
10 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 25 Feb 1913
Smith writes about various research subjects including: various codices of 'Hippiatrica', listed in Montfaucon; Isaac Voss library in Leyden [Leiden, The Netherlands]; Sloane 745 manuscript at the British Museum; Henri Omont's catalogue...

6 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 13 Feb 1913
Smith writes about various subjects including: researching the works of Monfaucon at the British Museum; manuscripts by Amoreux held at the Huzard Library; Sloane 745 manuscripts of 'Hippiatrica' at the British Museum...

2 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 11 Feb 1913
Bullock writes about the results of his research at the British Museum, on behalf of Smith. He encloses several pages of notes (some in Latin) from the works of Fabricius' 'Bibliotheca Graeca' relating to 'Hippiatrica'...

18 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 17 Apr 1912
Bullock writes about the results of his research, on behalf of Smith, into subjects including: works by Fabricius, Saboureux, Columella and Vegetius. Bullock also asks if Smith would like him to research any Greek manuscripts...

13 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 28 Mar 1912
Bullock writes on various research subjects including: works by Ruffus, Moses of Palermo, and Krumbacher; Huzard's Library; Gauthier's translation of Hecker; Niclas' translation of 'Geoponica';...

5 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 17 Mar 1912
Smith writes about various research subjects including: the translaton of 'Geoponica' by Thomas Owen; the translation of works by Mago by Dionysius; the writing of Baranski, Hippocrates, Ruellius and Postolka...

3 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 15 Mar 1912
Bullock writes about the results of his research at the British Museum, on behalf of Smith, referring to Grynaeus' 'Hippiatrica', 'Geoponica' and Baranski's works...

2 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 14 Mar 1912
Smith writes about various historical veterinary literature sources, including Aristotle, Gryneus' 'Hippiatrica', Niclas' 'Geoponica', and Baranski's 'Thiermedicin im Alterthum'. Smith asks Bullock to locate in the British Museum ...

1 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 3 Mar 1912
Smith writes about his successful research and how he will continue at the British Museum. This letter is written in pencil, and so is possibly a draft.

3 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 21 Mar 1911
Bullock writes about the results of his research into horse tax using records held at the Public Record Office, the British Museum and...

2 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 23 Jan 1911
Bullock writes about the results of his research into the veterinary writing of H W Bunbury, under the pseudonym Geoffrey Gambado, held at the British Museum. Enclosed are three reader's request tickets for the British Museum, completed by Fred Bullock on 23 Jan 1911...

4 – Letter to Smith from Richard Crawshay, Melchbourne Vicarage, Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire, 14 Nov 1907
Crawshay writes to say he is sorry for missing Smith on his visit to London. He suggests some sources on the Ona tribe [Selk'nam indigenous people] of Patagonia, and encloses a list of texts suggested by Charles Hercules Read, Keeper of British and Medieval Antiquities and Ethnography at the British Museum. Crawshay writes that he has read Smith's chapter on 'Animal Heat'...

3 – Letter to Smith from Richard Crawshay, Melchbourne Vicarage, Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire, 5 Nov 1907
Crawshay writes to thank Smith for his compliments on an excerpt of his book, and discusses book binding. Crawshay recommends books on the subject of anthropology, and mentions the Ona tribe [Selk'nam indigenous people] of Patagonia. He suggests that Smith contact [Charles Hercules] Read, Keeper of British and Medieval Antiquities and Ethnography at the British Museum,...

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 7 – July 1828
Articles include: Remarks on the Royal Veterinary College; Appeal to the Veterinary Profession; London Veterinary Society; Observations on the Dissecting and Preparing of the Bodies of Animals; On the Adulteration of Veterinary Drugs;

‘Farrier and Naturalist’ Vol 1 Issue 6 – June 1828
Articles include: The Library of the British Museum; Lameness in Horses. College Doctrines; New Veterinary Medical Society; Rot in Sheep; New Insect; Sketch of the Natural History of the Salmo Salar, or Common Salmon;