
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 7 – July 1865
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. Disease of the Brain and Cranial Bones Produced by a Cancerous Tumour; Tumours in the Ventricle of the Brain of the Horse, Complicated with Oedema of the Head and Tongue;
Toxicological Notes. Communicated by Professor Tuson; The Exclusive Right of the Members of the Body Corporate to the Name and Title of " Veterinary Surgeons"; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 37 Issue 8 – August 1864
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Cystitis, Followed by Rupture of the Bladder, in a Mare; Report on the Results of the Chemical Analyses Made in Connection with the Supposed Death of Three Cows from Gathering up the Spray of Rifle Bullets: Recorded by Mr. Watson, in the May Number of the Veterinarian; On Some of the Diseases of the Respiratory Organs of the Horse and Other Animals; Disease of the Heart and Intestines Complicated with Effusion;...
Inflammation and Obstruction of the Stomach and Intestines

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 36 Issue 6 – June 1863
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Oedema of the Large Intestines of a Horse, Supervening Upon an Attack of Influenza; Paralysis of the Colon of Horse; On Some of the Diseases of the Respiratory Organs of the Horse and Other Animals
Observations on "Soundness";...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 9 – September 1862
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. The Prescence of Morphia Prevents the Development of the Colour-Tests of Strychnia; On Eczema in the Horse; Remarks by Assistant-Professor Varnell; ...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 12 – December 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. Carcinoma in an Alderney Cow; A Word About Aloes; Evidences of the Antiquity of Attaching the Shoe to the Foot of the Horse by Nails; Fibrinous Tumour Situated in the Pelvic Cavity of an Ox;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 10 – October 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. Scientific and Analytical Chemisty. On a New form of Chloride of Sodium; Case of Strangulated Ilium; Reply to the Above by Mr. Varnell; Pyaemia in a Foal; Case of Hernia;
Case of Hemiplegia;..

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 9 – September 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On Therapeutics; Communication and Cases. On Enlargement of the Plexus Choroides. Case of Sudden Death Of Pony; Remarks on Castration; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science; Fibrinous Casts from the Intestines of a Cow;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 4 – April 1860
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Do Animals eat the Ranunculaceae in Sufficient Quantities so as to Prove Poisonous to them?; The Bladder of a Horse Containing a Large Qunatity of Calcareous Deposit; The Bladder of a Horse Containing a Large Quantity of Calcareous Deposit; Memoirs of a Veterinary Surgeon. Thoughts in the Sick Box...
Unsoundness in Horses

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 32 Issue 7 – July 1859
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On Ergot; Communications and Cases. On Entozoa; Communications and Cases. The Present State of the Veterinary Profession, and the Causes that Retard its Advancement
Communication and Cases. Poisoning of a Colt by Yew...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 8 – August 1858
Articles Include: Some of the Compounds Resulting from the Decomposition of Vegetables; Communication and Cases. Fracture of the Tibia; Communication and Cases. Rupture of the Diaphragm;
Communication and Cases. Inversion of the Bladder;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 29 Issue 10 – October 1856
Articles include: Communication and Case. Clinical Lecture on Dislocation of the Femur; Case of Ruptured Stomach; Ossification of the Hepatic Duct of a Cow; Case of Intussuception of the Ileum of a Horse;
Dislocation of the Os Suffraginis; An Attack of Pneumonia, Followed by Trismus, in a Mare...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 3 – March 1853
Articles include: Diseases of Horses Endemic to India; Agricultural and Veterinary Science; Speed, or Black Leg; Shoeing of Cavalry Horses; Major's British Remedy; Shrewsbury Great Annual Horse Fair, 1853 (Caution); Reviews. A Treatise on Farriery; Comprising the Art of Shoeing Horses and Other Domestic Animals, in Relation to Defects of Aplomb, Malformations and Diseases of the Foot;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 1 – January 1853
Articles include: Fracture of the Pelvis, Fracture of the Second Cervical Vertebra, Sacculous Dilatation of the Oesophagus, A Remedy for Colic, Review. Twenty-Sixth Annual Report of the Royal Society fort the Preservation of Cruelty to Animals. 1852,
Foreign Department. The Horse in Asia and Africa ...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 6 – June 1848
Articles include: Fourth Annual General Meeting of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; Fourth Annual Report of the Council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons to the Members of the Profession; Finance Report of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, As Passed in Council;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 8 Issue 8 – August 1835
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLVIII (continued); Tetanus; Tetanus in a Dog; The Effect of Cantharides in Cases of Farcy; Indigestion, with Tympanitis (Flatulent Colic) in Two Horses, Cured by Puncture of the Caecum;...