‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 52 Issue 1 – January 1879
Articles include: Sypnosis of Continental Veterinary Journals, The Principles of Botany, Case of Rabies, The Prevention of Parturient Apoplexy, Pig Typhoid…
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But we are proud to say that Jayna Hirani contributed 507 entries already.
Articles include: Sypnosis of Continental Veterinary Journals, The Principles of Botany, Case of Rabies, The Prevention of Parturient Apoplexy, Pig Typhoid…
Articles include: Remarks on the Filaria Medenensis, or Guinea Worm; on the Occurrence of this Parasite Endemically in the Province of Bahia; on its Entrance into the Human Body by Drinking Water, On Parasites of the Ass, Notes on Peculiar Cystoid Bodies Found in Dissecting-Room Subjects (Asses), The Principles of Botany, “Dyer’s Vesicant”…
Articles include: Remarks on the Filaria Medenensis, or Guinea Worm; on the Occurrence of this Parasite Endemically in the Province of Bahia; on its Entrance into the Human Body by Drinking Water, Synopsis of Continental Veterinary Journals, The Principles of Botany, Veterinary Obstetrics, The Present Status of the Profession…
Articles include: Remarks on Eustrongylus Gigas, Remarks on the Filaria Medenensis, or Guinea Worm; on the Occurrence of this Parasite Endemically in the Province of Bahia; on its Entrance into the Human Body by Drinking Water, Sypnosis of Continental Veterinary Journals, The Principles of Botany, “Veterinary Progress:” What Next, and Next?…
Articles include: Remarks on the Filaria Medenensis, or Guinea Worm; on the Occurrence of this Parasite Endemically in the Province of Bahia; on its Entrance into the Human Body by Drinking Water, Sypnosis of Continental Veterinary Journals, Retention of a Dead Foetus in a Cow, Associated with a Second Impregantion and Gestation, The Recent Fatality Among In-Lamb Ewes…
Articles include:
Articles include: On the Occurrence of the Larvae of Blaps Mortisaga in the Horse, Sypnosis of Continental Veterinary Journals, The Principles of Botany, A Remarkable Case of Mal-Development of the Foetal Membranes, Disease of the Eyes of Breeding Yews…
Articles include:
Articles include:
Articles include:
Articles include: Opening of the Session 1879-80 – Introductory Address by Professor T.S. Cobbold, M.D., F.R.S., Sypnosis of Continental Veterinary Journals, On Plants in Relation to Animals, On Plants in Relation to Animals: The Water-Lily Family – Nymphaeaceae, Case of Enteric Disease in a Mare – Absence of Left Kidney – Hypertrophy of Right, With Calculi in Same…
Articles include: Sypnosis of Continental Veterinary Journals, Notes Made During Visits to Remount Depot, at Saharunpore, North-West Provinces, India, On Plants in Relation to Animals, Lung Parasites in a Three-Year-Old Ox, Observations on the Use of Ecraseur…
Articles include:
Articles include: Notes on Surgical Conditions of Indian Cattle, The Value of Inoculation in Pleuro-Pneumonia as Disclosed by Post-Mortem Examination of the Victims, Physiology of Roaring, Tuberculosis, A Case of Oesophagotomy…
Articles include: Vesical Calculus; Its Origin, Development, and Treatment, Notes on Surgical Conditions of Indian Cattle, The National Veterinary Association, Roaring in Horses, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Oleum Menthae Piperitae (Oil of Peppermint)…
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