
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 65 Issue 2 – February 1892
Articles include: Criticism by Mr. Dewar, Queer Horse Cases, Pleuro-Pneumonia, Anthrax, Swine Fever...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 64 Issue 5 – May 1891
Articles include: Remarkable Case of Pyoma in a NewBorn Colt, Temperature of Camels, Trichinosis, Pleuro-Pneumonia, Anthrax...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 63 Issue 12 – December 1890
Articles include: Is a New Chapter Required?, Adjustable Splint, France and Cattle Diseases, Editorial Observations: Dr. Koch's Cure for Tuberculosis, Conditions of the Pulmonary...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 63 Issue 6 – June 1890
Articles include: Comments on the Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, The Narrowness of the Veterinary Art as Practised in the Nineteenth Century, On Torsion of the Vaginal Part of the Uterus and the Uterine Portion of the Vagina in Parturient Animals, Alleged Poisoning of Lambs with Chickweed - Stellaria Media, The Proportion of White to Red Corpuscles...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 62 Issue 12 – December 1889
Articles include: Some Hitherto Undescribed Characteristics of the Strongylus Tetracanthus, Old Pleuro-Pneumonia Cysts - Lingering Centres of Contagion, Pleuro-Pneumonia Cysts, Death of a Bullock Caused by a Piece of Iron Penetrating the Wall of the Second Stomach, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Hydrargyri Nitratis Liquor Acidus...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 62 Issue 5 – May 1889
Articles include: Notes on Surgical Conditions of Indian Cattle, Shoeing, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Salol, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Huile De Cade, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Idoform...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 61 Issue 12 – December 1888
Articles include: Harmless Organisms Found in the Blood of the Horse, Twin Calves, New Instruments for Bloodless Neurotomy, Clinical Notes During the Summer Vacation, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Antifebrin...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 61 Issue 6 – June 1888
Articles include: The Dual Office of Examiner and Councilman, Reflex Paraplegia in the Cow, Lusus Naturae, New Castrating Instrument, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Acidum Boricum...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 11 – November 1887
Articles include: Royal Veterinary College: Opening of the Session October 3rd 1887, Introductory Address by Professor Lowne, Opening of the Session at the Dick Veterinary College, Opening of the Session at the Dick Veterinary College: Testimonials to the Professors, Opening of the Session at the New Veterinary College Edinburgh, Opening of the Session at the Glasgow Veterinary College...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 5 – May 1887
Articles include: Vesical Calculus; its Origin, Development, and Treatment, Communication Relative to the Late Disturbances from Professor Walley, Observations on the Lengthened Period of Study; the Rejection of them to their Studies, "Surra," or Progressive Pernicious Anaemia of the Horse, The Evolution Hypothesis Considered Generally and Specially in Regard to its Bearings on Pathology...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 59 Issue 11 – November 1886
Articles include: Royal Veterinary College: Opening of the Session October 1st 1886, Introductory Address by Professor Robertson, Notes of Two Lectures on Poisoning of Horses by Lathyrus Sativus, Why Not Join the National Veterinary Benevolent Society?, Early Experiments with Horse Bots, Aortic Valve Disease...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 59 Issue 5 – May 1886
Articles include: Notes of Lectures on the Diseases of Farm Animals Excepting the Horse, Actinomycosis of the Stomach, The Lancashire Veterinary Medical Association and the Ninth Clause, Repeal of the Ninth Clause of the 1876 Charter, Glaucoma in the Dog...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 58 Issue 12 – December 1885
Articles include: Notes of Lectures on the Diseases of Farm Animals Excepting the Horse, On Some Points in the Diagnosis of Equine Glanders, Actinomycosis, Oleum Eucalypti - Oil of Eucalyptus, Sex of Offspring...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 58 Issue 5 – May 1885
Articles include: Notes of Lectures on the Practice of Equine Surgery, Milk in Relation to Public Health, Chronic Congestion of the Liver Among Horses in India, Public and Canine Grievance, Pleuro-Pneumonia...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 57 Issue 12 – December 1884
Articles include: Notes on Lectures on the Practice of Equine Surgery, The Relative Value of Subjects Taught the Veterinary Student, "Bursatti:" Its Pathology and Clinical Characteristics, Cattle Quarantine at United States' Ports, Docking Horses...