
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 10 – October 1833
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXXVI; Extracts from my Case - Book. No VI. Parturition; On the Utility of Botanical Knowlegde; On the Early Formation of Concretions in the Rumen; A Case of Amputation of the Fore Leg of a Heifer;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 2 – February 1833
Articles include: Mr Yoautt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXV; Two Cases of Inguinal Hernia; A Case of Anasarca Following Severe Chest Affection, and Removed by the Spartium Scoparium; A Glance at "The Veterinarian"; A Case of Ascites in a Cow;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 1 – January 1833
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXIV; A Case of Strangulation of the Small Intestines; On Choking in Horses and Cattle; On Cows not Cleansing; A Case of Nephritis; Cases of Spasmodic Action of the Diaphragm;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 5 Issue 11 – November 1832
Articles include: A Series of Essays on the Blood, Blood-Vessels, and Absorbents; Extracts from My Case Book: Effects of Digitalis; Fistulous Withers No. IV; Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures: Lecture XXII; A Case of Tetanus; Amputation of the Penis in the Horse;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 5 Issue 10 – October 1832
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures: Lecture XXI; A Series of Essays on the Blood, Blood-Vessels, and Absorbents; The Education of the Horse; A Case of Vives; Local Congestion or Inflammation in Puerperal or Milk Fever in Cows;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 4 Issue 5 – May 1831
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; Distress of Hunters.- Case of Spasm of the Diaphragm; On the Expansion of the Foot, and One-sided Nailing; The Early History and Original Constitution of the Veterinary College; On One-Sided Nailing;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 3 Issue 6 – June 1830
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; Of the Edinburgh Veterinary School, &c.; A Case of Neurotomy; A Case of Distention of the Stomachs of a Cow, Particularly the Maniplus, Successfully Treated; A Case of Vomition in a Mare;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 3 Issue 7 – 1 April 1830
Articles include: On Mechanical Injury of the Tongue; Case of Diseased Spine leading to Paralysis, Rupture of the Diaphragm, and Death; On a Common Cause of Grease in Horses;...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 2 Issue 19 – 1 October 1829
Articles include: On Veterinary Reform; Essays on the Origin and Natural History of Domestic Animals; Review: A Treatise on the Teeth of the Horse, shewing its Age by the changes teeth undergo, from a Foal up to Twenty-three Years Old; especially after the Eighth year;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 2 Issue 9 – September 1829
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; Entanglement, Stricture, and Strangulation of the Intestines of the Horse; Case of Acute Inflammation of the Membranous Lining of the Air-Passages; Mal-Practice of a Farrier;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 2 Issue 1 – January 1829
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; Substance of an Introductiory Lecture on the Anatomy and Diseases of Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Dogs, &c; Inflammation in the Feet of Horses; Exclusion of Veterinary Surgeons as Subscribers to The Veterinary College;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 1 Issue 7 – July 1828
Articles include: Anatomy of the Horse; The Use of Camphor in Glanders; Paralysis in Lambs; Rupture of the Diaphragm; Disunion of the Lamine of the Foot; Superpurgtion from the Farina of the Croton Seed...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 1 Issue 6 – June 1828
Articles include: Anatomy of The Horse; Traumatic Tetanus; Observations of the Filaria or Thread Worm, Found in the Eyes of Horses in India; On Foreign Bodies in the Oesophagus of Cattle; Rupture of the Diaphragm...

Snape, Andrew – “The Anatomy of an Horse” Book 2 (1683)
Chapters include: Chap. I. Of the investing and circumscribing Parts of the Chest, Chap. II. Of the Muscles of the Middle Venter or Chest, called the Intercostal Muscles, Chap. III. Of the Pleura, or Coat which invests or lines the Ribs on the Inside, Chap. IV. Of the Midriff or Diaphragm...