
66 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 5 Dec 1920
Smith writes about various subjects including: author and publisher rights issues between Smith and Bailliere, Tindall and Cox; reviews of Smith's 'Early History of Veterinary Literature'; the 'Veterinary Record'; Thomas Bates, surgeon to the Royal Household; Sir D'Arcy Power; ...

65 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 1 Dec 1920
Smith writes about various subjects including: reviews of Smith's 'Early History of Veterinary Literature'; Dr Charles Singer; indexing Smith's 'Veterinary Physiology'; author and publisher rights issues; Sir D'Arcy Power; Thomas Bates the surgeon; the Royal Society.

62 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 20 Oct 1920
Smith writes regarding a question posed in 'The Graphic' about a book on horsemanship by Gordon published in 1852. Smith writes that he cannot find any information about it. He also mentions indexing 'Veterinary Physiology'; 'Veterinary History of the War in South Africa'; t...

61 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 15 Oct 1920
Smith writes about various subjects including: indexing 'Veterinary Physiology' ; Janet Bullock editing Smith's work; the Society of Authors, and royalty payments; the publishers Bailliere, Tindall and Cox.

118 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 3 Dec 1913
Smith writes about various research subjects including: work by Naaldwyck[?]; works by Grisone, and translations by Blundeville. Smith also mentions sending material to the publishers for both his 'Veterinary History of the War in South Africa'...

94 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 24 Sep 1913
Bullock writes to correct the translation and photograph reproduction proof of Harley manuscript 3535 held at the British Museum. Attached are a copy of [presumably] Smith's plan for the layout and typesetting, and the printed...

91 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 21 Sep 1913
Smith writes to thank Bullock for seeing Mr Linstead at Burroughs Wellcome, and sending [printing?] blocks to Edinburgh. Smith also mentions the work of Ercolani, thanks Bullock for his notes on Columbe, and asks for notes of...

86 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 9 Sep [1913]
Smith writes to instruct Bullock as to how Smith would like a photograph to be taken of a Harley manuscript [3535] at the British Museum. He also mentions the Ruffus and Crescentius material. Smith mentions that the publishers of the...

79 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 23 Jul [1913]
Smith writes about various subjects including: writing to Sir Clements Markham about Gervase; uncorrected proofs of Smith's 'Early History of Veterinary Literature' going to print; visiting the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum,...

59 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 10 Jun 1913
Smith writes about various subjects including: references to publications in French; consulting Konrad Gesner's 'History of Four-Footed Beasts'; reimbursement of postage costs; article about 17th century veterinary literature for Leon Moule;...

44 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 4 May 1913
Smith writes about various subjects including: the works of Hippocrates; researching literature from the Arab Period in Europe, and Moule's writing on the subject; printing and editing proofs of Smith's 'Veterinary History...

27 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 26 Mar 1913
Smith writes on various subjects including: the works of Karl Krumbacher regarding 'Hippiatrica' and its translations; consulting the Harley manuscripts, and extracts by Bruce-Whyte at the British Museum; the first part of...

19 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 9 Mar 1913
Smith writes about various subjects including: works by Hecker and Ruellius [Jean Ruel] regarding Apsyrtus and Hierocles, and their comments on glanders, farcy, and strangles; sending proofs of the 'Early History of Veterinary Literature...

8 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 19 Feb 1913
Smith writes about various subjects including: researching the works of Ammianus Marcellinus; sending articles to the printers; and visiting the library of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons to view the first edition...

1 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 9 Feb 1913
Smith writes about various research subjects including: the first part of 'Early History of Veterinary Literature' going to press; his lecture and article 'The Loss of Horses in War'; questioning whether to continue his annual subscription to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons;...