Index to ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 – 1869

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 12 [with George Fleming’s annotations]– December 1869
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Opening of the Session 1869-70 at the Royal Veterinary College. Introductory Address by Assistant-Profesosr Pritchard; Practical Chemistry as Applied to Veterinary Science; Diseases of Cattle in Ireland; The Principles of Botany; Laminitis
Pathology of Broken Wind; Tuberculosis Disease, Affecting the Second Cervical Vertebrae, the Brain, and Spinal Cord; Open Joint in a Cart Horse; Pathological Contributions. Cattle Plague; Pleuro-Pneumonia; Eczema Epizootica - Foot and Mouth Disease;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 12 – December 1869
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Eczema Epizootica; Practical Chemistry as Applied to Veterinary Science; The Principles of Botany; Laminitis; Pathology of Broken Wind; Tuberculous Disease, Affecting the Second Cervical Vertebrae, The Brain, and Spinal Cord; Open Joint in a Cart Horse;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 11 – November 1869
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Opening of the Session 1869-70 at the Royal Veterinary College. Introductory Address by Assistant-Profesosr Pritchard; Introductory Lecture, Delivered Tuesday, October 26th, 1869, by Professor R. C. Moffatt, at the Glasgow Veterinary College; Practical Hints for the Shipping of Horses and Other Animals; Ancient Veterinary Practice; The Principles of Botany; Practical Veterinary Science; Scrofulous Deposit Involving the Generative Organs of a Young Short-Horn Cow;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 10 – October 1869
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Observations on Strychnia; Periplantar Shoeing; The Principles of Botany; Practical Veterinary Science; Fracture of the Os Metacarpi Magnum of a Horse; Reunion; A Singular Case of "Weed" in a Mare; The Status of the Veterinary Profession; Pathology of Broken Wind in Horses; Treatment of Laminitis; Qualified and Unqualified Practitioners; Laminitis; An Urinary Calculus and it Expulsion...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 9 – September 1869
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On the Reciprocal Influence of Animals in the Production of Disease;Treatment of Laminitis with Mr. Broad's Shoe; The Special Shoe for the Cure of Laminitis; Illustration; Laminitis; Mr. Broad in Reply to Mr. Fleming; Mr. Broad's Shoe in Laminitis; Practical Veterinary Science;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 8 – August 1869
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Retention of Urine Associated with Calculi in the Bladder of a Bitch; Case of Polypus in a Mare;The Treatment of Laminitis; The Veterinary Profession and Education; The Fracture of the Ischium of a Horse; The Principles of Botany; The Position of Army Veterinary Surgeons;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 7 – July 1869
Articles include: Communications and Cases. The Therapeutic Action of Stimulants in Congestion of the Lungs; Veterinary Examinations;The Principles of Botany; Mr Broad's Shoe for Laminitis; Mr. Broad' Treatment of Laminitis; Pleuro-Pneumonia in Derbyshire; The Veterinary Profession from a Newly-Fledged Member's Point of View;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 6 – June 1869
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Laminitis and its Treatment; Fistulous Openings between the Uterus and Intestines in a Cow; Abscess in the Kidney of a Cow;...
The Principles of Botany
Education and Examination of Veterinary Students
Pathological Contributions. Pleuro-Pneumonia

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 5 – May 1869
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Submucous Haemorrhage in the Intestines of a Horse; On Laminitis; The Principles of Botany; On the Laws of Warranty; Curious Case of Tetanus in a Cow, Resulting from an Accumulation of Foreign Bodies in the Omasum; Treatment of Laminitis; Pathological Contributions. The Cattle Plague;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 4 – April 1869
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. The Microscope in Veterinary Medicine. Disease of the Osseous Tissue of a Goat Presenting the General Character of "Mollites Ossium"; Lamintis and its Treatment;
The Cattle Plague in Spain; The Principles of Botany; Urinary Calculi Associated with Distemper Eased Kidney and Bladder of a Horse Death; Remarkable Case of Penetration of the Thorax of a Cow with a Stake; Treatment of Laminitis as Proposed by Mr. T. D. Broad;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 3 – March 1869
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Remarks on the Alleged Death of Seventeen Cows and Two Horses through Drinking Bad Water; Numerous Calculi in the Bladder of a Dog Fourteen Months Old, Producing Distension and Congestion of the Organ and Death; On Laminitis; Veterinary Education and the Examination Question; The Principles of Botany; Pathological Contributions. Pleuro-Pneumonia; Eczema Epizootica (Mouth -and -Foot Disease);...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 2 – February 1869
Articles include: The Microscope in Veterinary Medicine. The Fungoid Theory of Disease; Remarks on the Alleged Death of Seventeen Cows and Two Horses through Drinking Bad Water; Laminitis and its Testament; Remarks on the "GoodEnough" Shoe;...
Treatment of Laminitis
The Principles of Botany

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 42 Issue 1 – January 1869
Articles include: Communications and Cases. The Relation between Pathology and Therapeutics; Ovarian Tumour in a Mare; Compound Fracture of the Femur; Amputation of the Femur; Amputation of the Penis; Successful Case of Lithotomy;...