46 – Translation copy of letter from Dr Werk, 30 Dec 1921
Werk writes about various subjects including: the 'Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics'; Smith's 'Early History of Veterinary Literature'; the Harley manuscript 3535; historical literature on horse anatomy, specifically the penis and perineum; etymology of anatomical terms;...
1 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 12 Jan 1921
Smith writes about various subjects including: election of Council members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; errors in 'Veterinary Physiology'; Smith asked to be a Fellowship Examiner for Physiology; examinations; Smith writing his autobiography; the War Office; College Calendar; Smith's shoulder pain.
35 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 16 May 1920
Smith writes regarding negotiating the printing of a new edition of 'Veterinary Physiology' with the publishers Bailliere, Tindall & Cox. He also asks Bullock to contact someone in France to acquire a photograph of the autograph of Gabriel Colin. Smith also mentions Dr Charles Singer; ...
34 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 2 May 1920
Smith writes about various subjects including: rewriting chapters on the senses for new edition of 'Veterinary Physiology'; the 'Veterinary Record'; Dr Charles Singer potentially helping Bullock's career prospects; Bullock's son Wilfred; Janet Bullock editing Smith's manuscripts; 'British Medical Journal'; donating books to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons library; Bailliere, Tindall & Cox publishers; 'Labyrinth of Animals' by A A Gray; Hobday
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 68 Issue 6 – June 1895
Articles include: Osseous Cachexia, Treatment of Canker, Some Interesting Cases, Infectious Abortion in Cows, Splints on Hind Limbs...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 11 – November 1894
Articles include: Autobiography: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., The So-Called "Sunstroke" of Horses in India, A Complicated Case, Purulent Uterine Dropsy with Cerebral Disturbance - Death, On Mallein...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 6 – June 1894
Article include: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., Tuberculosis, The Operation for Laminitis
Azoturia, Therapeutics in "Parturient Apoplexy"...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 66 Issue 12 – December 1893
Articles include: Pregnancy, Accompanied with an Extraordinary Amount of the Liquor Amnii-Hydramnion, Fistula of the Right Parotid Gland Accompanied with Continuous Discharge of Saliva, Yew Poisoning, Methylated Spirit, Retirement of Professor Brown, C.B....
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 65 Issue 12 – December 1892
Articles include: International Congress of Hygiene and Demography: The Relation of Diseases of Animals to Those of Man, Glasgow Veterinary College: Opening of the Session, Introductory Address by Professor McCall, Pleuro-Pneumonia, Anthrax, Swine Fever...
“The Quarterly Journal of Veterinary Science in India and Army Animal Management” Vol 8 Issue 32 – October 1890
Articles Include: Editorial. Cui Bono; Civil Veterinary Reports. Notes on the Simla District; Map of Khotkhal; Civil Veterinary Reports. Notes on the Simla District. Appendix A; Civil Veterinary Reports. Notes on the Simla District. Approximate Number of Animals Present, Attacked, &c., in the Village of Kotkhai Tahsil, 1889;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 61 Issue 6 – June 1888
Articles include: The Dual Office of Examiner and Councilman, Reflex Paraplegia in the Cow, Lusus Naturae, New Castrating Instrument, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Acidum Boricum...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 61 Issue 1 – January 1888
Articles include: Pus Concretions, The Discussion on the Pathology of "Surra", Random Notes from North America, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Quininae Sulphas, Cattle Plague...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 1 – January 1887
Articles include: The New Veterinary College Edinburgh, Opening of Session - Introductory Address by Dr. Hunter, Vesicul Calculus; its Origin, Development, and Treatment, Early Experiments with Horse Bots, Recent Outbreak of Splenic Apoplexy in Sioux City, Iowa, U.S.A., Contribution on the Pathology of Infectious Swellings...