
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 41 Issue 8 – August 1868
Articles include: Communications and Cases. African Cattle and their Parasites; On Trichinosis and Measles in Swine; Notes on the Influence of Atmospheric Pressure and Altitude on Health and Disease in Man and the Lower Animals; The Abyssinian Campaign; The Principles of Botany;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 40 Issue 11 – November 1867
Articles include: Opening of the Session at the Royal Veterinary College. - Introductory Lecture by Professor Tuson; Remarks on the Continental Veterinary Schools of Switzerland and Italy; Disease of the Frontal Maxillary Sinuses Inducing Dyspnoea; Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, Proposed New College; Inversion of the Uterus and Fracture of the Ilium in a Bitch;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 40 Issue 5 – May 1867
Articles include: Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; The Microscope in Veterinary Medicine; Fer Peripantaire; A Fistulous Opening in the Temporal Region of a Colt's Ear, Arising from a Misplaced Molar Tooth; Some Observations on the Early History of Variola Ovina;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 40 Issue 3 – March 1867
Articles include: Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; The Re-Appearance of Cattle Plague in the Metropolis; The Cattle Plague at Islington; Belgium. The Cattle Plague in Limburg; On Local Anaesthesia Applied to Veterinary Surgery;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 12 – December 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; Observations on the Cattle Plague in Ireland and the Cattle Disease in the Isle of Man
Horseflesh as an Article of Diet; Observations on "Soundness"; Rupture of the Diaphragm of Long Standing; On the Appointment of Inspecting Veterinary Surgeons in India;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 9 – September 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; A Cyst in the Centre of the Tongue of an Ox, Containing Hair and Other Matters; Malignant Tumours; Observations on the Cattle Plague in Ireland and Cattle Disease in the Isle of Man; Observations on "Soundness";...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 8 – August 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Observations on the Cattle Plague in Ireland and the Cattle Disease in the Isle of Man; Observations on "Soundness";
The Veterinary Mutual Defence Society; Facts and Observation. Diseased Meat and its Effects on Man; Difference Between a Plant and an Animal; The Rapidity of Nerve-Force;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 6 – June 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Cattle Plague - Outbreak of the Disease in Ireland; Observations on Superfoetation; The Cattle Plague, Typhus Contagieux of the French, Rinderpest of the Germans, Ischuma of the Russians; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science; Observations on "Soundness";...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 4 – April 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Cattle Plague in Sheep; Gleanings from the Proceedings of the British Pharmaceutical Conference; West of England Veterinary Medical Association; Parasites in the Kidneys of a Mare; On the Employment of Sprouted Grain for Feeding Purposes;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 3 – March 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Smallpox in Sheep (Variola Ovina); The Proposed New Veterinary Medical Bill; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science; The Employment of Sprouted Grain for Feeding Purposes; Facts and Observations. Massacre of Small Birds in France...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 12 – December 1865
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. Cattle Plague; Communications and Cases. Cattle Plague. Consolidated Order of Council; Cattle Plague Inquiry. Cattle Total Number of Diseased Animals Reported since the Commencement of the Disease; Structure in the Oesopghagus of a Horse; Case of Elaphantiasis in a Calf; "Canker" Can Inverterate Cases be Cured;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 10 – October 1865
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Cattle Plague; Few Thoughts on Influenza in Horses; Present and Past State of the Royal Veterinary College
Formation of a Veterinary Mutual Defence Society; Observations and Reflections on the Cause, Nature, and Treatment of the Cattle Plague;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 8 – August 1865
Articles include: Communications and Cases. A Few Thoughts on Influenza in Horses; Endocarditis in a Cow; Case of Fractured Jaw of a Horse; What is Homeopathy?; Is it a Fallacy to Feed Cattle and Sheep on Malt?; Action of Phodophyllum on the Horse, Cow, and Dog;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 4 – April 1865
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. Toxicological Notes
Lead Poisoning in Cattle from Taking the Splashes of Spent Rifle Bullets; Symptoms of "Carbon"; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science; Laminitis Produced by Eating Oats;...