‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 70 Issue 8 – August 1897
Articles include: On Post-Embryonal Development Approached from a Statistical Study of the Incisor Teeth of the Horse, Castration of the Domesticated Animals, Notes on a Case of Anaemia in the Horse After Purpura, Haemorrhagica Treated By Iron, Arsenic, and Transfusion
Treatment of Purpura Haemorrhagica, Successful Delivery of a Celosomian Monstrosity...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 70 Issue 7 – July 1897
Articles include: On Post-Embryonal Development Approached From a Statistical Study of the Incisor Teeth of the Horse, Castration of the Domesticated Animals, Hydrops Amnii, Extraction of a Foal With Deformed Head and Neck, Editorial Observations: The Public Health (Scotland) Bill...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 69 Issue 9 – September 1896
Articles include:
Braxy; Its Causation and Prevention, An Investigation into the Nature, Cause, and Means of Preventing the Corn-Stalk Disease (Toxaemia Maidis) of Cattle, The Roentgen Rays in Veterinary Practice, Clinical Notes...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 69 Issue 7 – July 1896
Articles include: A Contribution to the Study of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Stomach and Intestines of the Horse, Ox, Sheep, and Pig, An Outbreak of Surra and Filariasis at Karnal Depot, Two Cases of Persistent Hymen, Editorial Oberservations: The Education Question Again...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 69 Issue 6 – June 1896
Articles include: Note on Hypoderma Equi, Some Interesting Canine Cases, An Avian Tumour, Rhododendron Poisoning, A Case of Obscure Recurrent Lameness in the Fore-Limb...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 69 Issue 5 – May 1896
Articles include: A Contribution to the Study of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Stomach and Intestines of the Horse, Ox, Sheep, and Pig, As Regard Dentitions - A Notice of Some Facts and Theories, Report on an Investigation Into the Cause of Louping-Ill, A Short History of Horse-Shoeing, Castration...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 69 Issue 4 – April 1896
Articles include: Sarcoma in a Heifer, A Case of Difficult Parturition: A Monstrous Foetus, Colic Adhesion to Pelvis and Rectum; Rupture of the Bowel
Volvulus of the Large Colon, Two Cases of Pneumonia...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 68 Issue 12 – December 1895
Articles include: The Structure and Function of the Horse's Foot, Echinococcosis of the Brain, Lungs, and Liver of the Horse, A Peculiar Case of Fistula, Editorial Observations: What Should Be Done?, Editorial Observations: Is Compulsory Notification Necessary?...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 12 – December 1894
Articles include: Autobiography: James Beart Simonds, Late Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, Professor of Cattle Pathology, &c., Worm in the Eye of the Horse (Filaria Oculi), Curious Case of Deffered Fracture, Perforation of the Soft Palate, Intestinal Obstruction...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 67 Issue 4 – April 1894
Articles include: Biography: A History of Mons. Vial de St. Bel in Connection with the Establishment of the Veterinary College, History of the Microscope, The Effects of a Kick, Eversion of the Rectum in a Sow; Operation, Curious Fistulae of Dogs...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 66 Issue 4 – April 1893
Articles include: A Case of Tracheotomy, Guinea-Worm in Egypt, New Tooth Shears, Pleuro-Pneumonia, Foot and Mouth Disease...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 63 Issue 7 – July 1890
Articles include: Royal Veterinary College: Laying the Foundation Stone of a New Range of Buildings by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, Alleged Poisoning of Lambs with Chickenweed, Pleuro-Pneumonia, Anthrax, Swine Fever...
Schwab, Charles – “Practical Pocket Guide: To Ascertain from the Teeth, The Age Of the Horse” (c.1890)
Contents and plates include: I. Milk-Tooth-Period, from 6 weeks till 2 Years; Plate 1: Form of the Carving Teeth; Plate 2: 1/2 year; Plate 3: 1 Year; Plate 4: 1 1/2 year; Plate 5: 2 Years; II. Changing - Period, from 2 1/2 till 4 1/2 Years; Plate 6: 2 1/2 Years; Plate 7: 3 Years; Plate 8: 4 Years; Plate 9: 4 1/2 Years; Plate 10: 4 1/2 Years...
“The Quarterly Journal of Veterinary Science in India and Army Animal Management” Vol 6 Issue 22 – January 1888
Articles include: A Veterinary Glimpse at the Last Burma War; Dietetics. The Preparation of Coolti for Horse' Feed; Veterinary Education. The New Scheme for Veterinary Certificates and Diplomas in Madras; Veterinary Surgery and Medicine. Vomition; Its Relation to Ruptured Stomach;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 58 Issue 4 – April 1885
Articles include: Notes of Lectures on the Practice of Equine Surgery, Record of the Internal Temperatures of Healthy Cattle Under Different Conditions, The Pathology of Bursatti, Lupus ("Oriental Sore") of the Horse and the Dog, The Relative Value of Subjects Taught the Veterinary Student...