‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 2 – February 1862
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Death of Several Horses from Feeding on Oats Affected with Fungi; Professor Tuson's Report on the Chemical and Microscopial Examination of some Oats Supposed to Posess Poisonous Qualites; Fig I; Fig II; Fig III; Fig IV;...
Poisoning by Arsenic

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 35 Issue 1 – January 1862
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On Melanosis; On Indian Hemp; Thoughts on Hydrothorax; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science; Worms in the Eyes of Geese
Tetanus Supervening Open-Joint; On Castration by Scraping the Cord;..

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 12 – December 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. Carcinoma in an Alderney Cow; A Word About Aloes; Evidences of the Antiquity of Attaching the Shoe to the Foot of the Horse by Nails; Fibrinous Tumour Situated in the Pelvic Cavity of an Ox;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 11 – November 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. Opening of the Session at the Royal Veterinary College. Inaugural Address by Assistant-Professor Varnell; Evidences of the Antiquity of Attaching the Shoe to the Foot of the Horse by Nails; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 10 – October 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. Scientific and Analytical Chemisty. On a New form of Chloride of Sodium; Case of Strangulated Ilium; Reply to the Above by Mr. Varnell; Pyaemia in a Foal; Case of Hernia;
Case of Hemiplegia;..

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 9 – September 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On Therapeutics; Communication and Cases. On Enlargement of the Plexus Choroides. Case of Sudden Death Of Pony; Remarks on Castration; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science; Fibrinous Casts from the Intestines of a Cow;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 8 – August 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On Therapeutics; On Castration; Enlargement and Tuberculization of the Plexus Choroides; Remarks on the Above Case; Mesenteric Hernia in a Filly; Spasm of the Muscles of the Larynx and Neck Causing Asphyxia and Death...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 7 – July 1861
Articles Include: Communication and Cases. On the Action of Alcohol on the System; On Therapeutics; On Therapeutics. Therapeutic Action of the Third Group; The Veterinary Profession; Effects of the Bite of a Snake on Man, the Horse, and a Dog; Epilepsy in a Mare...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 6 – June 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On Therapeutics; Commerell v. Stevens; A Singular Case of Dyspnoea In the Horse; Remarks on Paracentesis Thoracis...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 5 –May 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On Therapeutics; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science; On Parturition; Injury to Horses on Sea-Passage-Fracture of the Occiptal Bone
Further Observations on the Improved Horshoe;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 4 –April 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On Therapeutics; On the Supposed Injurious Effects of Althaea Rosea; Case of Hypertrophy of the Heart
Remarks on the Improved (?) Horse-Shoe; Serious Loss of Sheep from Castration...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 3 – March 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On Sugar in the Urine of the Horse; On Therapeutics; Supposed Rupture of the Oesophagus; Hypertrophy of the Heart of a Horse;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 2 – February 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On Therapeutics; Purpura Haemorrhagica. - Death. - Extensive Disease of the Liver and Spleen; Tirismus in a Colt; A Sojourn Amongst the Horses of Brazil;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 1 – January 1861
Articles Include: Communication and Cases. On Poisoning by Vegetables; On Therapeutics; Supposed Rupture of the Oesophagus; Ossification of the Cartilages of the Larynx. - False Presentation of Twin Calves; Editorial Observations. The Annual Address of the Editors...