Mayhew Watercolours

Edward Mayhew Watercolours

Mayhew first achieved success as a theatre producer and as a Fine Arts journalist. It wasn’t until 1843 aged around 35 that he enrolled at the London Veterinary College. He qualified in February 1845 and was elected to the RCVS Council the following year.

This collection contains original watercolour paintings by Edward Mayhew. Many were used to make woodcuts for prints in Mayhew’s publications ‘The Illustrated Horse Doctor’ (1860) and ‘Illustrated Horse Management’ (1864). The latter publication includes designs for an improved form of stables illustrated by his architect brother Julius.

However not all watercolours have counterparts in these books. Nor do all images from the books have corresponding watercolours in this collection. The collection consists mostly of scenic and anatomical paintings of horses but also features donkeys and dogs.

Please note that copies of these publications are available in the historical library collection.