‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 22 Issue 6 – June 1849
Articles include: Contributions to the Pathology and Practice of Veterinary Medicine. Fifth Contribution. Inflammation of the Bowels; Experiments on the Expansion of the Horse's Foot; An Essay on the Management of the Farm Horse, Connected with the Breeding and Rearing of the Animals; with the Most Profitable Plan of Keeping. Diseases of the Foal;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 22 Issue 4 – April 1849
Articles include: Contributions to the Pathology and Practice of Veterinary Medicine. Third Contribution. Typhoid Pneumonia, &c; Cases of Rheumatic Lameness, Dislocation of the Patella, and Nasal Gleet; Remarks on Mr. Nicholson's Case of Pleuro-Pneumonia;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 22 Issue 3 – March 1849
Articles include: Contributions to the Pathology and Practice of Veterinary Medicine. Second Contribution. Congestion of the Lungs, &c; The Camel (Dromedary Variety); Lameness in Horses. Blood-Spavin; Lameness in Horses. Thorough-Pin;
Lameness in Horses. Windgall of the Knee;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 22 Issue 2 – February 1849
Articles include: Contributions to the Pathology and Practice of Veterinary Medicine; Lameness in Horses. Bog Spavin; Questionable Disease in a Cow; Importation of Cattle; Cases of Difficult Parturition in the Cow; Influenza in Horses; Correspondence on the Subject of Rabies in Cows;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 22 Issue 1 – January 1849
Articles include: Lameness in Horses; Importation of Foreign Cattle; Want of Knowledge of the Treatment and Diseases of Cattle; Windgall and Bog Spavin; A Letter to the Editor; Diminuition of Areas of the Osseous Nasal Fossae Frequently the Cause of Roaring;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 12 – December 1848
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Diseases of the Bursae Mucosae and Synovial Sheaths; Frontal and Lateral Fissures in the Hoof, known under the General Term of "Sandcrack", Easily and Speedily Cured by Isolation; Influenza, Followed by Rheumatism; Genital and General Visceral Disease in a Young Sow;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 10 – October 1848
Articles include: Improved Blinds and Castration Hopples; Changes in the Nature and Character of Diseases in Horses; Abscess of the Brain; Remarks on Registration and Uncertificated Practitioners; Fractured Limbs of Horses; Fracture of the Cartilage of the Foot;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 9 – September
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Ringbone; Observations on the Action of Ether and Chloroform on Animals; Retention of the Foetus in a Cow - Band or Ligament Across the Vagina at the Mouth of the Os Uteri - and Pleuro-Pneumonia; False labour; Extraction of Two Lambs, Two Heads Presenting Pains in a Heifer;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 8 – August 1848
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Shoulder Lameness; "Marshall's Specific for Diseases of the Eye of the Horse"; Protracted Parturition in the Sheep; Pericarditis in a Cow, Supervising on Difficult and Protracted Parturition; Review. A Practical Treatise on Variola Ovina, or Small-Pox in Sheep; Containing the History of its Recent Intriduction into England; with the Progress, Symptoms, and Treatment of the Disease; also the Experiments Instituted to Ascertain its Peculiar Features, and the Best Means to Avert its Fatal Consequences. Illustrated with Coloured Plates;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 4 – April 1848
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Neurotomy; A Few Remarks on Pleuro-Pneumonia, Addressed to the Agriculturists of Great Britain; Cases of Quittor, Ruptured Vein, and Parturient Apoplexy; The State of Affairs at the Royal Veterinary College;May not Chloroform Prove Useful in the Slaughter-House;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 20 Issue 7 – July 1847
Articles include: Lameness in Horses; Melanosis; Prolapsus Uteri in a Sow; On the Diseases of the Horses in Canada; Aether Vapour Successfully Administered Per Rectum; Rupture of the Diaphragm; Extraction of a Mal-Formed Calf-Breech Presentation; Extracts from Foreign Journals. Observations on the Age of the Ox;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 20 Issue 5 – May 1847
Articles include: Lameness in Horses; Chronic Bronchitis , with Dilatation of the Heart and Carditis, in an Aged Mare; Hints from a Subscriber; A New Arrangement of the Bloodvessels; Remarks on Veterinary Jurisprudence, in Reference to Crib-Biting, in Particular;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 20 Issue 3 – March 1847
Articles include: Lameness in Horses; Observations on the Disease of the Foot of the Horse Commonly Called Founder, or Groggy Lameness, but, by Modern Practitioners, Contraction of the Foot; The Successful Application of Belladonna to the Os Uteri in Cases of Protracted Parturition;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 10 – October 1846
Articles include: The Complete History of a Case of Nasal Gleet, Formerly, and by Some Even at the Present Day Called "Glanders"; Intus-Susception in a Cow; A Few Remarks on the Use of Sedatives and Toxicatives in Tetanus; Farther Remark on Breech Presentation in Cows;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 8 – August 1846
Articles include: Lameness. Remedies for Spavin; On the Bony Diseases of the Hock; Intestinal Ansarca, with Ascites; Inversion of the Uterus in a Cow; Cases of Difficult Parturition in Cows; A Contrast; A Very Serious and Fatal Disease Among Sheep (Traumatic Erythema);...