‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 10 Issue 4 – April 1837
Articles include: Animal Pathology by Mr. Youatt. Lecture X (concluded); Letters to a Student; On Puerperal Fever in a Cattle; On Diseased Ovaria; The Medicinal Properties of Nitre; Neurotomy; Sketch of Veterinary Practice in London During the Year 1836;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 10 Issue 3 – March 1837
Articles include: Animal Pathology by Mr. Youatt. Lecture X; The Influenza of 1836; The Epidemics of 1836; On the Epidemic of 1836; India, &c; New Views Regarding Roarers; Extract from the Report of the Veterinary School at Alfort, During the Scholastic Year 1835-36;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 9 Issue 3 – March 1836
Articles include: Animal Pathology by Mr Youatt. Lecture III; The Anatomy of the Fore Foot of the Ox; Local Palsy in Horses; Diseases of the Heart; Puerperal, or Milk Fever in Cattle; Tetanus Treated by Extensive Blistering; On Weeds in Cattle;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 8 Issue 9 – September 1835
Articles include: Mr. Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLIX; Epilepsy; Epilepsy and Staggers Alrernating in a Horse Having Worms; Spasms of the Diaphragm; Abcess in the Thigh, Communicating with the Stifle Joint; Incontinence of Urine in a Mare;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 8 Issue 6 – June 1835
Articles include: Mr . Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLVIII; A New Mode of Treating Staggers (Vertigo); Inflammation of the Brain; Acute Inflammation of the Arachnoid Membrane; Chronic Arachnitis; Cerebral Apoplexy;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 8 Issue 3– March 1835
Articles include: Mr . Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLVI (continued); On Wounds Penetrating into the Chest of the Horse; Extracts from My Case-Book; Successful Treatment of Infiltration and Induration of the Cellular Tissue of the Lower Part of the Legs of Horses;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 7 Issue 12– December 1834
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLV (Continued); On Wounds Penetrating into the Chest of the Horse; On the Function of the Frog; The Cramp in Horses; Division of the Flexor Tendons; Extraction of A Fork from the Abdomen of a Dog;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 7 Issue 11– November 1834
Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XLV; On Wounds Penetrating into the Chest of the Horse; Bronchitis in Calves; The Rot (La cachexie Aqueuse) in Sheep, as Observed in Egypt; Scarlatina in Horses; The Use of Chloride of Lime in Fistulous Withers in a Cow;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 9 – September 1833
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXXV; Case of Rupture of a Portion of the Colon; A Case of Gastritis, Attened with Rupture of the Caecum; Observations on Mr Harrison's Paper "On the Use and Abuse of Purgatives in the Diseases of Cattle," and on the Effects of Purgatives on the Two First Stomachs of Cattle;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 8 – August 1833
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXXI; On Strangulation of the Bowels in the Horse; On "Horse-Struck"; A Case of Diseased Lungs and Liver in a Cow; The Sequelae of Strangles; On the Use and Abuse of Strong Purgatives in the Diseases of Cattle;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 7 – July 1833
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXX; The Morbid Appearances of Bronchitis in Cattle on the Island of Jamaica; A Case of Rupture of the Lungs in a Pony; On the Absurd Method of Feeding Cattle in Winter;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 6 – June 1833
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXVIX; On Puerperal Fever in Cows - Red Water - Gangerous Inflammation - and the State of the Veterinary Profession as it Regards Cattle Medicine; A Case of Red-Water in a Cow;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 5 – May 1833
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXVIII; On Hepatitis, Tracheitis, and Obscure Lameness of the Hind Extremity; On Haematuria (Redwater in Cattle); Observations on an Acute Affection of the Skin of the Horse;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 4 – April 1833
Articles include: Mr Youatt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXVII; On the Neglect of the Medical Treatment of Cattle in the Pages of "The Veterinarian"; On Arabian Horses; A Case of the Successful Treatment of Glanders by Fumigation with Carbonic Acid Gas;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 6 Issue 2 – February 1833
Articles include: Mr Yoautt's Veterinary Lectures, Lecture XXV; Two Cases of Inguinal Hernia; A Case of Anasarca Following Severe Chest Affection, and Removed by the Spartium Scoparium; A Glance at "The Veterinarian"; A Case of Ascites in a Cow;...