‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 37 Issue 10 – October 1864
Articles include: Communications and Cases. A Remarkable Case of Ossification of Muscle. A Remarkable Case of Ossification of Muscle; Large Abdominable Tumour and Rupture of the Colon; Remarks on the Above by Professor Varnell; On Some of the Diseases of the Respratory Organs of the Horse and Other Animals;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 37 Issue 5 – May 1864
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Notes from Professor Varnell; Note on an Alkaloid Obtained from the Seeds of Ricinus Communis, or Castor-Oil Plant; Unusual Case of Diseased Lungs of Horse;Remarks by Professor Varnell; On the Elasticity of the Horse's Foot...
11 – “Specific Diseases.- Their Varieties and their Treatment”
Artworks include: "Paroxysm of broken wind"; "Listening to the trachea of a horse"; "A spleen taken from a horse"; "Melanosis"; "the colours liable to melanosis"; "Water Farcy' 'a carters suprise"; "Purpura Haemorragica";...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 3 – March 1860
Articles include: Communication and Cases. An Essay on Secretion, with some of the Circumstances which modify that Process in Animals; On Valerianic Acid, and the Valerianates; Oedema Succeeding upon Strangles
Injury of the Vagina and Rectum of a Mare; Rupture of the Oesophagus; Ruptured Stomach...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 10 – October 1858
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. On Antimony and Some of its Compounds; Communications and Cases. The Purchase of Horses at the Cape of Good Hope for the Army in India; Communications and Cases. Description of the Favourite Charger of the Late Maharajah Runjeet Sing;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 9 – September 1857
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On the Soundness and Warranty of Horses; Case of Melanosis; Singular Case of Strangles and Diseased Glands; Obstruction in the Intestines; Rupture of the Stomach; A New Epidemic Among Horses. Paraplegia, or Spinal Paralysis;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 27 Issue 10 – October 1854
Articles include: Defence of Morton's 'Veterinary Pharmacy.'; Another Death from "Physicking."; Observations on "Physicking," "Strangles," &c.; Mylabris; A Letter by Mr. Mayhew; Cases of Rabies, &c.; Hydrophobia in a Cow; Allopathy v. Homeopathy. A Note on 'Mr Haycock's Observations on Homeopathy,' which Appeared in 'The Veterinarian' for September, 1854;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 27 Issue 9 – September 1854
Articles include: Homeopathy v. Allopathy. A Reply to the Observations of Mr. Dun, which Appeared in 'The Veterinarian' for August 1854; Gripes and Constipation of the Intestines; Disease of the Stomach and Intestines in a Cow;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 27 Issue 3 – March 1854
Articles include: A Principle Veterinary Surgeon in India; Bursautee; Capatin Apperley on Bursautee; Mortality from Castration; Tuberculous Disease of Animals in India; Five Calves at a Birth; Metastatic Laminitis; Irregular Strangles;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 8 – August 1853
Articles include: On Bursautee, A Disease of the Horses of India; Cases of Suppressed Strangles, ETC; Gentian and Aloes; Pseudo-Veterinary Surgeons; Royal Veterinary College; Remarks on the Editor's Comments on "Smart v. Maunder"; Prolapsus Ani Cured by Excision;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 25 Issue 11 – November 1852
Articles include: Navicularthritis in the Hind Foot; The Bengal Stud Horses; Salivary Fistula, Showing the Abundance of the Secretion of Saliva; Hernia Messenterica; Strangles and its Sequelae; Peritnitis and Ascites, with Enlargement of the Spleen;General Visceral Disease, with Anomalous Osseous Deposit in the Liver;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 24 Issue 9 – September 1851
Articles include: Lameness in Horses; Lameness in Horses. Contraction; Melanosis; The Exemption Bill - Professional Respectability; Ruptured Rectum - Strangles at Fourteen Years of Age; Review. Bulletin de la Societe Centrale de Medecine Veterinaire, Publie par les Soins de son Bureau, et Redige;...