Index to ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 – 1865

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 12 – December 1865
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. Cattle Plague; Communications and Cases. Cattle Plague. Consolidated Order of Council; Cattle Plague Inquiry. Cattle Total Number of Diseased Animals Reported since the Commencement of the Disease; Structure in the Oesopghagus of a Horse; Case of Elaphantiasis in a Calf; "Canker" Can Inverterate Cases be Cured;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 11 – November 1865
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Opening of the Session 1865-66 at The Royal Veterinary College. Introductory Address by Professor Varnell; Cattle Plague; The Cattle Plague
Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science; Facts and Observations. Purification of Fat by Means of Electricity;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 10 – October 1865
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Cattle Plague; Few Thoughts on Influenza in Horses; Present and Past State of the Royal Veterinary College
Formation of a Veterinary Mutual Defence Society; Observations and Reflections on the Cause, Nature, and Treatment of the Cattle Plague;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 9 – September 1865
Articles include: Communications and Cases. The Cattle Plague; A Few Thoughts on Influenza in Horses; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science;
Observations on "Soundness"; Secondary Abscess in the Lungs; Accompanying Caries of Bone; Facts and Observations. The Late Donkey Show;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 8 – August 1865
Articles include: Communications and Cases. A Few Thoughts on Influenza in Horses; Endocarditis in a Cow; Case of Fractured Jaw of a Horse; What is Homeopathy?; Is it a Fallacy to Feed Cattle and Sheep on Malt?; Action of Phodophyllum on the Horse, Cow, and Dog;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 7 – July 1865
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. Disease of the Brain and Cranial Bones Produced by a Cancerous Tumour; Tumours in the Ventricle of the Brain of the Horse, Complicated with Oedema of the Head and Tongue;
Toxicological Notes. Communicated by Professor Tuson; The Exclusive Right of the Members of the Body Corporate to the Name and Title of " Veterinary Surgeons"; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 6 – June 1865
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Impaction of a Calculus in the Urethra of an Ox, Leading to a Rupture of the Bladder; Poisoning of Cattle by the Waste of Some Green Flock-Paper; Abnomal Development of the Right Lung of a Lamb; Sucessful Case of Rumenotomy; Three Cases of Coenurus Cerebralsis in Calves. - Two Successfully Operated Upon; Acephalocyst Located in the Septum Auriculorum of the Heart of a Cow...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 5 – May 1865
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Poisoning of Sheep with Rhododendron; On Some of the Diseases of the Respiratory Organs of the Horse and Other Animals. Broken Wind; Observations on "Soundness"; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science;
Communication from "Alien"; On the Nature of Food of Animals;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 4 – April 1865
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. Toxicological Notes
Lead Poisoning in Cattle from Taking the Splashes of Spent Rifle Bullets; Symptoms of "Carbon"; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science; Laminitis Produced by Eating Oats;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 3 – March 1865
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On Some of the Diseases of the Respiratory Organs of the Horse and Other Animals; Thoughts in the Sick Box "Influenza"; Observations on " Soundness"; The "One Desideratum" - How it May be Attained; A Suggestion, as to the Feeding of Milch Cows with a View to an Improvement of the Constituents of the Milk;...
Diseased Cattle

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 2 – February 1865
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Cases of Disease of the Blood-Vessels of the Horse; Influenza Among the Horses in the Metropolis; The Administration of Medicine to Cows the Subjects of Parturient Apoplexy; A Singular Accumulation of Fat in a Four-Year-Old Ox of the Short Horned Breed...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 38 Issue 1 – January 1865
Articles include: Two Cases of Fracture of the Pelvic Bones of the Horse; Report on the Poisoning of Some Cows by Lead, Comunicated to Mr. Owen Crowhurst, of Hellingley, Sussex; Observations on "Soundness"; Botany as Applied to Veterinary Science; On Milk Fever in Cows; Severe Attacks of Influenza; Case of Roaring in a Foal Three Weeks Old; A Few Words Concerning the Horse; The Administration of Medicine to Cows Suffering from Parturient Apoplexy;..