Index to ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 – 1876

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 12 – December 1876
Articles include: Edinburgh Veterinary College: Introductory Address Delivered at the Opening of the Edinburgh Veterinary College, Glasgow Veterinary College: Introductory Address Delivered at the Opening of the Glasgow Veterinary College, On Measly eat and Measles in Man, Death of Mules from Parasitic Disease in Mauritius, The Principles of Botany...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 11 – November 1876
Articles include; Royal Veterinary College: Opening of the Session 1876-7. Introductory Adress by Professor Pritchard, The Egyptian Horse Plague in Relation to the Question of Parasitism, The Epizootic Disease Among the Horses of Egypt, The Principles of Botany, Flukes in Liver of a Horse...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 10 – October 1876
Articles include: Remarks on the Study of Parasites, with Suggestions in Reference to the Management of Sheep Suffering from Nematoid Worms, On Salt and Potash as Preventatives of Fluke-Disease, with Remarks on the Soil and Produce of the Saltbush Country in Australia, On Earth-Nut, or Ground-Nut, Cake, The Principles of Botany, Fracture of the Sesamoids...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 9 – September 1876
Articles include: The Principles of Botany, "Horse Causes," or the Glorious Uncertainty of the Law, Fracture of the Sesamoids, On Lameness, Cattle Plague...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 8 – August 1876
Articles include: Mysterious Cases of Lead-Poisoning. Death of Four Cows, The Principles of Botany, A Successful Case of Fracture of the Elbow-Joint, Unwholesome Meat, Assumption of the Title of Veterinary Surgeon...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 7 – July 1876
Articles include: Cruelty to Animals, Some Remarks on Hippopathology in India, Rabies in Calcutta, On Worm Colic, Serious Illness of a Cow Caused by Artificial Manure in Solution...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 6 – June 1876
Articles include: The Principles of Botany, Clinical Remarks on Parasitism Affecting the Horse and Dog, Some Remakrs on Hippopathology in India, Novel Method of Dilating the Os Uteri in Veterinary Practice, A Reminiscence of the Annual General Meeting of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons May 1st 1876...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 5 – May 1876
Articles include: Observations on the Large Human Fluke (Distoma Crassum, Busk), with Notes of Two Cases in Which a Missionary and his Wife Were Victims, The Principles of Botany, Impactment of a Needle in the Pharynx of a Horse, The Elevation of the Veterinary Profession, Veterinary Inspectors in Ireland...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 4 – April 1876
Articles include: Remarks on the Human Fluke Fauna, with Especial Reference to Recent Additions from India and the East, The Principles of Botany, A Case of Papillary Tumour in the Bladder of a Cow, Qualified and Unqualified Practitioners, The Elevation of the Veterinary Profession...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 3 – March 1876
Articles include: On Hydatid Disease of Man and Animals, as Illustrated by Specimens Contained in the Pathological Museums of the Metropolis and in Others Elsewhere, The Principles of Botany, Contagio-Infectious Pleuro-Pneumonia, A Peculiar Form of Lameness, How is Pleuro-Pneumonia Proved to be Contagious?...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 2 – February 1876
Articles include: On Hydatid Disease of Man and Animals, as Illustrated by Specimens Contained in the Pathological Museums of the Metropolis and in Others Elsewhere, Typhoid Fever from an Unsuspected Source, On a Case of Intestinal Calculus in a Horse, The Principles of Botany, Hepatitis...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 49 Issue 1 – January 1876
Articles include: Remarks on Recent Contributions to Our Knowledge of the Parasitic Nematoids, Especially in Reference to the Wasting Diseases They Produce in Man and Animals, Fibroid Disease of the Heart, Atheroma of the Aorta, Associated with General Oedema, Internal Disinfection, The Principles of Botany, "Veterinary Quackery" and "Veterinary Puffery"...