow was the last person on earth that he would have suspected of such a thing, further that when she returned she was not the least penitent!! I don’t like to be too curious, but I shall ask him more
[[4]] about it some day. She was tired of her husband. Wise married the sister of Little who commands 9th Lancers in Cape Colony. Wise has no children, in fact has only been married a year, he was on the point of leaving when the war broke out so he withdrew his papers, but he will leave immediately after the war[.]
31st Dec. The last day of the year [2 lines redacted]. We had a very wet night & I was up twice tying up my horses which broke loose. I did not know to day[sic] was Sunday until I heard Church parade. We have not fired at the Boers to day[sic] but I expect they will not be allowed to escape the New Year. Yesterday I met for the first time Larnder A.V.D, I say for the first time as we have been here 3 weeks & he never had the civility to call over. A case of glanders occurring in his charge has brought us together. He is the man who left me the
[FS/2/2/4/2/4] (3)
[[1]] whole camp to look after, so I dropped a line to Crawford. [1 line redacted]. The Cavalry Bgd here is under the command of The Earl of Dundonald.[3] I knew him as Lord Cochrane 2 Life Guards, he remembered but did not condescend to shake hands. He is a first class idiot & to his care has been committed 2000 Cavalry — He makes as much use of [3 words illeg.] would do if suddenly put in his place. He is a laughing stock — most incompetent; this is the class of man chosen as Generals in this campaign[.] I hope he may soon be relieved.
We are feeding well, actually get Bread every day[sic] instead of Biscuit . The A.S.C[4] are running this show splendidly not a hitch anywhere.
1 January A happy new year to you [1 line redacted], such were the first words on my lips as I awoke this morning to the sound of our naval guns shelling Colenso. May the year
[[2]] prove a happy one for all of us [2 lines redacted]. I could fancy I saw you take the children to my portrait & wish me every happiness. I am sure you will never let them forget me, but I left them at such an early age that I fear I will be a mere mist in their childish recollection & the thought of this pains me beyond description [2 lines redacted].
The news today is that we remain here another three weeks, but there may be no truth in the report. As a matter of fact we know far less what is going on than you, all our information even from London is a week old & we get very little of it. There is some idea that [2 words illeg.] will be made from three distinct points in S. Africa simultaneously. We have heard of the concern & amazement of[?] in London of Buller’s defeat & the determination to carry
[[3]] on the war at all risk. This is as it shall be, in the long run we will win but our losses will be very heavy. You will remember how I predict[ed] this would be a big business.
To night[sic] we received a telegram from the Queen wishing us a Happy New Year & concluding with ‘God Bless you all’ the men cheered heartily.
We have also heard that she is sending a box of chocolate to every officer & man with a special seal or impression on it. This will be very valuable in 20 years time — I will send my box back to you to be kept in memory of the campaign.
No mail in yet, how I look forward to your letters, [3 lines redacted].
Plenty of picture papers come to the mess, all the views of the campaign are very faithful, but you cannot see the appearance of the men, some with beards, all in filthy dirty clothes, for they have slept in them ever since we left Durban[.]
[[4]] Think of that, & water at a premium. Every drop I wash in Morton has over two miles to walk for!! imagine what it is for the men. But they all work well & in camp you would think it was simply peace manoeuvres [.] Games going on for those not on outpost duty & it is only the roar of the naval guns & howling of their shells which remind us of the sterner duties we are on.
When the Record contains anything of importance send it on to me. [2 lines redacted]. The following veterinary officers were present at the Battle of Colenso on 15 Dec last viz V-Major Gladstone, F. Smith, V Captain Larnder & V. Lieut Houston. The casualties among the horses was very heavy from mauser bullets & shell fire. The Artillery suffered heavily ” [2 lines redacted] This campaign will last some time & I am already
[FS/2/2/4/2/4] (4)
[[1]] 2nd January. My news to day[sic] is that the English mail arrives to morro[w]. I am like a child at Xmas time & hardly know how to wait for to morrow[sic] to come [2 lines redacted]. Our stay in this camp have one advantage for me & that is I can write regularly to you, later on when we move north again they will I fear be somewhat irregular[.]
I got a note from Holt to day[sic] which has been travelling about for nearly a month saying that had recd my travelling money from the Paymaster. Tell them please at once when they address me to put on the envelope attch 13 Hussars, that will always find me. I told you in the early part of this letter what a rotter Dundonald was, here is an example. He organised a show[?] night attack on the Boers a night or two ago[.] Some troops were to fire on our left & then the centre would advance & to give the Boers an idea of how careless the British
[[2]] soldier was he was to appear as if smoking to simulate this he was to go along striking fuses which Dundonald provided, the Boer would then rush out & our Naval guns were to polish them off — did you ever hear anything so childish? The Boer position is 41/2 miles from us, & at that distance they were to see half a dozen fuses & mistake them for lighted pipes!! God help us, this is the class of General we have. I need not say the Boers were not drawn out & the naval gunners retired disgusted.
Our water has been jolly bad for the last day or two & now stinks of rotten eggs. fancy tubbing[sic] in this mixture! My mess bill for Dec’ has come in it is £4-10- & a donation of £10 to the mess gives me a bill of £14-10 for this month — the £10 donation has to be repeated every three months – pleasant prospect!!
This is a pretty country like Devonshire but where there is no grass there are rocks, some of the places we ride over are positively frightful
[[3]] nothing but big boulders. One strange feature is that there are no trees, there is not a place one can get under as shelter from the sun & there are in consequence no birds except vultures. The absence of trees strikes one as very remarkable.
The natives prefer a bit of skin hanging over their posteriors & a few strips of leather in front[.] The majority dress in Europe clothes viz a wide ombre[?] hat, a long feather or quill stuck bang through the ear & a coat made out of a sack with arm holes. The native servants dress in masters[?] clothes but even these have a fashion peculiar to themselves[,] a long strip of black cloth on the inside of both legs or a pair of light coloured legs with a long crescent shaped patch on the seat of the same are common objects, they all love the large hat. A soldiers tunic, gaiters no boots & bare legs are also very fashionable. They are fine men & very black.
A cavalry patrol to day[sic] bagged five
[[4]] Boers which avenges the men we recently lost.
There is a man here with a camera for taking living pictures of the troops & the fighting[.] I spoke to him this morning & he told me they were taken for the ‘Empire’ where they will be exhibited — You must try & see them. He got some views of the battle of Colenso which will be of especial interest to you. Your brother can easily find out where they are on.
The rain has left off the last two days have been very fine — Place still full of scorpions, Morton had one on his shirt yesterday but fortunately was not stung — They make a hole in the ground into this we insert a piece of grass & say “are you there” the scorpion indicates his presence by laying hold of the grass in his claws & we then dig him out. There are thousands, how we escape being stung I do not know.
[FS/2/2/4/2/4] (5)
[[1]] 3 Jany. Is it not sickening the mail due at 8am to day[sic] has not yet turned up though it is now 5.30pm. [2 lines redacted]. It is now raining & the water is dripping on to my bed, I shall go down to the post office tent & make enquiries. We sent out & looted the farm of a disloyal farmer to day[sic] all his crops were brought for consumption, the men killed his pigs, the irregular cavalry closed on the grand piano, Jarvis got a spring mattress & stool, the former we magnified[?] into a beautiful brass bound double bed. [1 line redacted]. The Colonel got a Kaffir[6] dress of beads & strings in front & strings & beads with tails for behind, they were hanging up in the home & are evidently very good specimens[.]
I must try to get you one this is the first I have seen here but if we ever take Colenso we will do a good deal of looting on our journey through Natal[,] all the disloyal farmers will be looted. Crawford was here this morning for a short time my puggaree[?] having
[[2]] bleached nearly white with the sun. I have had to leave it off as it rendered me too conspicuous & I might have found a mauser bullet through it, I was asking Crawford to get me a Khaki one at Maritzburg. I have drawn no money yet. I have sent to the branch bank of the Standard at Maritzburg & though some days ago have not recd any reply. I wrote to know whether the Standard Bank of Cape Town had notified to them that a balance of £100 existed in their books to my credit. No reply up to date & that was a fortnight ago. The fact is that everything is paralysed through the war & the country is being rapidly ruined. Men of wealth are serving in the ranks of the local regts men of substance as business men in the Transvaal are serving as conductors in the Transport. I fancy there is very little real business going on.
As to our future movement I know nothing more than when I last wrote. I know we want more men, many more & we need Generals, however, we shall see. I wish I had a chance of doing something.
[[3]] Here is rather a good story[.] A man lost his rifle at the Battle of Colenso & a Court of Enquiry is held[,] the man gives his evidence as follows “Beg your pardon Sir! it happened that at that there last Field Day we had at Colenso” se se. This shows you what Tommy thinks, when he describes one of the most severe battles of the Century as a Field Day!! The fact is that he is a ripper & after what I saw on that day I’d make everybody take off his hat to him as he passed. I have always been very fond of him & it has not been misplaced. Don’t[sic] forget what Kipling says Its Tommy this & Tommy that etc but its “Thankyou[sic] Mr Atkins when the guns begin to play”.[7]
I have written so much to you during the last three weeks that I have nearly run out of all the paper I brought with me for the whole campaign. There seems to be great difficulty in getting paper, so some of your letters in future may be written on some funny scraps.
[5 lines redacted]
[[4]] What ever[sic] you send me through the post mind you register Tobacco or anything else, remember things are this is a country for “jumping” otherwise known as stealing. (By the bye my commandeered ponies were claimed today). Anything I sent you I will register if possible. Perhaps you sent me a plum pudding for Xmas or a Xmas Card, if so neither have come to hand yet, though of course they may be in the belated mail.
Burberry’s address (the maker of waterproof cloth or rather canvas) is 30 Haymarket, just above the C. S Stores. Of course I do not want that coat yet. [5 words redacted] It must be of stout canvas & on the dark side of Khaki — open like a plain file coat at the neck to give plenty of air but otherwise just like the pattern I brought out with me. If the campaign comes to a sudden conclusion I will not want it, my present one will last me at least six to eight months, but the warm coat I must have soon[,] mind you register it, also insure it to its full value in case of loss. My face is raw, my ears cracked, I am still pealing[sic] like a potato my skin appears to get no tougher.
[No valediction]
(Please note that work on this transcript is on going. Users are advised to study the electronic images of this document where possible – http://rcvsvethistory.org/archive-collection/fs-working-papers/)
[1] Lyddite or Picric Acid. First generation of modern “highly explosive” shells used by British forces, that began use in 1896
[2] Auld Lang Syne, poem written by Robert Burns in 1788 later set to a popular tune, song often used for its connotations of farewell and ending
[3] Lieutenant General Douglas Mackinnon Baillie Hamilton Cochrane, 12th Earl of Dundonald, KCB, KCVO (29 October 1852 – 12 April 1935), styled Lord Cochrane between 1860 and 1885, was a Scottish representative peer and a British Army general.
[4] Army Services Corp
[5] Annotated as page 5.
[6] South African dialect, used as an insulting term for a Black African
[7] 1890 Poem by Rudyard Kipling. Reprinted in his 1892 Barrack-Room Ballads, a series of songs and poems surrounding the late-Victorian British Army. Tommy Atkins was a slang term used as a name for ‘common’ British Soldiers. http://www.kiplingsociety.co.uk/poems_tommy.htm
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