
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 4 Issue 4 – April 1831
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; Case of Rupture of the Perforans Tendons; The Duties of a Regimental Veterinary Surgeon; Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures; Crib-Biting; The Early History and Original Constitution of the Veterinary College;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 4 Issue 3 – March 1831
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; he Art of Horse-Shoeing Simplified, and Unfettered; or the Benefit of the Iron Defence without the Bane, by an Improved Method of Nailing; Mr Youatt Introductory Lecture at the University of London, Feb 2, 1831;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 4 Issue 1 – January 1831
Articles include: On Breeding; On Hepatirrhoea, Haemorrhage from the Liver; Minutes of Evidence before a Committee of the House of Commons on the Bill to Prevent the Spreading of Canine Madness; An Account of the Horse-Sandal, or Removeable Horse-Shoe;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 3 Issue 11 – November 1830
Articles include: Mr. Youatt's Veterinary Lectures; On Breeding; On Coffin-Joint Lameness, and the Operation of Neurotomy; Suspected Cases of Glanders; Mr Spooner to Mr. James Turner on Shoeing; A Case of Sanguineous Apoplexy;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 3 Issue 2 – February 1830
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; On Soundness; Fracture of the Os Calcis; Fracture of the Humerus in a Cow; On Croton Seed and Its Farina; A Case of Neurotomy; Tumour and Stricture in the Small Intestines;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 3 Issue 1 – January 1830
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; Youatt on Rabies Canina; A Case of Pneumonia; On Breeding; Inflammation and Rupture of the Liver; Symptoms of a Case of Acute Pleurisy, Speedily Followed by Death; ...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 2 Issue 7 – July 1829
Articles: Anatomy of the Horse; On Pneumonia; On Opened Joints, and Particularly the Knee; Malformation of the Foetal Calf; Exposé of the Chief Error in the Present System of Shoeing Horses, and an Improved Method Suggested;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 2 Issue 6 – June 1829
Articles include: Anniversary Dinner of the Veterinary Surgeons; Adjourned General Meeting of the Veterinary Surgeons; A Memorial to the Govenors of the Royal Veterinary College; To the medical Examing Committee of the Royal Veterinary College.

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 2 Issue 5 – May 1829
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; On the Inflammatory Fever of Cattle; Lithotomy on the Horse; Case of Navicular Lameness; Ligature of the Jugular; Experiments with Barytes on Glander; The Use of Camphorated Soap Liniment in Dispersing Tumours;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 2 Issue 4 – April 1829
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; Anatomy of the Horse; Youatt on Rabies Canina; Mr Kent in Reply to the Editors of "The Veterinarian"; On the Grievances of the Veterinary Profession; Fracture of the Inner Anterior Condyle of the Femur in the Horse;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 2 Issue 3 – March 1829
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; Youatt On Rabies Canina; A Case of Lumbar Abcess; Pulmonary Consumption in the Horse; A Complicated Case of Strangles; A Complicated Case of Strangles; On Mr. Turner's Paper on the Navicular Disease;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 2 Issue 2 – February 1829
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; Substance of Lectures on the Veterinary Materia Medica; The Navicular Disease, or Chronic Lameness in the Feet of Horses; Grievances of the Veterinary Profession; On Roaring;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 2 Issue 1 – January 1829
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; Substance of an Introductiory Lecture on the Anatomy and Diseases of Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Dogs, &c; Inflammation in the Feet of Horses; Exclusion of Veterinary Surgeons as Subscribers to The Veterinary College;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 1 Issue 8 – August 1828
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; On Comparative Anatomy; On the Nerves of the Uterus and Female Organs; On Staggers; Horns in the Horse; Enlargement of the Stenonian or Parotid Duct; Castration;..

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 5 – May 1828
Articles include: The Horse Bazaar; Royal Veterinary College. Anniversary Dinner of the Pupils; Horse Cause; The Marmot; A Description of Veterinary Medicines; On the Opthalmic and the Sphenopalatine Ganglia in the Horse;...