Index to ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 – 1860

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 12 – December 1860
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On Therapeutics. Therapeutic Action of the First Group; A Case of Chronic Lesion of the Diaphragm, Resulting in the Death from the Entrance of the Intestine into the Rent
Ovarian Tumor in a Pony; Extraction of a Urethral Calculus from a Two-Year old Pony; Dilatation of the Right Ventricle of the Heart, Accompanied with a Fibrinous Tumour which Nearly Filled its Cavity;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 11 – November 1860
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Opening of the Session at the Royal Veterinary College. Inaugural Address by Professor Spooner; A Peculiar and Unusual Disease of the Osseous Tissue in the Horse; resembling in many of its characteristics Mollities Ossium, Rhachitis, Osteoporosis, and fatty degeneration of Bone; On Therapeutics...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 10 – October 1860
Articles include: Communications and Cases. A Peculiar and Unsual Disease of the Osseous Tissue in the Horse; Resembling in many of its Characteristics Mollities Ossium, Rhachitis, Osteoporosis, and Fatty Degeneration of Bone; Fig I; Fig II; Fig III; Fig IV; On Therapeutics;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 9 – September 1860
Articles include: Communications and Cases. A Peculiar and Unusual Disease of the Osseous Tissue in the Horse; Resembling in many of its Characteristics Mollties Ossium, Rhachtitis, Osteoporosis, and Fatty Degeneration of Bone; Pleuro-Pneumonia in Sheep; On Veterinary Obstetrics; Case of Pericarditis in a Mare...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 8 – August 1860
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. Poisoning by Colchium, the Ranunculaceae, &c; On Parturition; Case of Suspected Poisoning; On Veterinary Obstetrics; Extensive Injury to the Head of a Horse. Tracheotomy Successfully Performed; A Lusus Naturae;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 7 – July 1860
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On the Use of Arsenic; Case of Lacerated Rectum of a Horse; Remarks on the Above Case by Assist-Prof. Varnell; Rupture of the Bladder in a Mare from Foaling, and Dislocation of the Foal's Neck; Accidents to Hunters; Rupture of the Vessels of the Mesentery of a Mare;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 6 – June 1860
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On Starch, its Varieties, and Some of the Changes it Undergoes; Communications and Cases. Veterinary Obstetrics. No.13; Cases of Preternatural Presentation in Mares; Chronic Disease of the Heart Associated with Lameness of the Fore Limbs of a Horse; Case of Difficult Parturition in a Mare from the Preternatural Presentation of the Head, with the Four Feet; Successfully Treated
Facts and Observations. Styptic Properties of Elm-Bark;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 5 – May 1860
Articles include: Communications and Cases. On Starch, its Varieties, and Some of the Changes it Undergoes; Abcesses in the Cerebellium of a Horse; Memoirs of a Veterinary Surgeon. Thoughts in the Sick Box; Ulceration of the Sheath of an Ox; Treatment of Laminitis. - Prevalence of Catarrhal and Glandular Affections in New Zealand, and the State of Veterinary Practice there;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 4 – April 1860
Articles include: Communications and Cases. Do Animals eat the Ranunculaceae in Sufficient Quantities so as to Prove Poisonous to them?; The Bladder of a Horse Containing a Large Qunatity of Calcareous Deposit; The Bladder of a Horse Containing a Large Quantity of Calcareous Deposit; Memoirs of a Veterinary Surgeon. Thoughts in the Sick Box...
Unsoundness in Horses

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 3 – March 1860
Articles include: Communication and Cases. An Essay on Secretion, with some of the Circumstances which modify that Process in Animals; On Valerianic Acid, and the Valerianates; Oedema Succeeding upon Strangles
Injury of the Vagina and Rectum of a Mare; Rupture of the Oesophagus; Ruptured Stomach...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 2 – February 1860
Articles include: Communication and Cases. An Essay on Secretion, with some of the Circumstances which modify that Process in Animals; Memoirs of a Veterinary Surgeon. Thoughts in the Sick Box;
Tumour on the Posterior Border of the Superior Cornu of the Os Hyoides, and Scirrhous Thickening at the Base of the Epiglottis, Interfering with Respiration; Observations by Mr. Varnell;..
Supposed Instance of Second Impregnation in a Mare

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 33 Issue 1 – January 1860
Articles include: Communication and Cases. "Umpire". - The Mouth of the Two-Year Old; An Essay on Secretion, with some of the Circumstances which Modify that Process in Animals; Memoirs of a Veterinary Surgeon. Thoughts in the Sick Box; Foul Confined Air, and Ventilation; Memoirs of a Veterinary Surgeon. Foul Confined Air, and Ventilation...