23 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 24 Apr 1912
Bullock writes about various research subjects including: 'Hippiatrica' and its various editions and translations; the works of Gryneus, Ruellius,...
22 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 23 Apr 1912
Smith writes about various research subjects including: the work of Ruellius, Montfaucon, Amoreux, Fabricius, Apsyrtus and Suidas the Historian [Suda]; manuscripts held in Paris; 'Hippiatrica' and its various editions...
21 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 22 Apr 1912
Bullock writes about various subjects including: the 'Diocletian Edict on Maximum Prices'; 'Hippiatrica' and its various editions and translations;...
20 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 21 Apr 1912
Smith writes about various subjects including: the 'Diocletian Edict on Maximum Prices'; researching Greek manuscripts, including 'Hippiatrica'; manuscripts taken from the sacking of Constantinople; ...
19 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 17 Apr 1912
Smith writes about various subjects including: contacting foreign veterinary schools; researching 'Geoponica' and 'Hippiatrica', and the works of Saboureux, Fabricius and other literature of the Byzantine Empire; finding material in the Library at the Royal Veterinary College; sending Hierocles' writing to Cambridge for translation;...
18 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 17 Apr 1912
Bullock writes about the results of his research, on behalf of Smith, into subjects including: works by Fabricius, Saboureux, Columella and Vegetius. Bullock also asks if Smith would like him to research any Greek manuscripts...
17 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 16 Apr 1912
Smith writes about various research subjects including: the works of Gargilius Martialis of Mauretania, Saboureux de la Bonneliere, Columella and Vegetius...
16 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 15 Apr 1912
Smith writes to ask for contact details for veterinary schools in other countries - Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, and Canada...
15 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 12 Apr 1912
Smith writes about various research subjects including: veterinary literature of the Byzantine Empire; the life of Hierocles; the creation of the Hippiatrica; the Crusaders in Constantinople; Greek manuscripts in the National Library in Paris;...
14 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 11 Apr 1912
Smith writes on various subjects including: an article about Farriery by J Lawrence; the location of works of Democritus according to Postolka; the dates of Apsyrtus and contemporaries;...
13 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 28 Mar 1912
Bullock writes on various research subjects including: works by Ruffus, Moses of Palermo, and Krumbacher; Huzard's Library; Gauthier's translation of Hecker; Niclas' translation of 'Geoponica';...
12 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 27 Mar 1912
Smith writes about various research subjects including: Madame Huzard's Library in Paris; European veterinary literature; works by Ruffus; J F K Hecker ...
11 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 24 Mar 1911 [1912]
Smith writes on various subjects including: sending letters to European veterinary schools; referencing errors made by George Fleming regarding Mascall; research carried out by Bracy Clark using Latin and Greek resources...
10 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 22 Mar 1912
Bullock writes about information he has found regarding Mascall, as mentioned in Ercolani's history of veterinary writers, and its subsequent misunderstanding by George Fleming, Heusinger, and Bracy Clark...
9 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 21 Mar 1912
Smith writes to request Bullock send a letter to various individuals, including Professor M'Fadyean and Dr Alois Koch of Vienna...