Index to ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 – 1894

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 12 – December 1894
Articles include: Autobiography: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., Worm in the Eye of the Horse (Filaria Oculi), Curious Case of Deffered Fracture, Perforation of the Soft Palate, Intestinal Obstruction...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 11 – November 1894
Articles include: Autobiography: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., The So-Called "Sunstroke" of Horses in India, A Complicated Case, Purulent Uterine Dropsy with Cerebral Disturbance - Death, On Mallein...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 10 – October 1894
Articles include: Portrait of Professor Brown
Biography: Professor Brown, C.B., Autobiography: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., Identification of the Bacillus Anthracis, The Diagnostic and Curative Value of Mallein in Man and the Lower Animals, Vetch Poisoning...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 9 – September 1894
Articles include: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., "Spontaneous" Fracture of Both Humeri, Mesentric Aneurism with Complications, Roaring, Post-Mortem Examination of the Subject of Veterinary Captain Smith's Operation for the Relief of Roaring...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 8 – August 1894
Articles include: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., The Nucleins and Their Relation to Immunity, Plantar Neurectomy, Notes on Some Forms of Gastro-Enteritis in Carnivora, Improved Torsion Forceps and Clamps for Castration - Remarks on the Operation by this Method...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 7 – July 1894
Articles include: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., On the Occurrence of Anthrax in Swine: Notes of a Case, Tuberculosis, Supperative Meningitis: Death
Obstruction of the Colon with Sand...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 6 – June 1894
Article include: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., Tuberculosis, The Operation for Laminitis
Azoturia, Therapeutics in "Parturient Apoplexy"...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 5 – May 1894
Articles include: Portrait of James Beart Simonds, James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., Notes on Hip-Joint Disease,
Mesenteric Aneurism with Complications, A Few Operations

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 4 – April 1894
Articles include: Biography: A History of Mons. Vial de St. Bel in Connection with the Establishment of the Veterinary College, History of the Microscope, The Effects of a Kick, Eversion of the Rectum in a Sow; Operation, Curious Fistulae of Dogs...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 3 – March 1894
Articles include: Portrait of Vial de St. Bel, A History of Mons. Vial de St. Bel in Connection with the Establishment of the Veterinary College, Recent Researches on Tetanus, Duodenal Obstruction in the Horse, Vomition in the Horse - Ejection of Ascarides...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 2 – February 1894
Articles include: Biography: Joseph Gamgee, Docking Horses, On the Veterinarian for January 1894, Indurated Os Uteri in a Cow - Vaginal Hysterotomy, Fracture of the First Rib in the Horse...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 1 – January 1894
Articles include: Biography: Joseph Gamgee, Uterine Intertia in Cows, The Nature, Clinical History, and Treatment of Scirrhous Cord, Keratoma, Horn Tumour, or Keraphyllocele, Dilation of the Oesophagus Accompanied with Complete Impaction of Ingesta...