
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 9 Issue 6 – June 1836
Articles include: Animal Pathology by Mr Youatt. Lecture VI; The Anatomy of the Fore Foot of the Ox; A Case of Hemiplegia in a Colt; Lesions of the Spinal Cord in Paralysis (Paraplegia) in the Horse; Intestinal Tympanitis Removed by Punction;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 9 Issue 1 – January 1836
Articles include: Animal Pathology by Mr Youatt. Lecture I; Three Cases of Oedema Preceded by Strangles; Two Successful Cases of Subcutaneous Periosteotomy; On Spasm of the Voluntary Muscles; Phymosis in a Bull; On Proper Professional Conduct;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 8 Issue 9 – September 1835
Articles include: Mr. Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLIX; Epilepsy; Epilepsy and Staggers Alrernating in a Horse Having Worms; Spasms of the Diaphragm; Abcess in the Thigh, Communicating with the Stifle Joint; Incontinence of Urine in a Mare;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 7 Issue 9 – September 1834
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLIII; On Cataract; Mr Hales in Reply to Mr. Cartwright - Cataract and Hernia; Mal-Conformation in a Colt-Double Legs; An Inverterate Cancerous Affection in a Cow; On the Ventilation of Stables;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 7 Issue 5 – May 1834
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLI; Extracts from my Case - Book. No IX. Neurotomy; On the Effect of Purgatives on Cattle; Fatal Effects of a Slight Wound in a Bullock; A Case of Shoulder Lameness;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 7 Issue 4 – April 1834
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXXIX; On Cataract in the Eye of the Horse; On the Formation of Cataract in the Eye of the Horse; A Case of Tetanus, Preceded by Unusual Symptoms, and Successfully Treated;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 7 Issue 2 – February 1834
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Continuation of Lecture XXXVIII; On the Use of the Scale Cornutum (Ergot of Rye) in Retention of the Placenta, and Protracted Labour; Cases of Dropping after Calving; Cases of Indigestion;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 12 – December 1833
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXXVIII; To the Editors of "The Veterinarian"; Case of Haematuria; Opened Knee Joint; A Case of Rabies in the Cow; A Case of Palsy in the Lips; Shakespeare - A Foxhunter;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 4 Issue 6 – June 1831
Articles include: Practical Observations Relative to Stable Duties and the General Care of Horses; A Case of Abscess in the Liver of a Cow; A Reply to Mr C. Clark on the Discovery of the Expansion of the Horse's Foot; Queries Respecting Cattle, &c.;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 4 Issue 1 – January 1831
Articles include: On Breeding; On Hepatirrhoea, Haemorrhage from the Liver; Minutes of Evidence before a Committee of the House of Commons on the Bill to Prevent the Spreading of Canine Madness; An Account of the Horse-Sandal, or Removeable Horse-Shoe;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 3 Issue 14 – 15 July 1830
Articles include: The Seat in Driving; The Cruelty Case; Instructions for Fitting Horses with Proper Bits; Former Opinions Respecting Glanders; Strangulation of the Body of the Uterus, which Prevented Delivery in a Cow;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 3 Issue 6 – 15 March 1830
Articles include: On Animal Education; Another of Mr. Coleman's Fallacies; Observations on the Structure and Economy of the Stomach in Man and several Orders of Animal; On Opinions Respecting Soundness;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 2 Issue 9 – 1 May 1829
Articles include: A Treatise on the Diseases and Lameness of Horses; Medicine Contractor v. Veterinary Professor; Veterinary Surgeons Dinner; A Method of Obtaining a Greater Number of One Sex, at the Option of the Proprieter, in the Breeding of Live Stock;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 3 – March 1828
Articles include: The Veterinary College, As Originally Constituted, Compared with its Present Mismanaged and Corrupt State; Animal Phrenology; Instructions for Breeding Pheasants; On Tonic Medicines for Horses;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 2 – February 1828
Articles include: Description of the Royal Mews Pimilico; On the Importance and Present Estimation of the Veterinary Profession in England; On the Diseases of the Eye of the Horse; Observations on the Distemper in Dogs;...