Index to ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 – 1870

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 12 – December 1870
Articles include: The Structure and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Scrufulous Tumours in the Mesentery, Disease of the Ligamentum Nuchae of A Horse, On the Use of Actual Cautery, On the use of the Actual Cautery in "Lampas"...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 11 – November 1870
Articles include: Opening of the Session 1870-7, at the Royal Veterinary College - Introductory Address by Professor Tuson, A Reminiscence of the Central Veterinary Medical Society and its First Subject, On Slings and Slinging, Paraplegia in the Horse, The Principles of Botany...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 10 – October 1870
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, The Principles of Botany, Remarks Upon the Use of Actual Cautery as Applying to the Veterinary Profession, Remarks on Some of the, Causes of the Spread of the Foot and Mouth Disease in Ireland, Cattle Plague, Pluero-Pneumonia...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 9 – September 1870
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Observations on Parturient Apoplexy, Fatal Cases of Poisoning in a Horse and Mare from Eating Yew, Sudden Death of Two Horses, Suspected Poisoning of Three by Alimentary Matter, Strangulation of the Intestines of the Horse...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 8 – August 1870
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Laceration of the Eyelids. Removal of the Membrana Nictitans, Further Report of Cases of Rabies in Lancashire, Observations on Cases of Parturient Apoplexy, Veterinary Pathology and Surgery: Case I Diaphragmatic Hernia...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 7 – July 1870
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Poisoning of a Dog by Strychnia, On Rabies: Its Prevalence, and Some Suggestions for Future Investigation, Note on Ringworm: Transplantation of the Fungus of Ringworm from Calf to Man, The Principles of Botany...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 6 – June 1870
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, The Proposed Central Veterinary Medical Society, Cancer of the Penis - Amputation, The Principles of Botany, Cattle Plague, Foot and Mouth Disease and Pluero-Pneumonia...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 5 – May 1870
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Extensive Disease of the Membranes Covering the Left Hemisphere of the Brain of a Dog, The Principles of Botany, Two Cases of Purpura with Intestinal Submucous Hemorrhage, Subcutaneous Injection of Morphia in Colic and Enteritis, Tracheotomy...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 4 – April 1870
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, On the Structure and Disease of the Navicular Bone, The Principles of Botany, Upon the Periplantar Shoe in Chronic Laminitis, Congenital Distortion of the Fore Limbs of a Foal; Operation; Recovery, On the Patent Elastic Horse Collar...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 3 – March 1870
Articles include: Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot, Aneurism of the Posterior Aorta of a Horse, Observations on Mr. Overed's Case of Partial Occlusion of the Trachea, Fracture of the Tibia, Acute Inflammation of the Heart, Four Cases of Rabies in Cattle, Recovery of a Dog from Poisoning by Strychnia...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 2 – February 1870
Articles include: Extraordinary Enlargement of the Liver of a Dog from Deposit of Fatty Matter; Scrofulous Disease of the Eye-Ball and Tracheal Lymphatic Glands; Partial Occlusion of the Trachea in an Entire Horse; ThePrinciples of Botany; "Club" or "Stump Foot", and the Spring Extention Shoe; Glanders in Horses, and the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 43 Issue 1 – January 1870
Articles include: Fig. 22 - Injected vessels of the lower end of one of the lamine; Purgatives in Peritonitis; Observations on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot; The Cattle Murrain of India; The Principles of Botany; Case of Extrusion of the Bladder in a Mare During Parturition; Parturient Apoplexy in a Sow...