‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 12 – December 1870
Articles include: The Structure and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Scrufulous Tumours in the Mesentery, Disease of the Ligamentum Nuchae of A Horse, On the Use of Actual Cautery, On the use of the Actual Cautery in "Lampas"...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 10 – October 1870
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, The Principles of Botany, Remarks Upon the Use of Actual Cautery as Applying to the Veterinary Profession, Remarks on Some of the, Causes of the Spread of the Foot and Mouth Disease in Ireland, Cattle Plague, Pluero-Pneumonia...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 7 – July 1869
Articles include: Communications and Cases. The Therapeutic Action of Stimulants in Congestion of the Lungs; Veterinary Examinations;The Principles of Botany; Mr Broad's Shoe for Laminitis; Mr. Broad' Treatment of Laminitis; Pleuro-Pneumonia in Derbyshire; The Veterinary Profession from a Newly-Fledged Member's Point of View;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 40 Issue 5 – May 1867
Articles include: Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; The Microscope in Veterinary Medicine; Fer Peripantaire; A Fistulous Opening in the Temporal Region of a Colt's Ear, Arising from a Misplaced Molar Tooth; Some Observations on the Early History of Variola Ovina;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 40 Issue 4 – April 1867
Articles include: Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; Physiology of the Horny Laminae and Wall of the Foot of the Horse; On Ventilation; On Wolves Teeth; Case of Malignant Tumours, Associated with Clots of Blood in the Vessels; Poisoning of a Heifer be Lead Paint;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 40 Issue 3 – March 1867
Articles include: Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; The Re-Appearance of Cattle Plague in the Metropolis; The Cattle Plague at Islington; Belgium. The Cattle Plague in Limburg; On Local Anaesthesia Applied to Veterinary Surgery;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 12 – December 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; Observations on the Cattle Plague in Ireland and the Cattle Disease in the Isle of Man
Horseflesh as an Article of Diet; Observations on "Soundness"; Rupture of the Diaphragm of Long Standing; On the Appointment of Inspecting Veterinary Surgeons in India;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 9 – September 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; A Cyst in the Centre of the Tongue of an Ox, Containing Hair and Other Matters; Malignant Tumours; Observations on the Cattle Plague in Ireland and Cattle Disease in the Isle of Man; Observations on "Soundness";...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 34 Issue 3 – March 1861
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On Sugar in the Urine of the Horse; On Therapeutics; Supposed Rupture of the Oesophagus; Hypertrophy of the Heart of a Horse;...
4 – ‘The Teeth.- Their natural growth, and the abuses to which they are liable’
Original watercolour painting comparing the centre of two different incisors. This painting was used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1864), page 137...
3 – “The Mouth.- Its Accidents and its Diseases”
Artworks include: 'The chief art in riding is to…'; 'Excoriated angles of the mouth'; 'The Angle of the Mouth…'; 'A Parrot Mouth'; 'Burning for Lampas'; 'Mouth injured by rider pulling…'; 'Mouth injured by the bit'.
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 10 – October 1860
Articles include: Communications and Cases. A Peculiar and Unsual Disease of the Osseous Tissue in the Horse; Resembling in many of its Characteristics Mollities Ossium, Rhachitis, Osteoporosis, and Fatty Degeneration of Bone; Fig I; Fig II; Fig III; Fig IV; On Therapeutics;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 1 – January 1860
Articles include: Communication and Cases. "Umpire". - The Mouth of the Two-Year Old; An Essay on Secretion, with some of the Circumstances which Modify that Process in Animals; Memoirs of a Veterinary Surgeon. Thoughts in the Sick Box; Foul Confined Air, and Ventilation; Memoirs of a Veterinary Surgeon. Foul Confined Air, and Ventilation...