‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 74 Issue 12 – December 1901
Articles include: Acute Haemorrhagic Pancreatitis in a Dog, Treatment of Sesamoiditis, Native Methods of Castration in the Madras Presidency, The Effects of the Common Liver Fluke Upon Cattle, Sheep, and Swine, Parasitism in Horses (Strongylus Tetracanthus)...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 74 Issue 11 – November 1901
Article include: Zoology, Horse-Breeding and Horse Fairs in India, The Effects of the Common Liver Fluke Upon Cattle, Sheep, and Swine, Malignant Oedema in Sheep and Lambs, Legislation Suggested for Controlling and Eradicating Tuberculosis in Animals...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 74 Issue 10 – October 1901
Articles include: Zoology, Anthrax, The Effects of the Common Liver Fluke Upon Cattle, Sheep, and Swine, Tuberculosis in New Zealand, Tuberculosis in Australia...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 74 Issue 9 – September 1901
Articles include: Legislation Suggested for Controlling and Eradicating Tuberculosis in Animals, Tuberculosis and the Meat Supply, The Administration of the Manchester Milk Clauses 1899, The Veterinary Work Done Under the Milk Clauses in Manchester, and the Difficulties Met With, The Effects of the Common Liver Fluke Upon Cattle, Sheep, and Swine...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 74 Issue 8 – August 1901
Articles include: Tuberculosis and the Milk Supply, The Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Animals During Life, The Combating of Tuberculosis in the Light of the Experience That Has Been Gained in the Successful Combating of Other Infectious Diseases, Tubercule Bacilli in Cows' Milk as a Possible Source of Tuberculous Disease in Man, An Extract From Dr. Brouardel's Address...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 74 Issue 7 – July 1901
Articles include: Growth of the Farm Ungulates - I. Approach from a Study of the External Characters, The Effects of the Common Liver Fluke Upon Cattle, Sheep, and Swine, Peculiar Case of Hysteria in a Mare, Veterinary Treatment Amongst the Boers, Anglo-Indians...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 74 Issue 6 – June 1901
Articles include: Growth of the Farm Ungulates - I. Approach from a Study of the External Characters, Remarks on Professional Skill, The Effects of the Common Liver Fluke Upon Cattle, Sheep, and Swine, The Morphological Continuity of the Germ-cells in Raja Batis, The Rapid Diagnosis of Rabies...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 74 Issue 5 – May 1901
Articles include:
A Peculiar Skin Disease Accompanied by Internal Lesions Resembling Those of Tuberculosis, Prolapse of Uterus and Inversion of Bladder in a Mare, Prolapse of the Vagina and Uterus in a Cow, Removal of Melanotic Fibroma from Knee of Cow, Hernia of Bladder into Scrotum...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 74 Issue 4 – April 1901
Articles include: Growth of the Farm Ungulates - I. Approach from a Study of the External Characters, Ruptured Stomach, Native Beliefs Regarding the Hairmarks on Horses and Cattle, The Means of Defence of Animals - V, Acute Hydrocephalus (?) in a Dog...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 74 Issue 3 – March 1901
Articles include:
Surgical Anaesthesia by the Injection of Cocaine into the Lumbar Subarachnoid Space, Growth of the Farm Ungulates - I. Approach from a Study of the External Characters, Compound Comminuted Fracture of Frontal and Nasal Bones; Comminuted Fracture of the Right Superior Maxillary Bone, Pyaemia, Case of Epulis in a Dog...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 74 Issue 2 – February 1901
Articles include: Amyloform: A Dry Dressing for Wounds, Growth of the Farm Ungulates - I. Approach from a Study of the External Characters, Ascites and Sarcoma in a Dog, Strongylus Armatus in a Colt, Jaundice with Intussusception of Jejunum...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 74 Issue 1 – January 1901
Articles include: The Relation of Veterinary Science to Human Medicine, Growth of the Farm Ungulates - I., Approach from a Study of the External Characters, The Diagnosis of Rabies, Anal Fistula and Unsuspected Prostatic Disease in the Dog, The Use of Anaesthetics in Operations...