
12 – “Limbs.- Their Accidents and their Diseases”
Artworks include: "Bone Spavin"; "Vessels appropriate to the shin & Foot of the Horse"; "A Spavin or a spint upon the inside of the leg and upon the top of the shin bone"; "The bones of a spavined Hock"; "The natural position of a hind leg in the easy trot - shewing three quarters of the hoof";...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 3 – March 1860
Articles include: Communication and Cases. An Essay on Secretion, with some of the Circumstances which modify that Process in Animals; On Valerianic Acid, and the Valerianates; Oedema Succeeding upon Strangles
Injury of the Vagina and Rectum of a Mare; Rupture of the Oesophagus; Ruptured Stomach...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 7 – July 1853
Articles include: Action of Medicines - Gentian with Aloes - and Tatar Emetic; Action of Potassio-Tartrate of Antimony; What is Spavin; Major's British Remedy; Rupture of the Diaphragm, with Thoracic Hernia; Upon the Treatment of Open Joint; Inversion and Rupture of the Uterus;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 23 Issue 6 – June 1850
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Lameness Arising from Laceration or Rupture of Muscular Fibre; A Singular Certificate of Unsoundness; The Controversy of the Expansion of the Horse's Foot; Spavin or Not? Another Opinion; Tenotomy;
Sixth Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 23 Issue 5 – May 1850
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Tenotomy; On Torsion of the Uterus in the Cow; On "Loin Fallen"; The Controversy on the Expansion of the Foot; Rabies; A Case of Pneumonia, Attended with Great Prostration of Strength; Spavin or Not?; Medical Jurisprudence. Fraud in Obtaining a Surgeon's Diploma;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 22 Issue 3 – March 1849
Articles include: Contributions to the Pathology and Practice of Veterinary Medicine. Second Contribution. Congestion of the Lungs, &c; The Camel (Dromedary Variety); Lameness in Horses. Blood-Spavin; Lameness in Horses. Thorough-Pin;
Lameness in Horses. Windgall of the Knee;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 22 Issue 2 – February 1849
Articles include: Contributions to the Pathology and Practice of Veterinary Medicine; Lameness in Horses. Bog Spavin; Questionable Disease in a Cow; Importation of Cattle; Cases of Difficult Parturition in the Cow; Influenza in Horses; Correspondence on the Subject of Rabies in Cows;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 22 Issue 1 – January 1849
Articles include: Lameness in Horses; Importation of Foreign Cattle; Want of Knowledge of the Treatment and Diseases of Cattle; Windgall and Bog Spavin; A Letter to the Editor; Diminuition of Areas of the Osseous Nasal Fossae Frequently the Cause of Roaring;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 20 Issue 2 – February 1847
Articles include: Other Remedies for Spavin; Professor Sewell's Introductory Lecture. Commencing the Session of the Royal Veterinary College for 1846-7; Interesting Case of Lameness from Disease of the Liver; Observations on the Horses of Canada; The Introduction of the Crotchet into Canine Obstetricy; and its Successful use in Several Cases of Parturition;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 20 Issue 1 – January 1847
Articles include: Firing for Spavin, Poisonous Effects of the Helleborus Foetidus (Stinking Hellebore, Bear's Foot), Cattle Pathology, On Hydrops Uteri; Observations on Curb; Reflections on Over-Fed Animals; Effects of Medicine on Horses; Veterinary Jurusprudence. Stringhalt Ajudicated Unsoundness .Thompson v. Patteson;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 3 Issue 3 – March 1830
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; Of the Origin of the Horse; A Case of Disease of the Lungs, Combined with Dropsy; A Case of Tetanus; Cases of Horrible Cruelty Inflicted on Some Horses; On Veterinary Reform, and on Soundness;...