
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 8 Issue 3– March 1835
Articles include: Mr . Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLVI (continued); On Wounds Penetrating into the Chest of the Horse; Extracts from My Case-Book; Successful Treatment of Infiltration and Induration of the Cellular Tissue of the Lower Part of the Legs of Horses;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 8 Issue 2– February 1835
Articles include: Mr . Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLVI (continued); On Wounds Penetrating into the Chest of the Horse; Polypus in the Pharynx; On Farcy; Laryngitis Accompanied by Scarlatina;Operation for Stone in the Bladder of a Mare;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 8 Issue 1– January 1835
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLVI; On Wounds Penetrating Into the Chest of the Horse; On Staggers in Horses; La Lepre Boutonneuse, and Farcy in the Horse, Considered as Identical Diseases;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 7 Issue 11– November 1834
Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLV; On Wounds Penetrating into the Chest of the Horse; Bronchitis in Calves; The Rot (La cachexie Aqueuse) in Sheep, as Observed in Egypt; Scarlatina in Horses; The Use of Chloride of Lime in Fistulous Withers in a Cow;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 7 Issue 7 – July 1834
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLII; Rabies in Sheep; A Needle in the Tongue of a Horse; Hydrothorax and Hydrops Pericardii, with a Piece of Wire in the Pericardium of a Cow; Singular Obstruction of the Ailmentary Canal in a Mare;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 8 – August 1833
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXXI; On Strangulation of the Bowels in the Horse; On "Horse-Struck"; A Case of Diseased Lungs and Liver in a Cow; The Sequelae of Strangles; On the Use and Abuse of Strong Purgatives in the Diseases of Cattle;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 5 – May 1833
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXVIII; On Hepatitis, Tracheitis, and Obscure Lameness of the Hind Extremity; On Haematuria (Redwater in Cattle); Observations on an Acute Affection of the Skin of the Horse;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 1 – January 1833
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXIV; A Case of Strangulation of the Small Intestines; On Choking in Horses and Cattle; On Cows not Cleansing; A Case of Nephritis; Cases of Spasmodic Action of the Diaphragm;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 5 Issue 12 – December 1832
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures: Lecture XXII; On the Analogy Between the Gripes in Horses and the Epidemic Cholera; On Cooking Food for Horses; Cases of Fistulous Withers Treated by Pressure; A Case of Gastritis;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 5 Issue 10 – October 1832
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures: Lecture XXI; A Series of Essays on the Blood, Blood-Vessels, and Absorbents; The Education of the Horse; A Case of Vives; Local Congestion or Inflammation in Puerperal or Milk Fever in Cows;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 4 Issue 10 – October 1831
Articles include: On the Indian Burusatee; A Successful Case of Neurotomy; On the Treatment of Tetanus; Singular Penetration in the Thoracic Cavity of a Cow; Two Cases of Neurotomy; Veterinary Schools.- No. IV Copenhagen;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 3 Issue 10 – October 1830
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; On the Army Veterinary Department; Defence of Private Veterinary Practitioners, and on Veterinary Reform; On the Establishment of a College of Veterinary Surgeons; Strangles Following Castration;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 3 Issue 4 – April 1830
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; On Breeding; Pathological Facts and Observations; On the Willingness of Horses for Work; On the Teeth of Cattle, as Indicating the Age; Strangulation of the Ileum, and Ascites;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 2 Issue 4 – April 1829
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; Anatomy of the Horse; Youatt on Rabies Canina; Mr Kent in Reply to the Editors of "The Veterinarian"; On the Grievances of the Veterinary Profession; Fracture of the Inner Anterior Condyle of the Femur in the Horse;...