‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 29 Issue 3 – March 1856
Articles included: Communication and Cases. Cancer Affecting Some of the Nerves, with their Ganglia; and also a Portion of the Brain of a Cow; What to Do and What Not to Do; Case of Thoroughpin, Treated by Puncturation and Pressure;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 29 Issue 2 – February 1856
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On Purgatives and Clysters in the Treatment of Spasmodic Colic in the Horse; Cases of Fracture of the Pubis; Impaction of Ingesta in the Ileum of a Horse. Death; Cancer of the Orbit and Contiguous Parts in a Cow;
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 28 Issue 12 – December 1855
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On Cancer as Affecting the House; Case of Intestinal Calculus; Stray Cases; On Diarrhoea in Lambs; Case of Umbilical and Scrotal Herniae; Ossification of the Testicles in a Year Old Colt; Accumulation of Ingestia Resulting in Death ...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 28 Issue 11 – November 1855
Articles include: The Introductory Address; Communications and Cases. Seamoiditis; or the Seat of Obscure Leg-Lameness of Horses Unmasked; Case of Internal Hemorrhage; On the Standing and Education of the Veterinary Surgeon;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 28 Issue 6 – June 1855
Articles include: Communications and Cases. The Vacuity of Arteries After Death; "The Proposed Concours for the Election of Veterinary Examiners"; Epithelial Cancer of the Bladder of a Horse; Osseous Tumour of the Anterior Maxillary Bone. - Operation; On the Docking of Horses;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 28 Issue 3 – March 1855
Articles include: A Case of Cystic Calculus in the Horse. Lithotomy Successfully Performed; A Communication; Case of Uterine Abscess in a Heifer; Amputation of the Womb of a Sow;
Opinions and Experiences of a County Veterinarian. No.2. Urethral and Uretal Calculi;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 28 Issue 1 – January 1855
Articles Include: To the Editor of 'The Veterinarian' An Address on the Close of the Year; Pleurisy. Formation of Fluid in the Pleural Cavities; Tapping; and Death; Hypertrophy of the Heart and Aneurism of the Aorta
Case of the "Loin Fallen";...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 27 Issue 8 – August 1854
Articles include: On Breeding Horses; Is Strangles Preventive of Farcy and Glanders; Mr. Mayhew's Rejoinder to Messrs. Dun,&c; Veterinary Obstetrics; Peculiarities of Structure of an Hermaphrodite; Aconite; its Effects; Cases of Cancer in Horses...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 27 Issue 3 – March 1854
Articles include: A Principle Veterinary Surgeon in India; Bursautee; Capatin Apperley on Bursautee; Mortality from Castration; Tuberculous Disease of Animals in India; Five Calves at a Birth; Metastatic Laminitis; Irregular Strangles;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 27 Issue 2 – February 1854
Articles include: Dislocation of the Patella; Rupture of the Pericardium in the Horse; Weakness of the Loins - (Kumuree); Worm in the Eye; Laminitis. The Late Jno. Field's Account of Laminitis (Taken from his Posthumous Veterinary Records.) Causes and Symptoms of Laminitis or Founder;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 27 Issue 1 – January 1854
Articles include: Danger, from Loss of Blood in Removing Warts from Cattle; Two Cases of Malignant Sore Throat; Ventral Hernia; Recovery after Protrusion of the Intestine, in Castration; Diseases of Animals in India. Diarrhoea, &c; Placenta Praevia;...
‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 10 Issue 11 – November 1837
Articles include: Animal Pathology by Mr. Youatt. Lecture XVI; Acute Glanders Following the Bite of a Rabid Dog; The Comparative Effect of the Actual Cautery and the Seton; Letters to a Student. - No. III; Past and Present State of Veterinary Science;...
Vegetius, – “Artis veterinariae, sive Mulomedicinae libri quatuor, iam primum typis in lucem aedii. Opus sane in rebus medicis minime...
Contents Include: Artis veterinariae, sive Mulomedicinae libri quatuor, iam primum typis in lucem aedii.Opus sane in rebus medicis minime aspernandum; Illustrissimo Principi Ferdinando Regi Hungaria, Bohemiae &c [Illustrious Prince, King Ferdinand of Hungary, Bohemia etc.]; Epistola Dedicatoria. Serenissimo Ac Ilustrissimo Principi D. Ferdinando, Regi Hugariae, Bohemiae, Archiduci Austriae, Duci Burgandiae, &c. Domino…
Epistola Dedicatoria [Letter Dedication];...