Girdlestone, E.D. – “Vivisection: In its, Scientific, Religious and Moral Aspects” (1884)
Chapters include: The Comparative Insensibility of Brutes to Pain, The Practical Utilty of Vivisection, This Use of Animals Defended on Biblical Grounds…
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Jayna Hirani contributed 507 entries already.
Chapters include: The Comparative Insensibility of Brutes to Pain, The Practical Utilty of Vivisection, This Use of Animals Defended on Biblical Grounds…
Articles include: Biography: Joseph Gamgee, Uterine Intertia in Cows, The Nature, Clinical History, and Treatment of Scirrhous Cord, Keratoma, Horn Tumour, or Keraphyllocele, Dilation of the Oesophagus Accompanied with Complete Impaction of Ingesta…
Articles include: Biography: Joseph Gamgee, Docking Horses, On the Veterinarian for January 1894, Indurated Os Uteri in a Cow – Vaginal Hysterotomy, Fracture of the First Rib in the Horse…
Articles include: Portrait of Vial de St. Bel, A History of Mons. Vial de St. Bel in Connection with the Establishment of the Veterinary College, Recent Researches on Tetanus, Duodenal Obstruction in the Horse, Vomition in the Horse – Ejection of Ascarides…
Articles include: Biography: A History of Mons. Vial de St. Bel in Connection with the Establishment of the Veterinary College, History of the Microscope, The Effects of a Kick, Eversion of the Rectum in a Sow; Operation, Curious Fistulae of Dogs…
Articles include: Portrait of James Beart Simonds, James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., Notes on Hip-Joint Disease,
Mesenteric Aneurism with Complications, A Few Operations
Article include: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., Tuberculosis, The Operation for Laminitis
Azoturia, Therapeutics in “Parturient Apoplexy”…
Articles include: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., On the Occurrence of Anthrax in Swine: Notes of a Case, Tuberculosis, Supperative Meningitis: Death
Obstruction of the Colon with Sand…
Articles include: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., The Nucleins and Their Relation to Immunity, Plantar Neurectomy, Notes on Some Forms of Gastro-Enteritis in Carnivora, Improved Torsion Forceps and Clamps for Castration – Remarks on the Operation by this Method…
Articles include: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., “Spontaneous” Fracture of Both Humeri, Mesentric Aneurism with Complications, Roaring, Post-Mortem Examination of the Subject of Veterinary Captain Smith’s Operation for the Relief of Roaring…
Articles include: Portrait of Professor Brown
Biography: Professor Brown, C.B., Autobiography: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., Identification of the Bacillus Anthracis, The Diagnostic and Curative Value of Mallein in Man and the Lower Animals, Vetch Poisoning…
Articles include: Autobiography: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., The So-Called “Sunstroke” of Horses in India, A Complicated Case, Purulent Uterine Dropsy with Cerebral Disturbance – Death, On Mallein…
Articles include: Autobiography: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., Worm in the Eye of the Horse (Filaria Oculi), Curious Case of Deffered Fracture, Perforation of the Soft Palate, Intestinal Obstruction…
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