Girdlestone, E.D. – “Vivisection: In its, Scientific, Religious and Moral Aspects” (1884)
Chapters include: The Comparative Insensibility of Brutes to Pain, The Practical Utilty of Vivisection, This Use of Animals Defended on Biblical Grounds…
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Jayna Hirani contributed 507 entries already.
Chapters include: The Comparative Insensibility of Brutes to Pain, The Practical Utilty of Vivisection, This Use of Animals Defended on Biblical Grounds…
Articles include: Castration of a Double Cryptorchid, Shoeing of Heavy Draught Horses, International Congress of Hygiene and Demography, Section III – The Relation of Diseases of Animals to Those of a Man, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Oleum Deelinae, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Hydrogen Peroxide, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Quininae Salicylas…
Articles include: Criticism by Mr. Dewar, Queer Horse Cases, Pleuro-Pneumonia, Anthrax, Swine Fever…
Articles include: Castration of a Double Cryptorchid, Texas Fever and Cattle Ticks, A New Horse Sling, A Remarkable Case of Accidental Cattle Poisoning, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Hydrastis Canadensis…
Articles include: Abortion in Cattle, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons: Methylated Spirits – College Arms, Pleuro-Pneumonia, Foot and Mouth Disease, Editorial Observations: Foot and Mouth Disease and Importation of Foreign Animals…
Articles include: Abortion in Cattle, Queer Horse Cases, Hoose in Calves – Intra-Tracheal Injections, Pleuro-oneumonia, Foot and Mouth Disease…
Articles include: Texas Fever and Cattle Ticks, Extract from Report on Camel Disease Known by the Arabs as Ire-El Debaid (Fly Disease), A Sever Case of Strangles, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Podophyllum, Pleuro-Pneumonia…
Articles include: Editorial Observations: Foot and Mouth Disease, Pleuro-Pneumonia, Foot and Mouth Disease, Swine Fever, Anthrax…
Articles include: Notes on a Case of Linguatula Taenioides or So-Called Pentastoma Taenioides in a Collie Dog, Improved Portable Docking Instrument, The “Compactum” Knife – A Desideratum, Pleuro-Pneumonia, Anthrax…
Articles include: International Congress of Hygiene and Demography: The Relation of Diseases of Animals to Those of Man, Editorial Observations: The Four Years’ System at Veterinary Colleges, Pleuro-Pneumonia, Foot and Mouth Disease, Swine Fever…
Articles include: International Congress of Hygiene and Demography: The Relation of Diseases of Animals to Those of Man, Lahore Veterinary College, Death of a Foetus in Utero and Retention of the Remains, Editorial Observations: Diagnosis of Tubercule, Pleuro-Pneumonia: Slaughter Justified by Professor Wortley Axe…
Articles include: Royal Veterinary College: Opening of the Session, October 5th 1892, Introductory Address by Professor McFadyean, Glasgow Veterinary College: Opening of the Session, Introductory Address by Professor McCall, Royal (Dick) Veterinary College: Opening of the Session, Introductory Address by Professor Walley, New Veterinary College – Opening of the Session, Introductory Address by Professor Longden, Improved Side Line…
Articles include: International Congress of Hygiene and Demography: The Relation of Diseases of Animals to Those of Man, Glasgow Veterinary College: Opening of the Session, Introductory Address by Professor McCall, Pleuro-Pneumonia, Anthrax, Swine Fever…
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