‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 45 Issue 1 – January 1872
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Note on the Dogestion of Mineral Substances, "On Unprofitable Details", The Principles of Botany, On Vapid or Unripe Food...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 44 Issue 8 – August 1871
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Case of Laryngitis, Monstrosity in a Calf - Peculiar Presentation, A Case of Difficult Parturition in a Mare, Followed by Inflammatory Oedema and Purpura Haemorrhagica, The Principles of Botany...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 5 – May 1870
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Extensive Disease of the Membranes Covering the Left Hemisphere of the Brain of a Dog, The Principles of Botany, Two Cases of Purpura with Intestinal Submucous Hemorrhage, Subcutaneous Injection of Morphia in Colic and Enteritis, Tracheotomy...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 40 Issue 11 – November 1867
Articles include: Opening of the Session at the Royal Veterinary College. - Introductory Lecture by Professor Tuson; Remarks on the Continental Veterinary Schools of Switzerland and Italy; Disease of the Frontal Maxillary Sinuses Inducing Dyspnoea; Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, Proposed New College; Inversion of the Uterus and Fracture of the Ilium in a Bitch;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 40 Issue 7 – July 1867
Articles include: Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; Poisoning of Cows with Arum Maculatum; On the Use of Potassa Caustica in Bites by Hydrophobic Animals;
On Cattle Insurance Companies; Experiments with Horse-Flesh as an Article of Food;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 40 Issue 5 – May 1867
Articles include: Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; The Microscope in Veterinary Medicine; Fer Peripantaire; A Fistulous Opening in the Temporal Region of a Colt's Ear, Arising from a Misplaced Molar Tooth; Some Observations on the Early History of Variola Ovina;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 40 Issue 4 – April 1867
Articles include: Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; Physiology of the Horny Laminae and Wall of the Foot of the Horse; On Ventilation; On Wolves Teeth; Case of Malignant Tumours, Associated with Clots of Blood in the Vessels; Poisoning of a Heifer be Lead Paint;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 11 – November 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Opening of the Session 1866-67 at the Royal Veterinary College. Introductory Address by Professor Simonds; Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; Observation on the Cattle Plague in Ireland and the Cattle Disease in the Isle of Man; Observations on "Soundness"; Hepatic Disease in the Horse; Remarks on the Nerve Operation;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 32 Issue 1 – January 1859
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. On the Artificial Production of Organic Compounds; Communication and Cases. How to Make a Quartern Loaf out of a Deal Board; Communication and Cases. Removal of a Supernumerary Leg Connected to One of the Fore Legs of a Colt, the Property of - Jackson, Esq., Grays, Essex;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 10 – October 1857
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On the Soundness and Warranty of Horses. A Reply to Mr. Dickens; Case of Nasal Polypus; Cases of Erysipelatous Disease of the Skin; Opthalmia in Cattle; The Employment of Castor Oil as a Purgative;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 5 – May 1857
Articles include: Communications and Cases. The Use of Glanderine and Farcine in the Treatment of Pulmonary and Other Diseases; On the Existence of Oxaltine of Lime in the Urine of the Horse, and Bright's Disease in the Kidney; The Eastern Campaign. The Murrain;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 1 – January 1857
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On Glycerine; Proposal to Form a Veterinary Protection Society; A Calculus Causing Rupture of the Rectum of a Horse; Cases from my Note-Book; On Soundness; Case of Nasal Gleet; On the Use of Iodine in Farcy;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 29 Issue 12 – December 1856
Articles include: Communication and Cases. Strangulation of the Intestines; Tympany of the Stomach and Intestines; Valvular Disease of the Heart Associated with Gastritis; Rupture of the Stomach of a Horse; Tetanus Successfully Treated; Rupture of the Stomach of a Weanling Colt about Six Months Old;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 28 Issue 5 – May 1855
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On Arsenious Acid; Memoirs of a Veterinary Surgeon. Thoughts on Laminits; On Urinary Deposits; An Attack of Laminitis Following the Exhibition of Active Purgative Agents; Case of Fracture of the Os Suffraginis;...