
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 58 Issue 2 – February 1885
Articles include: Notes of Lectures on the Practice of Equine Surgery, "Bursatti:" Its Pathology and Clinical Characteristics, Catarrhal Pneumonia of the Horse - Intra-Alveolar Nodular Formation - False Tubercule, The Relative Value of Subjects Taught the Veterinary Student, An Echo from the Council Chamber...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 57 Issue 4 – April 1884
Articles include: On Plants in Relation to Animals, The Tubercular Diathesis in Cows and Calves, Docking Horses, The Recent Examinations, Foot and Mouth Disease in the United States of America...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 56 Issue 4 – April 1883
Articles include: Actinomykosis Bovis, On the Presence of Oestridean and Muscidean Larvae in the Human Body, On the Presence of Oestridean and Muscidean Larvae in the Human Body: Plate I, On the Presence of Oestridean and Muscidean Larvae in the Human Body: Plate II, On Plants in Relation to Animals...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 55 Issue 4 – April 1882
Articles include: On Plants in Relation to Animals, The Veterianry Surgeons Bill, Glanders in Horse and Man; Extraordinary Period of Latency and the Striking Similarity in the Sypmtoms of Each, Case of Successful Lithotomy in a Mare, Remarks on Dr. Crisp's Statements on Rickets in the Lower Animals...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 54 Issue 4 – April 1881
Articles include: Lectures on the Practice of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery - Hippopathology, On Plants in Relation to Animals, "Nasal Insufflator", Vomition in the Horse, "The Court of Examiners"...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 53 Issue 6 – June 1880
Articles include: Parasitic Disease in Batrachia and Salmonidae, Sypnosis of Continental Veterinary Journals, Veterinary Science in America, On Plants in Relation to Animals, Practical Hints on Stable Management in India...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 52 Issue 4 – April 1879
Articles include: Remarks on Eustrongylus Gigas, Remarks on the Filaria Medenensis, or Guinea Worm; on the Occurrence of this Parasite Endemically in the Province of Bahia; on its Entrance into the Human Body by Drinking Water, Sypnosis of Continental Veterinary Journals, The Principles of Botany, "Veterinary Progress:" What Next, and Next?...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 52 Issue 1 – January 1879
Articles include: Sypnosis of Continental Veterinary Journals, The Principles of Botany, Case of Rabies, The Prevention of Parturient Apoplexy, Pig Typhoid...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 51 Issue 1 – January 1878
Articles include: The Principles of Botany, Singular Case of Delirium in the Horse, A Rejoinder to Mr. Gerrard's Criticism on Fashion in the Trearment of Disease, Fashionable Phlebotomy, Dislocation of the Shoulder-Joint...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 11 – November 1876
Articles include; Royal Veterinary College: Opening of the Session 1876-7. Introductory Adress by Professor Pritchard, The Egyptian Horse Plague in Relation to the Question of Parasitism, The Epizootic Disease Among the Horses of Egypt, The Principles of Botany, Flukes in Liver of a Horse...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 48 Issue 5 – May 1875
Article include: The Fitzwygram Prizes, Leaves from the Veterinary Case-Book, The Principles of Botany, Hippophagy, Yew Poisoning...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 44 Issue 9 – September 1871
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Union of a Fractured Femur in a Colt, Aconite versus Hydrocyanic Acid as Remedies in Tetanus, The Principles of Botany, Amputation of the Uterus of a Ewe...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 6 – June 1870
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, The Proposed Central Veterinary Medical Society, Cancer of the Penis - Amputation, The Principles of Botany, Cattle Plague, Foot and Mouth Disease and Pluero-Pneumonia...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 6 – June 1869
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Laminitis and its Treatment; Fistulous Openings between the Uterus and Intestines in a Cow; Abscess in the Kidney of a Cow;...
The Principles of Botany
Education and Examination of Veterinary Students
Pathological Contributions. Pleuro-Pneumonia