‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 10 – October 1876
Articles include: Remarks on the Study of Parasites, with Suggestions in Reference to the Management of Sheep Suffering from Nematoid Worms, On Salt and Potash as Preventatives of Fluke-Disease, with Remarks on the Soil and Produce of the Saltbush Country in Australia, On Earth-Nut, or Ground-Nut, Cake, The Principles of Botany, Fracture of the Sesamoids...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 1 – January 1876
Articles include: Remarks on Recent Contributions to Our Knowledge of the Parasitic Nematoids, Especially in Reference to the Wasting Diseases They Produce in Man and Animals, Fibroid Disease of the Heart, Atheroma of the Aorta, Associated with General Oedema, Internal Disinfection, The Principles of Botany, "Veterinary Quackery" and "Veterinary Puffery"...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 48 Issue 11 – November 1875
Articles include: Further Remarks on Parasites from the Horse and Elephant, with a Notice of New Amphistomes from the Ox, Typhoid Fever in Pigs, Internal Disinfection, The Principles of Botany, Contagio-Infectious Pleuro-Pneumonia...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 48 Issue 8 – August 1875
Articles include: Further Experimental Researches with the Eggs of the Beef Tapeworm, Typhoid Fever In Pigs, The Principles of Botany, Observations on Parasites, &c., Removal of a Needle from the Pharynx of a Mare...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 48 Issue 6 – June 1875
Articles include: Typhoid Fever in Pigs, The Principles of Botany, Veterinary Toxicology - Yew Poisoning, Caries Necrotica, Favus...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 48 Issue 1 – January 1875
Articles include: The Principles of Botany, Veterinary Toxicology - The Action of the Solanaceae, The Action of Ranunculaceae on the Horse, Jaundice in a Calf, Case of Acute Alvitis from a Dose of Sulphate of Magnesia...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 47 Issue 11 – November 1874
Articles include: Opening of the Session at the Royal Veterinary College, Observations on Parasites from the Horse and from Other Animals, Report on Parasites from India, Observations on Bursottee, The Principles of Botany...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 47 Issue 9 – September 1874
Articles include: The Geographical Extension of Rabies, Remarks on Mégnin's Tapeworm, Revised List of Entozoa, With Notes and References, Cases of Poisoning in Horses, The Principles of Botany...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 47 Issue 8 – August 1874
Articles include: The Principles of Botany, Parturient Apoplexy (?) in a Mare, Hydrops Pericardii in a Cow, Subacute Paraplegia in the Horse, and the Use of Strychniain its Treatment, Lead-Poisoning (Belland)...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 46 Issue 1 – January 1873
Articles include: Physiological and Pathological Thermometry, The Etiquette of Veterinary Authorship, The Principles of Botany, The Sliding Tooth-Chisel Director, Queries on the Hypodermic Method of Treating Disease...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 45 Issue 5 – May 1872
Articles include: Quintuple Gestation in the Cow, The Transmissibility of Tinea Tonsurans from the Lower Animals to Mankind, Coup de Soleil, Critical Resume of the Etiology of Blackleg, &c., The Principles of Botany...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 45 Issue 4 – April 1872
Articles include: The Principles of Botany, Calculi in the Urethra of a Horse, Fatal Hemorrhage from the Femoral Artery, Resulting from a Sloughing Abscess in the Groin, Three Cases of Intestinal Obstruction in the Horse, Singular Case of Plurality of Foetuses in a Cow...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 45 Issue 3 – March 1872
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Rabies in the Horse, Report of an Outbreak of Splenic Apoplexy in a Dairy of Milch Cows, Observations on a Few Cases of Porrigo, Accidental Poisoning of Pigs by a Decoction of Digitalis...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 44 Issue 5 – May 1871
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Splenic Disease, Case of Hypertrophied Heart in a Waggon Gelding, Practical Thoughts on Plenalvus, Poisoning of a Horse by Eating, Laurocerasus Folia...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 44 Issue 4 – April 1871
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Papillary Growths from the Mucous Membrane of the Oesophogus of a Cow, Dermitis Leading to Extensive Desquamation of Cuticle and Hair, Case of Inflammatory Oedema in Both Hind Legs of a Mare, Successful Treatment of Tetanus With Aconite...