Index to ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 – 1866

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 12 – December 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; Observations on the Cattle Plague in Ireland and the Cattle Disease in the Isle of Man
Horseflesh as an Article of Diet; Observations on "Soundness"; Rupture of the Diaphragm of Long Standing; On the Appointment of Inspecting Veterinary Surgeons in India;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 11 – November 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Opening of the Session 1866-67 at the Royal Veterinary College. Introductory Address by Professor Simonds; Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; Observation on the Cattle Plague in Ireland and the Cattle Disease in the Isle of Man; Observations on "Soundness"; Hepatic Disease in the Horse; Remarks on the Nerve Operation;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 10 – October 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; Observations on the Cattle Plague in Ireland and the Cattle Disease In the Isle of Man; Preliminary Remarks on Local Anaesthesia Applied to Veterinary Surgery; The Nerve Operation; Extirpation of the Uterus of a Pointer Bitch;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 9 – September 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Remarks on Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head; A Cyst in the Centre of the Tongue of an Ox, Containing Hair and Other Matters; Malignant Tumours; Observations on the Cattle Plague in Ireland and Cattle Disease in the Isle of Man; Observations on "Soundness";...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 8 – August 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Observations on the Cattle Plague in Ireland and the Cattle Disease in the Isle of Man; Observations on "Soundness";
The Veterinary Mutual Defence Society; Facts and Observation. Diseased Meat and its Effects on Man; Difference Between a Plant and an Animal; The Rapidity of Nerve-Force;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 7 – July 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Professor Tuson's Lecture on Putrefaction; Mr. Greaves and the Army Veterinary Surgeons. Letter from Mr. G. Fleming, V.S., &c., 3rd Hussars, Aldershot; Varicose Vein of the Hock and its Branches; An Unexpected Outbreak of Cattle Plague; On the Want of Practical Knowledge; The Want of Harmony between Homeopathic Theory and Practice
Facts and Observations. Mr Armatage;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 6 – June 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Cattle Plague - Outbreak of the Disease in Ireland; Observations on Superfoetation; The Cattle Plague, Typhus Contagieux of the French, Rinderpest of the Germans, Ischuma of the Russians; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science; Observations on "Soundness";...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 5 – May 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Cattle Plague in Sheep; The Cattle Plague, Typhus Contagieux of the French, Rinderpest of the Germans, Ischuma of the Russians; Observations on "Soundness";
Rupture of the Oesophagus of a Pony, through a Ball having been Impacted in; Remarks on the above by Professor Varnell; Tumour in the Rectum of a Cow; Large Numbers of Parasites - Taenia and Strongles - Found in the Ilium and caecum of a Mare;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 4 – April 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Cattle Plague in Sheep; Gleanings from the Proceedings of the British Pharmaceutical Conference; West of England Veterinary Medical Association; Parasites in the Kidneys of a Mare; On the Employment of Sprouted Grain for Feeding Purposes;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 3 – March 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Smallpox in Sheep (Variola Ovina); The Proposed New Veterinary Medical Bill; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science; The Employment of Sprouted Grain for Feeding Purposes; Facts and Observations. Massacre of Small Birds in France...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 2 – February 1866
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. Cattle Plague; Cancer of the Spleen, a Very Large Mesenteric Tumour, and an Abscess in the Gastro-Splenic Omentum of a Horse; Remarks by Professor Varnell; Cases Communicated through, with Remarks thereon by Professor Varnell. Cancer of the Lungs and Various other Organs of a Pony, together with Atheroma of the Lining Membranes of the Heart and…;Diffused False Aneurism;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 39 Issue 1 – January 1866
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Cattle Plague; Gleanings from the Proceedings of the British Pharmaceutical Conference; The Mutual Veterinary Defence Society. "Defence, not Defiance"; Observations on "Soundness"; Cattle Murrain in India. Official Report
Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science; Caesarean Operation in a Bitch;...