
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 1 – January 1844
Articles include: The Veterinarian; Cases of Quarter-Evil, or Striking; The Christmas Show of Cattle; On the Sudden Loss of Vital Power; On the Use of Tobacco for Horses; The Veterinary Art in India; A Case of Ventral Hernia;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 16 Issue 3 – March 1843
Articles include: Lectures on Horses. The Hind Legs; On Tumours About the Head and Throat of Cattle; Disease of the Kidney and Ureter in a Yearling Calf; Cases of Parturition and Tracheotomy; A Singular Case of Abscess in a Horse;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 15 Issue 3 – March 1842
Articles include: Lectures on Horses. Lecture II. The Neck; Compte Rendu of the Clinical and Chirurgical Labours of the Veterinary School at Lyons during the Scholastic Year 1840-41; Rupture of the Rectum; On the Effect of the Dinodide of Copper. Farcy;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 7 – July 1841
Articles include: Respiration, its Mechanism and Characters Abstractedly Considered; On the Absorption of the Opaque Capsule of the Crystalline Lens; A Case of Hepatitis in a Horse; A Case of Vomiting in a Cow; Disorganization or Granular Degeneration of the Kidneys in a Sheep;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 1 – January 1841
Articles include: Advice to Veterinary Students; Albuminous Urine; Consultations. No. XVII. Osteo-Sarcoma in a Cow; Consultations. No. XVIII. Superfoetation and Clyers; No. XIX. Warranty; On the Rationale of Clipping; A Case of Neurotomy in a Cow;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 13 Issue 12 – December 1840
Articles include: The Veterinary Profession; On Glanders; Extract from the Compte-Rendu of the Labours of the Royal Veterinary School at Alfort, During the Scholastic Year 1839-40; On Abortion in Cattle; A Case of Ventral Hernia in a Mare;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 12 Issue 9 – September 1839
Articles include: Cases of Red-Water, Puerperal Fever and Rupture of Gastrocnemius Externus Muscle; Experiments on Digestion; Necrosis of the Occiput, Followed by Incomplete Paraplegia and Epilepsy; Consultations. No. X. Urinary or Intestinal Disease;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 12 Issue 4 – April 1839
Articles include: Hippo-Pathology. Diseases of the Air-Passages; Experiments on Digestion ; The Advantageous Use of Cresotote in Glanders in the Human Subject; Case of Haemorrhage from the Urinary Pasages Cured by the Employment of Crestote and the Sub-Crarbonate of the Peroxide of Iron;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 8 Issue 10 – October 1835
Articles include: A Case of Ossification of the Aorta, With Remarks on Ossific Deposits in General; The Prevention of Abortion in Cattle; Carditis; Torsion; Rupture of the Ileum; Congenital Hydatids in a Lamb; A Few Remarks on a Pamphlet Entitled "A Concise Account of Veterinary Surgery,";...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 1 – January 1833
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXIV; A Case of Strangulation of the Small Intestines; On Choking in Horses and Cattle; On Cows not Cleansing; A Case of Nephritis; Cases of Spasmodic Action of the Diaphragm;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 2 Issue 18 – 15 September 1829
Articles include: Veterinary College; Mr. C. Clark's further Remarks on Mr. James Turner's Exposé; Experimental Physiology; Entanglement, Stricture, and Strangulation of the Intestines; An Essay on the Minute Anatomy and Physiology of the Organs of Vision, in Man and the various Orders of Animals;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 1 Issue 9 – September 1828
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; On the Worm in the Eye of the Horse, and on the Kumree, or Weakness of the Loins, in Horses in India; Dropsy and Thickening of the Pericardium in a Cow, Caused by a Needle Sticking in it...

Coleman, Edward – “Instructions for the Use of Farriers Attached to the British Cavalry and to the Honourable Board of...
Chapters include: Instructions for the Use of Farriers in Regiments of Cavalry, Inflammation of the Eyes, Inflammation of the Chest...

Snape, Andrew – “The Anatomy of an Horse” Book 1 (1683)
Chapters include: Chap. I. Of the Parts investing the whole Body, and first of the Hair, Chap. II. Of the Cuticle or Scarf-skin, Chap. III. Of the Cutis or true Skin, Chap. IV. Of the fleshy Pannicle, Chap. V. Of the Fat, and the Common Membrane of the Muscles...