‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 36 Issue 4 – April 1863
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Rupture of the Colon of a Horse, which it is supposed, had taken place several days before death; Analysis of a Calculus Removed from the Urethra of a Horse; On Some of the Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines of the Horse and other Animals. Chronic Diarrhoea; Observations on "Soundness"; Abscess in the Brain of a Horse...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 36 Issue 3 – March 1863
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Carcinoma of the Intestines and other Abdominal Viscera of a Horse; Treatment of Colic, &c; Observations on "Soundness."; Remarks on a Case of Calculi in the Intestines of a Horse, Followed by Rupture; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science. Poisoning of Heifers with the Woody Nightshade...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 36 Issue 1 – January 1863
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Observations on "Soundness"; A Diseased Spleen; Remarks on the Above by Professor Varnell; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science. Plants which Prove Poisonous, or Otherwise Injurious, to our Domestic Animals; Hydrophobia in the the Horse; On Strangulated Hernia...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 12 – December 1862
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On Some of the Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines of the Horse and Other Animals; Disease of the Urinary Organs of a Cow;
Disease of the Urinary Organs of a Cow. Observations on the Case by Professor Varnell; Poisoning of Pigs with Common Salt...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 11 – November 1862
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Opening of the Session at the Royal Veterinary College. Inaugural Address by Professor Simonds; A Case of Tumour in the Brain of a Horse; Examination of Veterinary Practitioners;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 10 – October 1862
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. Removal of a Supernumerary Limb from a Thorough-Bred Filly; Rupture of the Posterior Vena Cava of a Horse; Ventilation;
On Some of the Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines of the Horse and Other Animals. Diarrhoea;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 9 – September 1862
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. The Prescence of Morphia Prevents the Development of the Colour-Tests of Strychnia; On Eczema in the Horse; Remarks by Assistant-Professor Varnell; ...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 8 – August 1862
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. Case of Extensive Disease of the Heart of a Filly; Observations on the Above Case by Assistant Professor Varnell; The Liabilities of Veterinary Surgeons; Case of Tetanus in a Mare. - Recovery...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 7 – July 1862
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. Carbolic Acid as a Disinfectant; Communication; Communication from a Graduate; Proposed Examination of Veterinary Practitioners; Poisoning of Dogs with Strychnine; Internal Haemmorrhage, Assoiated with Inflammation of Intestines - Cause of Death?; Case of Ruptured Stomach...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 6 – June 1862
Articles include: Communications and Cases . Mr. Harrison's Cases of "Poisoning of Cattle and a Pony by Arsenic"; On Some of the Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines of the Horse and other Animals; The Supply of Patients to Veterinary Infirmaries;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 5 – May 1862
Articles include: Partial Blocking up of the Trachea of a Horse by an Organised Deposit. [With Specimen]; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science. The Botany of Fungi; The Evil of Empiricism as Connected with the Veterinary Profession; Areca Nut as a Vermifuge for the Dog;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 4 – April 1862
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On Some of the Diseases of Stomach and Intestines of Horse and Other Animals; Action of Indian Hemp in Paralysis. - Case of Ruptured Stomach - Paracentesis Abdominis; Abscess in the Coats of the Stomach of a Mare. - A Sequela of Epidemic Catarrh; An Uncommon Case of Traumatic Tetanus;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 3 – March 1862
Articles Include: Communications and Cases; A Pedunculated Tumour Causing Strangulation of the Intestines of a Horse; Case of a Pin found in the Heart of a Cow; Poisoning of a Sow by Corrosive Sublimate; Report by Professor Tuson;...