Entries by Clare Boulton

1 – Draft Memorial to the Governors of the Royal Veterinary College

Draft version of the memorial to be sent to the Governors of the Royal Veterinary College, written by Thomas Mayer and Thomas Walton Mayer, with additions and annotations by William Youatt. The memorial suggests changes to the teaching and administration of the Royal Veterinary College in London, to improve the status of the veterinary profession.

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 2 – February 1870

Articles include: Extraordinary Enlargement of the Liver of a Dog from Deposit of Fatty Matter; Scrofulous Disease of the Eye-Ball and Tracheal Lymphatic Glands; Partial Occlusion of the Trachea in an Entire Horse; ThePrinciples of Botany; “Club” or “Stump Foot”, and the Spring Extention Shoe; Glanders in Horses, and the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act…