‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 30 Issue 9 – September 1857
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On the Soundness and Warranty of Horses; Case of Melanosis; Singular Case of Strangles and Diseased Glands; Obstruction in the Intestines; Rupture of the Stomach; A New Epidemic Among Horses. Paraplegia, or Spinal Paralysis;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 2 – February 1853
Articles include: Aloes and Gentian; District Veterinary Surgeons; A Few Observations on Administering Narcotics to Horses; The New Horse; Memoranda of Shoeing; Disease of the Penis; Veterinary Jurisprudence; Foreign Department. A New Memoir on Pleuro-Pneumonia ;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 23 Issue 1 – January 1850
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Curb; The Utility of Tobacco Smoke in Certain Forms of Intestinal Disease; Cases of Protracted Utero-Gestation in Cows; Distemper in Dogs; Case of Polypus in the Vagina of a Cow; Amputation of the Penis in a Gelding Pony;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 22 Issue 5 – May 1849
Articles include: An Essay on the Management of the Farm Horse, Connected with the Breeding and Rearing of the Animal; with the most Profitable Plan of Keeping; Contributions to the Pathology and Practice of Veterinary Medicine. Fourth Contribution. Phlebitis;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 9 – September
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Ringbone; Observations on the Action of Ether and Chloroform on Animals; Retention of the Foetus in a Cow - Band or Ligament Across the Vagina at the Mouth of the Os Uteri - and Pleuro-Pneumonia; False labour; Extraction of Two Lambs, Two Heads Presenting Pains in a Heifer;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 3 – March 1848
Articles include:Abstract of the Charter. Applied for by the President and Governors of the Royal Veterinary College of London, and the President and Directors of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland; Reply of the Council to the Proposed; Observations on the Causes of Decline in our Stock of Good Horses, on Breeding, and on Queen's Plates and Racing Charter;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 11 – November 1845
Articles include: On Carpitis; On Veterinary Obstetricy - Extraction of the Foetus; False Presentation in a Cow - Rupture of the Uterus; The Cattle Epidemic; Description of the Cattle Plague; A Case of Amputation of the Penis; Effects of Medicine on Horses; Account of Cases of Disease Occuring among Domesticated Animals at the Edinburgh Veterinary College, from the 1st to the 30th of September, Inclusive;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 8 – August 1845
Articles include: Lameness; Inversion of the Uterus in a Sow, Inversion of the Uterus in a Ewe, Megrims in a Horse; Megrims in a Cow; On Coronitis; Case of Strangulated Phrenic Hernia; Case of Amputation of the Penis of a Horse; Abscesses of the Guttural Pouches in a Cow, Cured by Operation;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 1 – January 1844
Articles include: The Veterinarian; Cases of Quarter-Evil, or Striking; The Christmas Show of Cattle; On the Sudden Loss of Vital Power; On the Use of Tobacco for Horses; The Veterinary Art in India; A Case of Ventral Hernia;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 16 Issue 11 – November 1843
Articles include: Lectures on Horses; A Remarkable Case of Sub-Peritoneal Hemorrhage, and Rupture of the Stomach as a Consequence, with Observations; On Breeding Bulls; On a Remarkable Property of Arteries Considered as a Cause of Animal Heat;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 16 Issue 8 – August 1843
Articles include: Lectures on Horses. The Proportions of the Horse; Two Abscesses in the Mesentery Communicating with the Intestines, and an Abscess in the Omentum; A Remarkable Case of Detached Steatomatous Tumours in the Abdomen of a Sheep;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 15 Issue 11 – November 1842
Articles include: Lectures on Horses. Lecture VI. The Fore Leg, or Cannon; Introductory Lecture on the Opening of the Medical Session, 1842-43; An Account of a Gangrenous Disease Among Cattle in the United States; A Case of Epidemic Disease in Cattle - Divison of the Posterior Mesian Artery, and Ultimate Union of the Divided Parts;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 15 Issue 4 – April 1842
Articles include: Lectures on Horses. Lecture III. The Body; A Summary of the Transactions at the Royal Veterinary School at Lyons during the Scholastic Year 1840-41; Remarks on a Case of Enteritis in a Mare; On Division of the Flexor Tendon in the Horse;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 11 Issue 5 – May 1838
Articles include: Animal Pathology. Lecture XVIII; A Case of Ramollissement of the Cerebellum in a Horse; On the Treatment of Pleurisy and Hydrothorax; On the Expansion of Horses' Feet in Reply to Mr. Morgan; On the Effects of the Introduction of Air into the Veins of Living Animals;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 9 Issue 10 – October 1836
Articles include: Reports on the Epidemic Catarrh, or Influenza; A Case Tetanus, Accompanied by Ulceration of the articular cartilages; Paralysis in a Calf; Intus-Susception in the Horse; A Case of Hemiplagia in a Mare; On Red-Water in Cattle;...