Frederick Smith’s Official War Diary Book D – 27 Feb 1901 to 10 Jul 1901
At the time of writing this diary, Smith is stationed in Cape Town except for a three month period (March-May) when he seems to have been based in the Kimberley area. The volume ends on 10 July 1901. There are diary entries for most days except for the period from 24 April – 22 May when Smith has injured his right arm (as he explains on 22 May). The volume chiefly relates to Smith's daily work overseeing the allocation of staff and resources to the various veterinary hospitals and remount depots in the vicinity of Cape Town. Locations mentioned include: ...
Frederick Smith’s Official War Diary Book C – 15 Jan 1901 to 26 Feb 1901
Diary entries include: This volume starts with a continuation of the entry for 14 Jan 1901 from the preceding volume when Smith is stationed in Cape Town. There are diary entries for most days.The volume chiefly relates to Smiths daily work overseeing the allocation of staff and resources to the various veterinary hospitals and remount depots in the vicinity of Cape Town. Locations mentioned include: ...
Frederick Smith’s Official War Diary Book B – 22 Sep 1900 to 14 Jan 1901
Diary entries include: The diary starts on p10 of the volume commencing on 22 Sept 1900, when Smith is stationed at Kroonstad. Smith leaves Kroonstad for Bloemfontein on 18 Dec, where he stays for one week, leaving for Cape Town on 25 Dec where he arrives on 27 Dec. There are diary entries for most days. This volume chiefly relates Smith’s daily work managing the care of horses used by the Armed Services, via the set up of Field Veterinary Hospitals...
22 – Undated partial letters to Mary Ann Smith from Frederick Smith, c. Jul-Aug 1900
These are three folios from separate letters from Smith to his wife. None of them include salutations or valedictions, and it is unclear when they date from. It is possible that they are pages from letters catalogued earlier in this file. Partial letter marked '3' - Smith writes on the following subjects: Smith occupying a house;...
21 – Letter to Mary Ann Smith from Frederick Smith, 29 Oct 1900
This is only one page of a letter, of which the rest has been lost. It has sections redacted in black ink, which are assumed to be on personal subjects and not related to Smith's work in South Africa. The letter is undated, but Smith mentions the death of Prince Christian Victor, which occurred on the 29 October 1900. In this letter Smith writes on the following subjects: the recent death of a fellow officer [Major Hanwell?]; the death and mourning of...
20 – Letter to Mary Ann Smith from Frederick Smith, Oct 1900
This is only one page of a letter, the rest of which has been lost. In this letter, Smith writes on the following subjects: cooking rice and bread pudding; supply of food; chickens; cats; requesting tobacco. 11 Oct - the anniversary of Kruger's declaration of war.
19 – Letter to Mary Ann Smith from Frederick Smith, Sep 1900
This is only one page of a letter, of which the rest has been lost. It has sections redacted in black ink, which are assumed to be on personal subjects and not related to Smith's work in South Africa. In this letter, Smith writes on the following subjects: Smith's disputes with...
Frederick Smith’s Official War Diary Book A – 11 Jul to 22 Sep 1900
Diary entries include: This volume of the diary commences on the 11 Jun 1900, when Smith is stationed at Pretoria. It is addressed to an unnamed Colonel. It begins by relating past events including Smith’s arrival at Pretoria from Bloemfontein on the 17 May and meeting Colonel Grierson, Chief of Staff. From the 11 Jun, it is assumed the diary is written day by day. There is a gap in the diary from the 5 to 25 July, and from the 26 July it seems that Smith is based at Kroonstad...
18 – Letter to Mary Ann Smith from Frederick Smith, Aug 1900
This is only one page of a letter, the rest of which has been lost. In this letter, Smith writes on the following subjects: news of men who have gone home to Britain, including Winston Churchill; complaints in the newspapers about healthy young men...
17 – Letter to Mary Ann Smith from Frederick Smith, 15 Jul 1900
This is only one page of a letter, of which the rest has been lost. It has sections redacted in black ink, which are assumed to be on personal subjects and not related to Smith's work in South Africa. In this letter, Smith writes on the following subjects: stories of life in Pretoria before British forces arrived,...
16 – Letter to Mary Ann Smith from Frederick Smith, 15 Jun 1900
This letter has several sections redacted in black ink, and pages removed or cut away, which are assumed to be on personal subjects and not related to Smith's work in South Africa. The three separate folios have been pasted together by the corner. In this letter, Smith writes on the following subjects: [James] Grierson commandeering all horses for military use;...