‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 4 – April 1853
Articles include: Farcy in a Cow; Tubercular Abscess in a Stirk (or Steer); Occasional Ill-Consequences of the Operation of Bloodletting; On the Internal Use of the Acetate of Lead; Compound Fracture of the Jaw; On the Nature and Treatment of Distemper; Glanders or Not?; Wound in the Abdomen: Removal of Omentum...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 3 – March 1853
Articles include: Diseases of Horses Endemic to India; Agricultural and Veterinary Science; Speed, or Black Leg; Shoeing of Cavalry Horses; Major's British Remedy; Shrewsbury Great Annual Horse Fair, 1853 (Caution); Reviews. A Treatise on Farriery; Comprising the Art of Shoeing Horses and Other Domestic Animals, in Relation to Defects of Aplomb, Malformations and Diseases of the Foot;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 2 – February 1853
Articles include: Aloes and Gentian; District Veterinary Surgeons; A Few Observations on Administering Narcotics to Horses; The New Horse; Memoranda of Shoeing; Disease of the Penis; Veterinary Jurisprudence; Foreign Department. A New Memoir on Pleuro-Pneumonia ;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 1 – January 1853
Articles include: Fracture of the Pelvis, Fracture of the Second Cervical Vertebra, Sacculous Dilatation of the Oesophagus, A Remedy for Colic, Review. Twenty-Sixth Annual Report of the Royal Society fort the Preservation of Cruelty to Animals. 1852,
Foreign Department. The Horse in Asia and Africa ...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 25 Issue 12 – December 1852
Articles include: The Introductory Address, Delivered at the Royal Veterinary College, at the Opening of the Session 1852-3; Liabilities of Proprietors of Shoeing-Forges; Enlarged (Thymus) Glands in a Quey; Contributions to Veterinary Medicine; Augmented Salivary Secretion; Analysis of the Blood of a Horse After Division of his Pneumogastric Nerves;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 25 Issue 11 – November 1852
Articles include: Navicularthritis in the Hind Foot; The Bengal Stud Horses; Salivary Fistula, Showing the Abundance of the Secretion of Saliva; Hernia Messenterica; Strangles and its Sequelae; Peritnitis and Ascites, with Enlargement of the Spleen;General Visceral Disease, with Anomalous Osseous Deposit in the Liver;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 25 Issue 10 – October 1852
Articles include: Laceration of the Oesophagus in a Mare; On the Conformation of Horses, with Reference to their Feet and to Shoeing; Contributions to Veterinary Medicine; Green Scour in Lambs; Review. On the Breeds of the Horses of Belgium; and on the Horse Establishments of Europe;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 25 Issue 9 – September 1852
Articles Include: Phthisis Pulmonalis; The Tumour Examined by the Editor; Veterinary Jurisprudence in Scotland; What is the Best Mode of Castration?; Exposure of Glandered Horses; Important Additional Facts, with Remarks on the Above Trial; Sale of Glandered Horses; Contagiousness of Glanders...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 25 Issue 8 – August 1852
Articles include: Contributions to Veterinary Medicine; Cases in Horses and Dogs; Effects of Cannabis Indica and Mylabris; Cases by Mr. Tombs; Physiology of the Foot; Diseases of Cattle in India; Review. An Inquiry into the Reasons why the Horse Rarely Vomits;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 25 Issue 7 – July 1852
Articles include: A Few Observations on the Morbid Changes the Lungs Undergo in Pneumonia; Tetanus in Horses in India; Treatment of Quittor; Rupture of the Stomach, Bowels, &c; An Enemy in the Camp; Gentian an Auxiliary Cathartic; Experimental Cases with the Powder of Gentian as an Auxiliary to Aloes in Promoting Catharsis in the Horse;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 25 Issue 6 – June 1852
Articles include: Annual General Meeting of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; Observations on Intestinal Calculi in Horses, and on Shoeing, Collected in India; Cases of Rheumatism, with Remarks; A Doubtful Case; Extensive Glandular Disease;
Chronic Diarrhoea in Neat Cattle;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 25 Issue 5 – May 1852
Articles include: Calculus in the Intestine, Obstructing all Passage, and Producing; On the Effect of Pressure on the Feet of Horses, in Reply to Mr. Reeve; Inversion of the Uterus , &c. In a Cow; Postscript from Mr. Reeve; Cows Poisoned by Lead; Disease Followed by Rupture of the Liver;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 25 Issue 4 – April 1852
Articles include: Calculus in the Intestine, Obstructing all Passage, and Producing; On the Effect of Pressure on the Feet of Horses, in Reply to Mr. Reeve; Inversion of the Uterus , &c. In a Cow; Postscript from Mr. Reeve; Cows Poisoned by Lead;
Disease Followed by Rupture of the Liver;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 25 Issue 3 – March 1852
Articles include: Thoughts on Broken Wind; Transcription of Some Cases Occurring to, and Noted by, Mr. Charles Hunting. Open Joint; Lacerated Wounds of the Head, with Abscess in the Partoid Region; Horsehoes and Horseshoeing in Canada; Death from Internal Hemorrhage;...