‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 72 Issue 12 – December 1899
Articles include: The Development of Meat Inspection, The Relative Virulence for the Domestic Animals of Human and Bovine Tubercule, Successful Removal of the Mammary Gland of a Cow, Lithotripsy in the Horse, An Anomaly in the Origin of a Corony Artery...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 72 Issue 11 – November 1899
Articles include: The Relative Virulence for the Domestic Animals of Human and Bovine Tubercule, Report on an Investigation with Regard to the Value of Tuberculin as a Test of the Presence of Tuberculosis in Cattle, The Regeneration of Tissues and Organs, Cattle Plague in South Africa, Treatment for Worms in Domestic Animals...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 72 Issue 10 – October 1899
Articles include: Cattle Plague in South Africa, Treatment for Worms in Domestic Animals, The Report of the Glanders Committee, Haemothorax in a Mare, Nuclei of the Rod-cells in the Retina...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 72 Issue 9 – September 1899
Articles include: A Case of Tuberculosis, Sun - or Heat-Stroke in the Horse, The Registration of Tissues and Organs, A Preliminary Note on the Morphology and Distribution of the Organism Found in the Tsetse Fly Disease, Report of the Glanders, Committee Appointed by the Board of Agriculture...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 72 Issue 8 – August 1899
Articles include: Caseous Lymphatic Glands (Pseudo-tuberculosis) in Sheep, Some of the Economic Aspects of the Prevention of Tuberculosis in Cattle, Paneth's Granules and the Formation of Mucus: Some Remarks Upon Brüner's Glands in Certain of the Domestic Animals, The Serum Treatment for Swine Plague and Hog Cholera, Annual Report of Board of Agriculture: Report of the Chief Veterinary Officer...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 72 Issue 7 – July 1899
Articles include: Some of the Economic Aspects of the Prevention of Tuberculosis in Cattle, Note on the Presence of Cilia in the Convoluted Tubules of the Mammalian Kidney, Notes on Fractures of the Humerus, Femur, Scapula, Pelvis, Jaw and Skull, Some "Inventors" Horse-Shoes, Delayed Parturition in a Mare...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 72 Issue 6 – June 1899
Articles include: Report (Preliminary) as to the Causes Which Tend to Render the Island of Mombasa Uninhabitable for Horses and Donkeys, On the Presence of Ganglia Upon the Pulmonary Nerves - A Preliminary Note, A Disease in Cattle not Distinguishable from Rabies, Fractures of the Forearm and Leg Bones, Two Unusual Cases of Fracture...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 72 Issue 5 – May 1899
Articles include: Dentigerous Cysts, Some Effect of the Dum-Dum Bullet on Horses, Vitality of Pigeons, Dislocations of the Patella, Shoulder, and Hip, Legal: II.-The Law Relating to Sales of Horses (a) in Repositories; and (b) in Market Overt...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 72 Issue 4 – April 1899
Articles include: The Government Studs in Bosnia and the Herzegovina, Neurectomies and their Sequelae, The Scattering of Salt on the Streets, and its Action on the Legs of Horses, Serum Treatment for Rinderpest, Torsion of the Uterus...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 72 Issue 3 – March 1899
Articles include: Roaring - An Analysis and Synthesis, Fractures of Ribs, Fractures and Dislocations of the Vertebral Column, The Treatment of Purpura Haemorrhagica in Horses by Credé's Argentum Colloidale, Multiple Osteomata in the Skull of an Ox, Lead Poisoning in the Horse...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 72 Issue 2 – February 1899
Articles include: Fractures and Dislocations in the Digitigrade Foot, On Nagana or Tsetse Fly Disease. Facts of Inheritance, An Interesting Lesion of the Colon of a Horse, Notes...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 72 Issue 1 – January 1899
Articles include: On Nagana or Tsetse Fly Disease, The Uganda Transport - "Through the Tsetse Fly Belt of British East Africa", The Law Affecting Horse Warranties, Facts of Inheritance, Fractures of the Sesamoids, Patella, and Navicular Bone...