‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 9 – September 1858
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. The Formation of a New Veterinary Society; Communications and Cases. Diseased Heart of a Cow; Communications and Cases. Disease in the Eyes of Cattle;
Communications and Cases. Roaring in a Horse, with the Successful Adoption if a Mechanical Contrivance for its Relief;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 3 – March 1858
Articles Include: On the Permanganate of Potassa; Communication and Cases. Poisoning of Two Steers with Yew; Communication and Cases. On Soundness and Unsoundness;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 1 – January 1858
Articles Include: On Life Assurance; Communications and Cases. On Soundness and Unsoundness in Horses; Communications and Cases. Poisoning of Horses with Arsenic; Communications and Cases. Action of Nicotine on the Hedgehog;Communications and Cases. Navicularthritis Terminating in "Groggy Lameness";...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 12 – December 1857
Articles include: The Introductory Address; Communication and Cases. On the Soundness and Warranty of Horses; Observations on the Law of Warranty of Horses; Pulmonary Apoplexy in a Cow; Case of Rupture of the Spleen;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 10 – October 1857
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On the Soundness and Warranty of Horses. A Reply to Mr. Dickens; Case of Nasal Polypus; Cases of Erysipelatous Disease of the Skin; Opthalmia in Cattle; The Employment of Castor Oil as a Purgative;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 7 – July 1857
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On the Vegetable Alkaloids; Memoirs of a Veterinary Surgeon. Thoughts on Nasal Gleet; The Dairies of London in Connection with Unwholesome Food; Glanders, and the Authorities of Cities and Towns in Ireland;
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 5 – May 1857
Articles include: Communications and Cases. The Use of Glanderine and Farcine in the Treatment of Pulmonary and Other Diseases; On the Existence of Oxaltine of Lime in the Urine of the Horse, and Bright's Disease in the Kidney; The Eastern Campaign. The Murrain;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 4 – April 1857
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Softening and Rupture of the Left Kidney, Associated with Calcareous Deposit in the Pelvis and Ureter of the Right; The Eastern Campaign. A Chapter of Odds and Ends;
Acute Pleurisy Associated with Gangrene of the Uterus Following Abortion;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 3 – March 1857
Articles include: Communications and Cases. A Further Innquiry into the Reasons why the Horse Rarely Vomits; Gastro-Intestinal Inflammation in a Cow; Two Cases of Tetanus Successfully Treated with Hydrocyanic Acid;
Impactment of Foreign Matters in the Upper Part of the Rectum;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 29 Issue 12 – December 1856
Articles include: Communication and Cases. Strangulation of the Intestines; Tympany of the Stomach and Intestines; Valvular Disease of the Heart Associated with Gastritis; Rupture of the Stomach of a Horse; Tetanus Successfully Treated; Rupture of the Stomach of a Weanling Colt about Six Months Old;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 29 Issue 10 – October 1856
Articles include: Communication and Case. Clinical Lecture on Dislocation of the Femur; Case of Ruptured Stomach; Ossification of the Hepatic Duct of a Cow; Case of Intussuception of the Ileum of a Horse;
Dislocation of the Os Suffraginis; An Attack of Pneumonia, Followed by Trismus, in a Mare...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 29 Issue 7 – July 1856
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On the Relative Weight of the Body and of the Viscera of the Elephant; Rupture of the Colon of Horse; Explanatory Reply to the Above Communication; Cases of Malaena in Cows;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 29 Issue 6 – June 1856
Articles include: Communication and Cases. The Report of the Epizootic Commitee of the Epidemiological Society; Cases of Fracture of the Pelvis; Partial Occlusion of the Urethra in an Ox; Successful Operation for Ventral Hernia;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 29 Issue 5 – May 1856
Articles include: Communication and Cases. Urethral Calculus in the Horse; On Castration in India; Several Fatal Cases of Disease; Enlarged and Scirrhous Spleen, Accompanied with Farcy; Case of Choking in the Horse; A Sanguineous Ovarian Tumour;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 29 Issue 4 – April 1856
Articles include: The Operation, Absolute and Relative, of Various kinds of Aloes on the Horse, with Cases Illustrative of the Benefit Attending the Exclusive Use of Purgatives and Clysters in Impaction and Spasmodic Colic; A Case of Rupture of the Coats of the Rectum;...