‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 12 – December 1887
Articles include: The Guttural Puches of Horses: A Study in Morphology and Pathology, The Suppression of Pleuro-Pneumonia, The Poleaxe in Pleuro-Pneumonia Versus Inoculation, Veterinary Education, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Oleum Caryophylli...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 11 – November 1887
Articles include: Royal Veterinary College: Opening of the Session October 3rd 1887, Introductory Address by Professor Lowne, Opening of the Session at the Dick Veterinary College, Opening of the Session at the Dick Veterinary College: Testimonials to the Professors, Opening of the Session at the New Veterinary College Edinburgh, Opening of the Session at the Glasgow Veterinary College...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 10 – October 1887
Articles include: Surgical Case, The Therapeutic Value of Sulphate of Quinine as a Febrifuge in Veterinary Practice, The Veterinary Profession: Is it Progressing or Retrogressing?, Haematuria in a Cow, A Sequela of Tuberculosis of the Kidney, Black Quarter...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 9 – September 1887
Articles include: Vesical Calculus; Its Origin, Development and Treatment, Examiners and Examinees from General Practitioner's Point of View, Our Council Board, Note on Anthrax, Laburnum Poisoning in a Cow...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 8 – August 1887
Articles include: Our Examining Board, Flukes in the Lungs of Cattle, The Evolution Hypothesis Considered Generally and Specially in Regard to its Bearings on Pathology, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Eucalyptus Oil, Editorial Observations: Examination for the Diploma...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 7 – July 1887
Articles include: "Surra," or Progressive Pernicious Anaemia, The Evolution Hypothesis Considered Generally and Specially in Regard to its Bearings on Pathology, An Improved Form of Ecraseur, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Oleates and Oleo-Palmitates, Editorial Observations: The Veterinary Profession and Public Health...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 6 – June 1887
Articles include: Microscopes for the Veterinary Surgeon, Flukes in the Lungs of Cattle, The Evolution Hypothesis Considered Generally and Specially in Regard to its Bearings on Pathology, Pharmacy and Therapeutics: Extractum Cannabis Indicae, Pleuro-Pneumonia...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 5 – May 1887
Articles include: Vesical Calculus; its Origin, Development, and Treatment, Communication Relative to the Late Disturbances from Professor Walley, Observations on the Lengthened Period of Study; the Rejection of them to their Studies, "Surra," or Progressive Pernicious Anaemia of the Horse, The Evolution Hypothesis Considered Generally and Specially in Regard to its Bearings on Pathology...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 4 – April 1887
Articles include: Vesical Calculus; its Origin, Development, and Treatment, Communication from Professor Walley, Recent Riots in Edinburgh, Pleuro-Pneumonia, Swine Fever...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 3 – March 1887
Articles include: The Contagium of Pleuro-Pneumonia, Note on Kumri, Thoughts on Provincial Veterinary Medical Associations, A Case of Extensive Rupture of the Oesophagus, A Case of Tubercular Degeneration of the Placenta...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 2 – February 1887
Articles include: Vesical Calculus; its Origin, Development, and Treatment, Comments on the Remarks Made by Mr. Greaves at the Meeting of the Liverpool Veterinary Medical Association, Umbilical and Ventral Entero-Epiplocele with a Report of Three Cases Successfully Treated, Chiber, Pemphigus (Burke) "Mauke", Kamri or Paraplegia...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 60 Issue 1 – January 1887
Articles include: The New Veterinary College Edinburgh, Opening of Session - Introductory Address by Dr. Hunter, Vesicul Calculus; its Origin, Development, and Treatment, Early Experiments with Horse Bots, Recent Outbreak of Splenic Apoplexy in Sioux City, Iowa, U.S.A., Contribution on the Pathology of Infectious Swellings...